The charitable non-profit organization Bundesverband Smart City e.V. (hereinafter referred to as BVSC) is the holistic, interdisciplinary research and education platform for the intelligent city of the future, called smart city, which is characterized by the integration and digitalization of supply infrastructure (energy, communication, mobility, transport, etc.) with a high level of interoperability. BVSC has been thinking sustainability and digitization together since as early as 2011, meanwhile also beyond the city limits - into the so-called smart regions. Of crucial importance is the involvement of all societal stakeholders, i.e., politics, administration, research institutions, business and, above all, the residents of the smart city/region, in this research and development process. The BVSC's main areas of focus are
• the efficient use and distribution of resources with a focus on sustainable and regenerative energy generation, storage, distribution and use;
• new mobility concepts
• innovative health prevention and care;
• intelligent housing, living, learning and working in an aging society ;
• data protection and security, taking into account privacy and personal rights and the digital sovereignty of municipalities.
Der gemeinnützige BVSC ist die ganzheitliche, interdisziplinäre Forschungs- und Bildungsplattform für die intelligente Stadt der Zukunft, genannt Smart City, welche sich insbesondere durch die Verschmelzung von Versorgungsaufgaben (Energie, Kommunikation, Mobilität, Transport, usw.) mit Hilfe in einer digitalisierten und hochgradig vernetzten, d.h. interoperablen Infrastruktur auszeichnet.
Bereits seit 2011 denkt der BVSC Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung zusammen, mittlerweile auch über die Stadtgrenzen hinaus - in die sogenannten Smart Regions.
Von entscheidender Bedeutung ist die Einbindung aller gesellschaftlichen Akteure, d.h. Politik, Verwaltung, Forschungseinrichtungen, Wirtschaft und vor allem die Bewohner:innen.
51–200 Beschäftigte
Smart City, Smart Region, Participation, Smart Mobility , Smart Energy, Smart Building, Cyber Security, Cyber Safety, Smart Health, E-Governance, Smart Water, Smart Waste, Civic Tech, Civic Science, Citizen Science, Smart Farming, Smart Infrastructure, Smart Transport, Privacy, Open Soiurce, Education, Smart Industry, Cyber Resilience, Climate Resilience, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Change Mitigation, Meta Learning, Sustainability, Smart Utilities, Smart Citizen Services und Upschooling