Vielen Dank an LESER GmbH & Co. KG für die Möglichkeit, dass wir vom Institut für Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik (PKT) unter Leitung von Professor Dieter Krause mit unseren Studierenden im Rahmen der Vorlesung Fluidtechnik spannende Einblicke in die Praxis erhalten durften.
Students from Hamburg University of Technology visited LESER Kontor as part of their fluid technology lecture. In the lecture by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Krause, practical examples from external lecturers are presented alongside the theory and an excursion is organized. The aim is for students to understand how to apply theory in practice. A total of 12 students, 3 PhD students and Prof. Krause took part in four lectures with two live demonstrations in the LESER chatroom and test bench. The feedback included: “The product is simple at first glance, but in reality it is very complex.” “ exciting mix of lectures and live demonstrations.” The excursion was also very well received by the doctoral students and Prof. Krause, so perhaps we will be able to welcome them to the LESER Kontor in future again. #LESER #TheSafetyValve #TUHamburg