Successful closing: GOAL sells seven ATR 72-600 aircraft from KGAL funds APF 1 and APF 4 ✈️ Our subsidiary GOAL Aircraft Leasing, our long-standing joint venture partnership with Deutsche Lufthansa AG, has successfully sold and transferred seven ATR 72-600 aircraft to TrueNoord, a specialist in regional aircraft leasing. Stephan Gundermann, Head of Portfolio Management at KGAL, welcomes the transaction as “another proof of successfully managing KGAL’s broad aviation portfolios with experienced and professional partners for the benefit of our investor base”. The aircraft are currently leased to European airlines Air Serbia, Emerald Airlines and Olympic Air and offer sustainable and economic solutions for regional air transport with energy efficient engines and seating for up to 78 passengers. They have been an integral part of the KGAL Aviation Portfolio Funds since 2017. #deal #transaction #aviation #leasing #realassets
Leidenschaft für Sachwerte - seit mehr als 50 Jahren.
Die KGAL ist ein führender unabhängiger Investment- und Asset-Manager mit einem betreuten Investitionsvolumen von mehr als 16 Milliarden Euro. Der Schwerpunkt der Investments liegt auf langfristigen Realkapitalanlagen für institutionelle und private Investoren in Real Estate, Sustainable Infrastructure und Aviation. Die europaweit tätige Gruppe wurde vor 55 Jahren gegründet und hat ihren Sitz in Grünwald bei München. 353 Mitarbeiter tragen unter Berücksichtigung von Rendite- und Risikoaspekten dazu bei, nachhaltig stabile Erträge zu erzielen (Stand 31. Dezember 2022).
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- Grünwald
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- 1968
- Spezialgebiete
- Real Assets, Real Estate, Infrastructure und Renewable Energies
Tölzer Str. 15
Grünwald, 82031, DE
Beschäftigte von KGAL GmbH & Co. KG (KGAL)
KGAL reinforces its leading position in the UN PRI sustainability assessment This year's PRI analysis confirmed our excellent results from 2023. “At KGAL, we all work together to drive our ESG performance ever higher. Given the level we’ve already achieved, this is a challenge, but we won’t let up,” says Dr. Anke Sax, Managing Director at KGAL (CTO/COO). “Achieving the climate targets will take perseverance. But there is nothing more worthwhile in the world.” This year’s high scores were once again driven by transparent guidelines, rigorous risk management and comprehensive stakeholder management, among other factors. Furthermore, each of our scores significantly exceeded the global peer-group median: ▶️ Policy Governance und Strategy: 4 stars **** ▶️ Real Estate: 4 stars **** ▶️ Infrastructure: 5 stars ***** ▶️ Confidence-building Measures: 4 stars **** The United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) initiative is a network of more than 5,000 international investors working together to put sustainability principles into practice. We are proud to be a UN PRI signatory since 2018, and we participate in the PRI’s annual sustainability assessment. The assessment report serves as a peer benchmark for sustainable best practices. #ESG #sustainability #funds #realestate #infrastructure
Dr. Anke Sax, Geschäftsführerin der KGAL GmbH & Co. KG (CTO/ COO), wurde am 19. November 2024 in das Präsidium des VOICE - Bundesverband der IT-Anwender e.V. gewählt! Mit mehr als 455 Mitgliedern ist VOICE die größte Community von Digital-Entscheidern auf Anwenderseite im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum. Gemeinsam setzt sich diese starke Allianz dafür ein, Deutschlands digitale Zukunft und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit nachhaltig zu gestalten. 👉 Warum ist das ein Meilenstein? - Digitale Transformation: Sie ist mehr als nur Technologie – sie ist der Motor für Innovation, Wachstum und internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. - Wegbegleiter für Veränderungen: IT-Entscheider wie Frau Dr. Sax bringen nachhaltige Lösungen auf den Weg, die Unternehmen, Mitarbeiter und Gesellschaft gleichermaßen stärken. - Starke Plattform: Der VOICE Verband vereint Stimmen und Ideen, um Deutschlands Platz an der Spitze der globalen Digitalisierung zu sichern. Mit ihrer umfangreichen Erfahrung in der digitalen Transformation und ihrem unermüdlichen Einsatz für Innovation und Effizienz wird Dr. Anke Sax die Interessen der IT-Anwender in Deutschland maßgeblich stärken. „Ich freue mich darauf meine Erfahrungen und Perspektiven einzubringen, um gemeinsam mit meinen Mitstreitern für Fortschritt, Effizienz und eine starke digitale Zukunft zu kämpfen.“, kommentiert Dr. Anke Sax. Wir gratulieren ihr zu dieser bedeutenden Rolle und wünschen ihr, sowie dem gesamten Präsidium von VOICE viel Erfolg bei dieser wichtigen Mission! 🤝 #KGAL #IT #digitalization #Wirtschaft #change
Welcome on board: GOAL appoints new Managing Director GOAL Aircraft Leasing, our long-standing aviation joint venture with Deutsche Lufthansa AG, has appointed Vicente Alava Pons as Managing Director. Together with the GOAL team, he will continue to drive the company's dynamic growth, open up new markets and promote innovation. About Vicente Alava Pons: ▶️ 28 years of international experience in global aviation finance. ▶️ Previously Managing Director at Aviation Capital Group, responsible for global aircraft financing solutions. ▶️ Other positions include: LR AirFinance, MUFG Bank in London, DVB Bank SE in Singapore, Lufthansa Leasing. “Vicente Alava Pons brings his enormous expertise, an extensive network of contacts within the aviation industry, and his own aspirations for GOAL,” says our Co-CEO André Zücker, “My aim is to actively shape the business and expand GOAL’s focus,” says Vicente Alava Pons. “We want to open up new opportunities and investment markets, for example in the Middle East and Asia,” adds the new Managing Director. “I am also particularly looking forward to working with the team, some of whom I already know very well.” #realassets #aircraftleasing #aviation #team #leadership
All good things come in threes: Scope Group has honoured us with the 'Infrastructure Equity - New Energy' award for the third year running. A big thank you to our fantastic team. You have once again been recognised for your outstanding achievements, and you absolutely deserve it. Three pillars underpin our success: 👉 our more than 20 years of experience with renewable energies, 👉 our unique expertise of a 65-strong team of experts and 👉 our excellent product range 💬 “Experience, expertise and our Europe-wide network mean great practical benefits: our teams have access to the most attractive renewable energy projects on the market – and this allows us to drive them forward quickly from development to operation,” emphasises André Zücker, Co-CEO of KGAL. We will add around 240 megawatts of capacity to the grid in 2024 alone. More milestones of our funds: - KGAL ESPF 5: First investment in battery storage, project launched in Italy. - KGAL ESPF 6: Participation in the lighthouse project of the German hydrogen economy in Germany’s port of Lubmin secured. - KGAL ESPF5 & ESPF6: significant double-digit returns - KGAL klimaSUBSTANZ: First wind farm successfully purchased. - PtX development fund: First funding totalling 30 million euros awarded for a hydrogen project in the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone), Egypt’s largest industrial cluster. Now we are rolling up our sleeves for another successful year with Sustainable Infrastructure. #fund #realassets #award #renewables #sustainability
dpn hat gefragt, Florian Martin hat geantwortet: Welche Infrastrukturinvestments lohnen sich im aktuellen Marktumfeld? 💬 Für unseren CEO steht die Attraktivität der Assetklasse Sustainable Infrastructure für institutionelle Investoren außer Frage: Zwar ist das Zinsniveau in den zurückliegenden zwei Jahren gestiegen, was Kapital vermehrt in Konkurrenzanlagen wie Anleihen fließen ließ. Mit adäquaten Anlagestrategien können Assetmanager gleichwohl attraktive Angebote konzipieren. 🏗️ Aktuelle Trends: Florian Martin sieht einen klaren Shift hin zu Greenfield-Investments, höherem Eigenkapitalanteil und früherem Einstieg in der Wertschöpfungskette – ein Weg, der spezialisierte Expertise erfordert, sich langfristig aber auszahlt. Für Investoren mit Weitblick bleibt Infrastruktur eine attraktive und stabile Anlageoption. 🌍 Sub-Assetklasse erneuerbare Energien im Fokus: Der Megatrend der Dekarbonisierung setzt sich fort! Wind- und Solarparks bieten langfristige, stabile Cashflows, die u. a. durch privatwirtschaftliche Stromlieferverträge (PPAs) abgesichert werden können und zudem Inflationsschutz bieten. Durch die geringe Korrelation zu anderen Assetklassen liefern Renewables einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Diversifikation im Portfolio. 💡 Attraktive Chancen auch für private Investoren: Durch regulatorische Fortschritte und das Osterpaket 2022 gibt es immer mehr Angebote für Investments in Infrastruktur. Fondsvehikel wie der ELTIF eröffnen nun auch Privatanlegern Zugang zu diesen Assets. Ein Markt mit Potenzial! #InfrastrukturInvestments #ErneuerbareEnergien #GreenInvesting #InstitutionelleInvestoren
We cannot afford not to invest trillions in climate protection. 🌍 As the world gathers in Baku for the COP29 climate conference to discuss the future of our planet, we all face an important question: are business and society ready to make the necessary investments to avert the potentially devastating damage of climate change? 🔍 According to a study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), we face an economic loss of up to 19% of global GDP by 2050 - that's around USD 38 trillion a year - if we continue on our current growth path and do not take further significant climate protection measures. These are losses that would be catastrophic for both the economy and society. The solution? The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that around USD 4 trillion have to be invested annually in clean energy and sustainable infrastructure to limit global warming to 1.5 °C and keep the global climate stable. 👉 What does that mean? The investment costs are only a fraction of the potential damage we risk if we fail to act. So while climate financing by government agencies is being discussed in Baku, we can be inspired by the data to make better long-term decisions. In this way, we can create a sustainable future that is also economically worthwhile. Now is the time to recognise climate protection as the smartest and most important investment of our time. #COP29 #Climateprotection #Sustainability #ESG
The Future of Real Assets: The Four “D’s” as Key Drivers 🏠💼 In her latest guest article for IPE Real Assets, Britta Roden, MRICS explores how the long-term influence of four global megatrends is set to further enhance the appeal of alternative investments. The megatrends of digitalisation, decarbonisation, deglobalisation and demographics serve as a guide for investors in these turbulent times. The “Four D’s”: ▶️ Digitalization is driving efficiency and resource savings across the board ▶️ Decarbonization demands a massive shift towards renewable energy sources. ▶️ Demographic Change is shifting economic and social priorities ▶️ Deglobalization is reshaping supply chains and capital flows Read the article to learn more about how these four megatrends shape the future of real assets: 👉 #realassets #Deglobalization #Digitalization #megatrends #alternativeinvestments #fund
A wonderful office building in the centre of London shines in new light 🏢 About three years ago, the KGAL Core 4 fund acquired 101 St Martin’s Lane in London’s West End. Nestled between Leicester and Trafalgar Squares, this light-filled office building is perfectly located in the heart of Covent Garden. Our dedicated asset management team saw even more potential for the building, and Anaelle D. Dindorf alongside Nicol Vitali led the refurbishment to make the entrance and atrium more inviting. The architects from Barr Gazetas and ODGroup., an office furniture specialist, turned the ideas into reality. “An entrance is like a business card. It needs to reflect a building’s status and quality, especially in London’s prestigious West End. The refurbishment announces a polished, functional space, enhancing both image and occupier experience,” says Anaelle. In the post-pandemic era, flexibility, amenities and adaptable spaces are in high demand, and St Martin’s Lane architecturally designed new lobby now meets all of these criteria. In addition, two new meeting rooms improve the attractiveness of the building. Peak requirements regarding meeting room capacities can now be balanced in favor of the tenants. The refurbishment was also used to replace technical equipment incl. ESG elements like LED lighting. The concept has already attracted new tenants, including one on the ground floor near the reception, and existing tenants are extending their leases – a clear sign that the upgrade has paid off. There is still some space available on the 3rd floor of 101 St Martin’s Lane, and it is attracting strong interest from potential tenants, especially those looking for fully fitted spaces. 👉 The KGAL Core 4 fund focuses on prime European locations, following strict ESG criteria, and 101 St Martin’s Lane is a shining example of this approach. #KGAL #realestate #fund #assetmanagement #realassets #london
Hat sich das 1,5-Grad-Ziel längst erledigt? 🌍 Der EU-Klimadienst Copernicus berichtet, dass die globale Durchschnittstemperatur voraussichtlich bereits im Jahr 2024 die 1,5-Grad-Marke überschreiten wird. Dies wäre das erste Mal seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen, dass diese Schwelle für ein gesamtes Kalenderjahr übertroffen wird. 📉 Das 1,5-Grad-Klimaziel wurde 2015 im Rahmen des Pariser Klimaabkommens von 195 Staaten vereinbart. Es sieht vor, die Erderwärmung auf deutlich unter zwei Grad Celsius gegenüber dem vorindustriellen Niveau zu begrenzen und alle Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, um sogar die 1,5-Grad-Marke zu halten. ⚠️ Angesichts der aktuellen Entwicklungen stellt sich die Frage: Sollen wir weiterhin an dem 1,5-Grad-Ziel festhalten, obwohl es kaum noch erreichbar scheint? Unrealistische Ziele können bekanntlich eher demotivieren als motivieren. Was meinen Sie? Sollen wir neue, realistischere Klimaziele definieren? #COP #ESG #sustainability #Nachhaltigkeit #climatechange #realassets
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