MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD hat dies direkt geteilt
MARKENFELD PORTFOLIO | STRIVING FOR BRAND-LED INNOVATION! GET IN CONTACT: NH@MARKENFELD.DE #brandvalue #newbusiness #brandledinnovation #brandstrategy #newcustomerexperiences #brandengagement
I connect relevant insights and trends with distinctive creativity & design and develop innovative brand strategies, differentiating brand identities and inspiring brand experiences. Therefore, I work as an independent consultant and - depending on the project requirements and size - collaborate with both, individual experts as well as other creative agencies and consultancies.
Cologne, Northrhine Westfalia 50935, DE
MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD hat dies direkt geteilt
MARKENFELD PORTFOLIO | STRIVING FOR BRAND-LED INNOVATION! GET IN CONTACT: NH@MARKENFELD.DE #brandvalue #newbusiness #brandledinnovation #brandstrategy #newcustomerexperiences #brandengagement
MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD hat dies direkt geteilt
MARKENFELD PORTFOLIO | STRIVING FOR BRAND-LED INNOVATION! GET IN CONTACT: NH@MARKENFELD.DE #brandvalue #newbusiness #brandledinnovation #brandstrategy #newcustomerexperiences #brandengagement
MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD hat dies direkt geteilt
MARKENFELD PORTFOLIO | STRIVING FOR BRAND-LED INNOVATION! GET IN CONTACT: NH@MARKENFELD.DE #brandvalue #newbusiness #brandledinnovation #brandstrategy #newcustomerexperiences #brandengagement
MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD hat dies direkt geteilt
MARKENFELD PODCAST | BRAND STRATEGY IN TIMES OF DISRUPTION ON POINT... with Claudia Glass (Founder Swijin SportsTech) 🎤 Talking Future in Sports Tech: You are a founder in the upcoming industry of female Sports Tech. How does the future of female sports look like? And what will cause the biggest disruption in the industry? 🎤 Talking Innovation in Switzerland: You offer Innovation made in Switzerland. Is this a USP that gives you the competitive edge in the market? 🎤 Talking Change in Consumer Demands: Female Fashion and Underwear is a very demanding and sensitive market. How has consumer behavior changed over time and what strategies do you follow to compete against innovative legacy brands such as Nike, adidas & Co.? 🎤 Talking Intelligence in Fashion: What makes a sports bra intelligent? What new technologies are behind your products that offer new features - we all know wearables and the strong power of sensors, e.g.? Welcome to be inspired by my new MARKENFELD Podcast Series on BRAND STRATEGY IN TIMES OF DISRUPTION with bits & pieces, thoughts, ideas and insigths around the topics of brand, strategy, experience, design, technology, innovation & transformation. Nadine Hohlfeld, Founder, Managing Owner & Brand Consultant at MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD #markenfeldpodcast #onpointwithnadinehohlfeld #joyfulcreation #art #technology #consulting
MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD hat dies direkt geteilt
Danke an Nadine Hohlfeld für ein spannendes Interview! 🥳
MARKENFELD PODCAST | BRAND STRATEGY IN TIMES OF DISRUPTION - 30 MIN ON POINT... mit Alexandra Demuth (Geschäftsführerin von Katlenburger Kellerei) 🎤 Tradition & Moderne: Die Katlenburger Kellerei feiert ihr 100-jähriges Jubiläum. Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Wie haben Sie es geschafft, das Unternehmen in die Moderne zu überführen? 🎤 Fruchtweinkultur & Neue Technologien: Ihr Unternehmen ist bekannt dafür, besonders kreativ in der Entwicklung von neuen Mischgetränken zu sein und Sie haben jüngst den ersten KI-basierten Cocktail auf den Markt gebracht. Wie integrieren Sie darüber hinaus neue Technologien in Ihre Geschäftsfelder und wie sehen Ihre Kreativprozesse aus? 🎤 Cocktails & Trends: Welche Rolle spielen Trends wie Longevity, Functional Drinks, Supplements, etc. bei alkoholischen Mischgetränken und was können wir in der Zukunft insbesondere in puncto gesunder Lifestyle und Body Enhancement von Ihrer Industrie erwarten? 🎤 Frauen & Führung: Sie stehen als Frau an der Spitze eines Unternehmens in einer eher Männer dominierten Industrie. Erzählen Sie uns Ihr Geheimnis? Nadine Hohlfeld, (Founder, Managing Owner & Brand Consultant at MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD) Welcome to be inspired by my new MARKENFELD Podcast Series on BRAND STRATEGY IN TIMES OF DISRUPTION with bits & pieces, thoughts, ideas and insigths around the topics of brand, strategy, experience, design, technology, innovation & transformation. Nadine Hohlfeld, Founder, Managing Owner & Brand Consultant at MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD #markenfeldpodcast #onpointwithnadinehohlfeld #joyfulcreation #art #technology #consulting
MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD hat dies direkt geteilt
🔥 MARKENFELD SOUND BITES | WHAT IS THE MOST EXCITING TREND NOT YET ON THE MARKET? 🎤 Nadine Hohlfeld, Founder, Managing Owner & Brand Consultant at MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD ON POINT with Nadine Hohlfeld (MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD ) 🚨CURIOUS ABOUT WHAT'S NEW AND UPCOMING? Welcome to be inspired by my new MARKENFELD Podcast Series on BRAND STRATEGY IN TIMES OF DISRUPTION with bits & pieces, thoughts, ideas and insigths around the topics of brand, strategy, experience, design, technology, innovation & transformation. 🚀 NOW ON SPOTIFY: 🎧 OR LISTEN-IN TO MORE SOUND BITES GRADUALLY PUBLISHED ON TIKTOK, INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, THREADS, X & CO: #markenfeldpodcast #onpointwithnadinehohlfeld #joyfulcreation #innovation #consultancy #ai #artificialintelligence #strategy
MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD hat dies direkt geteilt
CREATIVE BRAND STRATEGY CONSULTING | NOT ONLY ON VALENTINE'S DAY! #brandstrategy #brandexperience #brandinsights #branddesign #brandengagement #brandsuccess
MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD hat dies direkt geteilt
MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD hat dies direkt geteilt
MARKENFELD PODCAST | BRAND STRATEGY IN TIMES OF DISRUPTION - ON POINT WITH Nadine Hohlfeld (MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD) LEADERSHIP PARADIGM Within a holistic transformation process all company dimensions are considered, new platforms and technologies implemented and division boundaries dissolved as hierarchies are reshaped allowing for cross-functional teams to co-create on a closer and more efficient level. Outdated working structures will be replaced by agile processes turning inflexible organizations into fluid organisms enabling a greater internal as well as external permeability without losing identity of the company. Therefore, strong brand ideas, visions and values become even more important giving purpose and orientation, outlining a clear mission. The definition of flexible guiding principles helps textualizing what the company stands for, setting the framework and describing the company’s identity, path and culture -taking the context of a company into account. #markenfeldinsights #transformation #leadership #brand #strategy #creativity
MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD hat dies direkt geteilt
MARKENFELD PODCAST | BRAND STRATEGY IN TIMES OF DISRUPTION - ON POINT WITH Nadine Hohlfeld (MARKENFELD | NADINE HOHLFELD) LEADERSHIP PARADIGM Within a holistic transformation process all company dimensions are considered, new platforms and technologies implemented and division boundaries dissolved as hierarchies are reshaped allowing for cross-functional teams to co-create on a closer and more efficient level. Outdated working structures will be replaced by agile processes turning inflexible organizations into fluid organisms enabling a greater internal as well as external permeability without losing identity of the company. Therefore, strong brand ideas, visions and values become even more important giving purpose and orientation, outlining a clear mission. The definition of flexible guiding principles helps textualizing what the company stands for, setting the framework and describing the company’s identity, path and culture -taking the context of a company into account. #markenfeldinsights #transformation #leadership #brand #strategy #creativity