We now have the new Jacys Mifv letter collection online. At the beginning of March we received the information that the production was ready, then everything went very quickly. Creating products, organising images, partially revising images, writing product texts, writing SEO texts, uploading images, delivery within 10 days in Germany, activating articles, preparing newsletters, updating the website, activating social media - DONE !!! At FAVORO, we are very flexible when things need to be done quickly. And when do you present your collection at FAVORO? #jewelry #jewellery #marketplace #ecommerce #ecom #ecommercemarketplace #jewellerymarketplace #jewelrymarketplace #welovejewellery #welovejewelry #brand #jewelrybrands #international #internationalbrands #germanmarketplace #b2c
FAVORO Jewellery
Einzelhandel: Luxusgüter und Schmuck
Starnberg, Bayern 845 Follower:innen
Your multichannel platform for Jewellery in Germany. We present your brand in the German market.
FAVORO is the multi-channel platform for jewellery and accessories in Germany, using an engaging and unique shopping experience for international B2C brands. FAVORO integrates new brands from all over the world while offering full logistic and customer service for the German market. Every brand does have its own shop-in-shop window. Following an overlay general design, each brand store tells its own design and product story. All existing marketing and advertising material of each brand is used to transport the story and the look of each brand by 100%. FAVORO handles sales, logistics, customer service, German communication, and tailor-made marketing packages, a full B2C process within Germany. Live Shopping is a main part of FAVORO. Every brand can take part in Social Live Shopping Shows on the FAVORO website. If you are an owner of a unique jewellery brand, and have not entered the German market yet, or would like to enlarge your german distribution, FAVORO is the right partner. Come and join us.
- Website
Externer Link zu FAVORO Jewellery
- Branche
- Einzelhandel: Luxusgüter und Schmuck
- Größe
- 2–10 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Starnberg, Bayern
- Art
- Personengesellschaft (OHG, KG, GbR etc.)
- Gegründet
- 2021
- Spezialgebiete
- Jewellery, Jewelry, Accessoires, Live Shopping, Gold, Silver, Pearls, Brands, Brandcommunication, Marketing, Social Media, Buying, Distribution, Schmuck, internationale Marken, Start up, Designer Schmuck, Silber, Marktplatz, Marketplace, Online Shopping, E-Commerce und B2C
Starnberg, Bayern 82319, DE
Beschäftigte von FAVORO Jewellery
Julian Oberndörfer, Dr.
Visionary Leader in Media Law & Strategic Business Transformation | Driving Innovation and Organizational Excellence
Tanja Oberndörfer
Senior Merchandising Consultant _ TV Shopping & Multichannel & E-Commerce & Liveshopping / Interim Einkäuferin & Produktmanagerin / Projektmanagement…
Am Wochenende haben wir die INHORGENTA in München besucht, um neue internationale Marken zu sichten und bereits bekannte Marken zu treffen und über die Zukunft zu sprechen. Seit 50 Jahren ist die Inhorgenta der Branchentreffpunkt in Deutschland für Schmuck, Uhren, Edelsteine, Designer und vieles mehr. Herzlichen Glückwunsch Inhorgenta zu 50 Jahren Messe in München !! Es war wie immer abwechslungsreich, spannend und inspirierend. Wir haben viele Gespräche mit internationalen Marken geführt und hoffen einige davon schon bald bei FAVORO begrüßen zu dürfen. Möchten Sie Ihre Marke auch bei FAVORO platzieren, dann nehmen Sie gerne Kontakt zu uns auf. At the weekend, we visited INHORGENTA in Munich to view new international brands, meet existing brands and talk about the future. For 50 years, Inhorgenta has been the industry meeting place in Germany for jewellery, watches, gemstones, designers and much more. Congratulations Inhorgenta on 50 years of the trade fair in Munich! As always, it was varied, exciting and inspiring. We had many conversations with international brands and hope to welcome some of them to FAVORO soon.If you would like to place your brand at FAVORO, please do not hesitate to contact us. #favoro #favorojewellery #jewellerymarketplace #marketplace #jewelrymarketplace #inhorgenta #jewelryshow #jewelryfair #jewelrytrends #b2c #b2cplattform #business #network #
Männerschmuck ? - Ist wieder Trend !!! Wir dürfen eine neue Kollektion bei FAVORO begrüßen. Die Giorgio Martello Herrenschmuck Kollektion rundet das bis dato weibliche Schmucksortiment zusätzlich ab. Nachdem Männerschmuck in den vergangenen 2 Jahren wieder präsenter wird, war es uns ein großes Anliegen auch unseren Kunden eine kleine aber feine Herrenschmuck Kollektion anbieten zu können. Wir freuen uns auf das erneut in uns gesetzte Vertrauen von Giorgio Martello und die Zusammenarbeit mit FAVORO. Jewellery for men ? - Is trendy again !!! We welcome a new collection at FAVORO. The Giorgio Martello men's jewellery collection rounds off the previously female jewellery range. Since men's jewellery has become more present again in the last 2 years, it was very important to us to be able to offer our customers a small but fine men's jewellery collection. We look forward to the renewed trust placed in us by Giorgio Martello and the collaboration with FAVORO. #Schmuck #jewelry #jewellery #Marktplatz #marketplace #Schmuckmarktplatz #jewelrymarketplace #jewellerymarketplace #b2c #Ecommerce #E-commerce #E-commerceplattform #Plattform #businesscooperation #newbrand #neuemarke #favoro #favorojewellery
Im Januar haben wir unsere neue Website gelauncht. Ziel war es, die verschiedenen Marken noch mehr in den Fokus zu setzen, das Shopping Erlebnis zu erhöhen, Shop the Look zu integrieren, zusätzliche Features anzubieten, und alles in allem egal wo auf der Seite noch viel Besser nach Marken, Warengruppen, Produkten, Bestsellern und besonderen Artikeln suchen zu können. Durch die Umstellung sind wir viel flexibler geworden, können innerhalb eines Tages neue Themen im Header platzieren und Produktempfehlungen in Gruppierungen darstellen. Unsere Markenanbieter sind happy, wir sind es auch. Mehr Shopping Erlebnis, mehr Produkte, mehr Angebote und in Zukunft noch mehr Marken. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst. We launched our new website in January. The aim was to focus even more on the various brands, enhance the shopping experience, integrate Shop the Look, offer additional features and, all in all, make it much easier to search for brands, product groups, products, bestsellers and special items wherever you are on the site. Thanks to the changeover, we have become much more flexible, can place new topics in the header within a day and display product recommendations in groupings. Our brand suppliers are happy, and so are we. More shopping experience, more products, more offers and even more brands in the future. See for yourself. #Schmuck #Favoro #Favorojewellery #Schmuckmarktplatz #E-Commere #Marktplatz #E-Com #E-Commercemarktplatz #b2c #Schmuckmarken #neuewebsite #webshop #jewellery #Favoro #Favorojewellery #jewellery marketplace #E-Commere #marketplace #E-Com #E-Commercemarketplace #b2c #jewellerybrands #jewelry #jewellery #newwebsite
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Vicenzaoro zu 70 Jahren Schmuck, Trends, Business & und stetigem Wachstum. Danke für eine tolle Messe, auf der wir viele aufregende Marken und Produkte entdecken und treffen durften, tolle Gespräche geführt haben und nun enthusiastisch auf die nächsten Monate blicken. Wir feuen uns auf weitere tolle Marken - es bleibt spannend. Wir sehen uns im September VICENZAORO - ITALIAN EXHIBITION GROUP Congratulations Vicenzaoro on 70 years of jewellery, trends, business & and steady growth. Thank you for a great trade fair, where we were able to discover and meet many exciting brands and products, had great conversations and are now enthusiastically looking forward to the coming months. We are looking forward to more great brands - it remains exciting. See you in September VICENZAORO - ITALIAN EXHIBITION GROUP #Vicenzaoro #Favoro #Favoroschmuck #Schmuckmarktplatz #E-Commerce #B2CSchmuck #B2C #jewellery #jewelry #jewelrybusiness #jewellerymarketplace #jewelrymarketplace #favorojewellery #Germanyj #internationalbrands #internationalebrands
it's always great to be at VicenzaOro. the first 2 days have been fantastic. looking forward to meet more beautiful brands today. #Favoro #Vicenzaoro #brands #b2cbrands #favoro-jewellery.com
Take a look at the best moments of day1! ••• #IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24