Titelbild von HumifyHumify



Assisting nature in reversing climate change


2–10 Beschäftigte
Berlin & Potsdam


Beschäftigte von Humify


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    Unternehmensseite für SPIN-FERT EU anzeigen

    119 Follower:innen

    👨🔧 Humify’s engineers in action! ⚙️ Our talented engineers are working hard on the Spin-Fert project! 🚀 They are dedicated to adapting our process to work with the various biomasses provided by our Spin-Fert partners, helping us innovate and find a peat replacement. 🌱 🔬🌿 🌱 Innovation in action: Producing artificial humic substances 🌿 As part of the Spin-Fert project Humify produces artificial humic substances. These substances are designed to mimic natural humic acids, offering unique benefits for plants, microbes, and overall soil structure. Our goal? To provide innovative solutions as peat alternatives. ✨ ♻️ Driving the circular economy with artificial humic acids 🌱 At Humify, we’re transforming biomass – such as green soil improvers, exhausted grape marc, digestate, and mixed soil improvers – into artificial humic acids (AHA). 🌿✨ Here’s how AHAs are driving sustainable solutions: ✅ Lowering carbon footprint: Transforming local biomass into valuable products reduces emissions and promotes resource efficiency. ✅ Customizable properties: AHAs can be tailored to specific plant and soil needs, offering flexibility. ✅ Versatility: AHA can be produced from a variety of biomass sources, making it a sustainable solution. #Innovation #Engineering #ResearchInAction #SpinFert #Sustainability #PeatReplacement #PeatFree #SoilHealth  #CircularEconomy #ArtificialHumicAcids

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  • Unternehmensseite für Humify anzeigen

    421 Follower:innen

    🌱 Humify auf der Grünen Woche 2025! 🌍 Wir freuen uns sehr, dieses Jahr auf der Grünen Woche dabei zu sein und unsere nachhaltige Lösung für gesunde Böden vorzustellen! Unsere künstlich hergestellten Huminsäuren bieten einen neuen, effektiven Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Bodenqualität und CO2-Sequestrierung!🌿 📍 Wo findet ihr uns? Freitag 17.01 & Samstag 18.01  Brandenburg Halle (Halle 21a), Stand 129 #GrüneWoche #Humify #Nachhaltigkeit #Bodengesundheit #Landwirtschaft #Innovation #Soil

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