Get More Academy

Get More Academy


Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate 781 Follower:innen

Wir vermitteln geschulte Vertriebsmitarbeiter in <30 Tagen mit garantierter Performance


Wenn du ein vielbeschäftigter Inhaber/Geschäftsführer einer Agentur oder eines SaaS-Unternehmens bist, hast du wahrscheinlich folgende Themen: 1️⃣ Du findest keine Vertriebsmitarbeiter 2️⃣ Du findest Vertriebsmitarbeiter, aber sie bringen keine Top-Performance 3️⃣ Du verbringst viel Zeit damit, sie zu schulen, damit sie deinen Service verkaufen 4️⃣ Du musst dich immer noch selbst verkaufen, sonst reicht der Gewinn nicht aus 5️⃣ Du weißt nicht, wie du ein starkes Verkaufsteam mit deinem einzigartigen, systematisierten Prozess aufbauen kannst. Vielleicht treffen alle fünf auf dich zu, vielleicht auch nur eins. Warum ist das wichtig? 🤔 Weil der Vertrieb einer der wichtigsten Bereiche jedes Unternehmens ist. Diejenigen, die ein hervorragendes Vertriebsteam haben, werden immer besser abschneiden als die anderen. Auch wenn ihre Dienstleistungen nicht so gut sind. 💼 Ein exzellentes Verkaufsteam macht nicht nur mehr Umsatz: 📈 Es steigert den Gesamtumsatz 💸 Erhöht den Kundennutzen durch Up- und Cross-Selling 🌍 Identifiziert und erschließt neue Märkte 📢 steigert die Markenbekanntheit 🤝 Baut starke, langfristige Kundenbeziehungen auf ⏳ Bindet Kunden länger und reduziert Abwanderung 🏆 Das Unternehmen ist besser im Wettbewerb positioniert ⏱️ Verkürzt den Verkaufszyklus 😃 Verbessert die allgemeine Arbeitsmoral 🌟 Du gewinnst neue, qualifizierte Mitarbeiter/innen für weiteres Wachstum 💵 Du hast einen konstanten Einkommensstrom 🚀 Du treibst Innovationen und Produktverbesserungen durch Kundenfeedback an ⭐ Verbessert den Ruf deines Unternehmens Und schließlich: Weil du es dir nicht leisten kannst, dich ständig zu verkaufen. Du solltest an deinem Unternehmen arbeiten. 🏢 Wir haben die letzten 15 Jahre damit verbracht, Vertriebsteams in Unternehmen wie Vodafone, Samsung, Berner, vielen KMUs und SaaS-Startups aufzubauen, zu erweitern und zu trainieren.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
LinkedIn Marketing, Marketing Automation, Lead Generation, Businesstraining, Businesscoaching, Salestraining, Keap Partner, Infusionsoft Partner, LinkedIn Workshops, Online Courses, Digitization, Business Automation, Event Marketing, Affiliate Systems, Sales-Coaching, Sales-Software und Recruiting


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    Sophie-Christ Straße 4

    Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate 55127, DE


Beschäftigte von Get More Academy


  • This document is the reason I've closed over $100M in revenue. And now you can get it completely free. It's simple, works for almost any subject and industry, can be quickly adapted for your team and doesn't require much training. I have used it to for the following companies - Software companies (SaaS & custom) - Social media agencies - Marketing agencies - Consultants and coaches - Telecommunications (B2B) - Financial services providers - Mechanical Engineering - Other industry One of our IT clients (develops bespoke IT solutions) needs 2 fewer meetings before the client closes the deal. A social media agency increased their close rate by almost 70%. You can sell without this framework, but it will take longer to close, you will lose business and you may look less professional than your competitors. With this document you will - Close more deals - Significantly reduce the time to close You will have a repeatable tool that will make all your salespeople more successful. You'll have customers who love buying from you (92% of our customers' buyers rate the process a 9 or 10 on a scale of 1 to 10). Want in? Contact me and comment on 'SALESDOC' and I'll send it to you as soon as possible.

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  • I took an events and marketing agency from 4 to 81 employees In just 4 months. Here's how: First things first. This was all done without any external funding or investment. Owner's mindset The owner herself didn't believe it was possible to achieve the results in such a short time. But she persevered, followed the steps I gave her, put systems in place and hit the ground running. The lesson? Don't limit yourself to what is possible. Is there someone somewhere in the world who has done it? If so, it should be possible for you. You have everything you need! The only question is whether you are prepared to pay the price. Because my dear customer also looked exhausted and worn out at the end of those 4 months. I think we can put up with it for a limited time and the results speak for themselves. The right counsellors Not everyone around you will be a good counsellor. Family and friends often mean well, but rarely have a clue. I have found this in my own life. Look for people who will support you because they know what they are talking about. Either because they have set up a similar business themselves or because they have helped others set up similar businesses. If you don't have such people around you, or they don't want to support you, buy them in from outside. Yes, it will cost you money. But in the end, it's an investment that will get you there a lot faster and save you a lot of setbacks. We always aim for our clients to recoup their investment within 90 days. However, for most people it is much quicker. Full throttle Yes, my client went full throttle. She suffered from constant sleep deprivation during those 4 months and often worked through the weekends. But the question now is whether you'd rather go full throttle for 3-4 months and then relax and build on a solid foundation, or whether you feel it will take forever for your business to take off. A rocket doesn't take off with just a little throttle. A cheetah also goes full throttle to hunt its prey. To sum up: Believe in yourself, get the right advisors and go full throttle!

  • Sales agencies saw their revenues plummet during COVID. One of ours increased by 180%. Here are some simple steps we took to help a B2B agency almost double its revenue during Covid. 1. New circumstances, new methods Especially during Covid, the winners were usually those who were able to adapt quickly. In our example with the B2B agency, we went one step further. It was not just about meeting our clients halfway, but also about helping their clients overcome the uncertainty of the new situation. We had to make sure that the attitude was not 'we'd rather wait to invest', but 'we see the new situation as an opportunity'. And that's exactly what happens with the right structure in the buying and selling process. While others were still waiting, thinking that customers wouldn't buy through Zoom etc., our colleagues were already generating sales. 2. Just do it, it might work Especially in challenging situations, it is often difficult to dare to do something new. This is a question of attitude. Simply put, if you don't do anything, nothing will change. So burying your head in the sand is not very smart. Often it is the fear of losing a potential customer. But that's the wrong way to think. You can't lose a potential customer because you haven't won them over yet. 3. Full speed ahead The guys saw the opportunity and went for it. Everyone in the team did. It wasn't just nice to look at, it was extremely successful. Every new customer won was 100% digital and 100% closed. Before Covid, this was almost unthinkable in the high-priced B2B environment. Perhaps because no one had really tried it. But the opportunity was recognised and the team was expanded during the pandemic. How did you deal with the changes during and after Covid? What did you like and what didn't? Let us know in the comments!

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  • We reduced cold calling volume by 10x And it increased sales by 2x for a B2B agency. More volume means more sales. WRONG! Of course you can reach more prospects with more hits. But you can also ruin a lot. And do lasting damage to your brand. 5 points that need to be addressed to make it work 1. qualification and sales meetings Review all qualification and sales meetings. Record the conversations (with your partner's consent!) and analyse them afterwards. A better structure in these meetings alone will ensure that the closing rate goes up. Structure does not mean strict guidelines. I am always in favour of a motorway. It leads in one direction. But the employee must be able to change lanes if necessary. This kind of communication also needs to be practised. It's worth it! 2. systems I like to recommend a simple lead management system instead of a complicated CRM with lots of functions. A salesperson needs to be able to quickly access the most important information. The system must clearly show what steps need to be taken next. This is especially true for follow-up. 3. Less is more If you have ever visited a call centre, you know how intense it is to be on the phone for 8 hours. Short breaks only help so much. Agents should be able to handle every outbound call with 100% energy, not as many as possible with 70-80% energy. 4. omni-channel training Relieve the cold calling activities and train them on another sales channel. This will solve the energy problem from point 3 and allow you to manage another channel. It also makes work more exciting for your staff. Of course, it takes a little time to set up this additional channel and train your staff. But it is worth it. 5. sustainability Regularly review what is already working well and what is not. An error culture should be the norm. People need to be able to try things out and make mistakes. They learn from them. Reflection in the form of regular reviews and coaching is necessary to prevent mistakes from being repeated. Do you know any companies that use cold calling? What do you see as the difficulties? Write in the comments

  • I started in sales when I was 18. 1 year later, I was managing a team of 31 reps. I signed my first contract with a customer on the afternoon of September 5, 1997, my 18th birthday. At that time I earned 1920 Marks in commission. With one customer and one order. I'm still very grateful to my two bosses for giving me a great start and training. Before that, I worked for 10 marks an hour at various part-time jobs after school. I thought, if I can do it, so can others. And so, at the age of 19, I built a sales team of 31 people and trained them in sales and technical topics. Every week! How was that possible when I had only 12 months of part-time experience myself? And how does a team of this size stay together and be successful? There are two simple success factors that still hold true today: 1. I had good coaches who shared their knowledge with me. I also put all my experience in prospecting, sales pitches, follow-ups, etc. into a system and passed it on to my employees. In weekly training sessions and live workshops, we lived sales with every fiber of our being. It wasn't theory, it was applied knowledge. Direct from the field and tested by myself. With all my successes and failures. 2. Team spirit and fun. During and after work. I don't know what we haven't done yet. Karting, bowling, fitness, weekend trips, parties, climbing park, etc. Everything. Has there always been something for each of the 30? Not at all! It's the variety that does it. And also the willingness and motivation of each individual to try something new. I myself was open to suggestions and enjoyed trying things I had no idea about. All in all, the secret was fun, a sense of adventure and the will to make money from the start. What has been your experience in sales? What do you like and what do you dislike? Let us know in the comments! P.S. If you are looking for a new team, I am always open to new people in the team and also have many clients who are also looking for good sales people. Just drop me a DM

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  • These 3 challenges put most sales teams in the hole. We faced them, and came out with 38% more leads for a Software as a Service companies . 1. Referrals Most salespeople wait for their customers to refer them. It happens from time to time. But far too infrequently. We give them a simple system to triple or even quadruple the number of referrals they get. It is not uncommon for salespeople to generate 30 or more referrals for new customers in the first week using this system. Imagine collecting 2-3 referrals from each new client when they sign up, and then again when they start getting results or are ready to start working. That's how we generate 5-6 leads per new client. By the way, a customer who gives you one referral will usually give you several. 2. Mindset Terms like cold calling or prospecting give many salespeople a bad feeling. The fear of rejection is too great. In addition to a proper acquisition process, we also focus on rethinking the understanding of sales and what the salesperson has to do. Keep two things in mind. If you don't get a referral, the potential referral will look for a solution on their own and probably sign with your competitor. Therefore, it is almost a failure to help if you do not ask for referrals. 3. Omni-channel Anyone who relies on just one channel today is doomed. But a good omni-channel approach has to be properly set up and organized. The right tools are especially helpful for our agency and IT customers to organize, monitor and adjust the system sales set up with us at any time. timing is often critical. But if you use only one channel, the potential customer may receive your information too late. By increasing the number of channels, we automatically increase the likelihood of reaching the right person at the right time. What is your favorite way to generate new leads right now? Let us know in the comments below!

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  • SMB agencies wanting to close more leads? Stop offering discounts. (2 alternatives) Discounts diminish the perception of your performance. Why discount something you are convinced is good? Plus, you teach your clients to ask for discounts in the future. What worked once will work again, right? Here are two alternatives that work better. 1. Give a bonus Think about what bonuses or add-ons would make sense for your product or service. Most importantly, think about which ones won't create unnecessary extra work for you. For example: A client wants a conference room at a hotel. The rental price is too high for him and he asks for a discount. Instead of discounting the room, the hotel offers to put 20 bottles of water in the room for free. Assuming a price of $8 per bottle, the customer saves $160. However, the cost of goods to the hotel is not $20, 2. Switch to a smaller product Create a smaller product or service with less content. You can offer this to customers who want a discount. Let the customer choose between the smaller product at a lower price or the product originally discussed. What are your experiences with customers asking for discounts? Let us know in the comments!

  • Systematized vs Non-systematized sales process: We've guaranteed and delivered on performance for over 400+ companies because of systematized sales process. Many people think that systems are generally restrictive and exhausting. It’s the opposite. We have created a sales system that sets the right guidelines and still leaves enough room for the individual class of individual sales representatives. Systematic selling has many advantages. Here are some of them: 1. Consistency and Scalability A systematic approach ensures consistent processes and methods that can be easily applied to the entire team, including new hires. As a result, sales growth can be sustained. 2. Higher close rates Structured qualification and better needs analysis enable sales reps to identify customers with real potential more quickly, resulting in higher close rates. 3. More efficient use of resources Sales teams can focus their time and energy on qualified leads and promising opportunities instead of wasting resources on less promising contacts. 4.Better predictability A systematic sales approach ensures more reliable forecasts and more accurate pipeline analysis because all sales activities are documented and tracked. 5. Increased visibility A consistent sales process makes it easier to track each step in the sales cycle and gives managers a clear view of deal status. 6. Improve customer relationships With a systematic approach, sales teams can better understand and target customer value and needs, leading to long-term relationships and customer satisfaction. 7. Better objection handling A systematic sales approach ensures that salespeople are well-prepared to answer customer objections and questions with confidence, building trust and increasing the chances of closing a deal. 8. Measurability and Continuous Improvement With a clearly structured sales system, all activities and results can be measured. This data can be used to continuously improve processes and increase sales efficiency. Overall, a systematic approach to sales enables companies to focus more clearly, control better, and achieve more sustainable results. Where would you like to see more structure and system in your sales? Let us know in the comments!

  • Your sales should be closing 80% of deals. If they’re not, this is probably why: (3 reasons) There are several reasons why sales deals fail. The primary reason is that the salesperson has not identified the customer's motivation for change. Inadequate up-front qualification or an improperly qualified opportunity can make it difficult to convince the customer from the start. Deals can also be lost due to poor use of the CRM system or sales software. A lack of needs assessment based solely on features rather than real value can also prevent a deal from moving forward. All of these causes can keep prospects from becoming real customers. 1. Understand the problem: Why sales teams struggle with low close rates Most sales teams struggle with low close rates or poor win rates on opportunities because they are unable to identify the buyer's motivation for change. Studies have shown that up to 60% of deals are lost due to indecision or status quo. In addition, most sales methodologies emphasize a product- or solution-centric approach that keeps the customer focused on features and price and causes salespeople to lose deals. We help sales teams overcome objections and conduct a problem-centric needs assessment to improve close rates and opportunity conversion. 2. Get to the root of the problem The root cause of losing to the status quo is product-centric selling. When sales teams focus on product needs and pains instead of current business problems, the consequences can be severe. Business is lost when your sales team doesn't apply customer-centric qualification criteria. When the team focuses on the product, they get into a defensive mindset where they have to prove the value of their offering and convince the buyer that their product is the best. This rarely works because product-centric selling doesn't align with the buyer's intrinsic and business motivations for change. However, when you train your sales team to recognize the buyer's intrinsic motivations for change, the entire buying process changes. The focus of the sale becomes the value of the change, not the value of the product or service. 3. The Solution: Overcome Product Centricity If you want to eliminate low win rates and poor sales, your salespeople must move beyond product-centricity and focus on the buyer's problems. This process begins internally within your organization by educating your sales team and giving them a holistic understanding of the buyer's work environment. By improving business practices and gaining a deeper understanding of the buyer's problems, your salespeople can better address objections, minimize the impact of disrupting the customer's status quo, increase win rates, and avoid arbitrary feature requests. Think I missed anything? Let me know in the comments.

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  • Last quarter, our placed sales reps generated 1.76 million euros. Here's the exact process of how we find them, bring them on board, and train them. Finding good salespeople is not always easy. And you shouldn’t start looking when you need them. Your search should be year-round. For the search itself, we focus on two types: Sales professionals And… Lateral hires (depending on the client and the project) Again, there are a few things to keep in mind: 1. Search where others are not active or less active. Being one of 40,000 ads on job boards is not very promising. Especially if no one knows your name. 2. Sell your job from the perspective of potential candidates. Nobody cares about what you can do. You will only attract good people emotionally. At the end of the day, you don't want salespeople jumping ship for a few extra bucks. They will do the same if your competitors pay more than you do. 3. Make it clear, especially to career changers, that it's easy to start with you. 4. It is best to use a professional movie for your job. Not only will this show professional quality, but it will also be more emotional. Onboarding Onboarding is based on three core building blocks 1. Communicate your values, vision and mission. What do you and your organization stand for? What do you stand for? - This works really well in face-to-face meetings, as a keynote for larger groups, and in additional online modules. Short and sweet. With the right LMS, you can also track the progress of the program. 2. Practice and mentoring - not long theory cycles. Short, crisp theory sessions coupled with Parixis in direct customer contact. If the client already has a sales team, we set up a mentoring program for new hires. If not, we take on this role externally. 3. Sharing and coaching Sharing is extremely important, especially for new hires. Regular short meetings are mandatory. For remote teams, this means Zoom, Teams & Co. Coaching helps new hires to follow sales guidelines and get them up to speed quickly. Training & Coaching We always focus on long-term support. Well coached salespeople stay and don't change jobs. We typically have one short training session per week, accompanied by individual, weekly coaching. Share this post with people who can benefit from it.

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