Polysecure GmbH

Polysecure GmbH

Chemische Produktion

Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Wuerttemberg 950 Follower:innen

#Preserving #Ressources by #Innovation


“You can’t solve the problems of tomorrow with yesterday’s answers” 💡 – we totally agree with this great quote from Albert Einstein in the conviction that we need technological innovations to push the circular transformation forward ♻. In this context sorting and tracking solutions are of central relevance and we enable them by pushing the limits of chemistry, physics and engineering. Thus, we have developed a unique technology platform of marker materials, detection and sorting technologies to become a key-enabling company for the circular economy. With our technological solutions for product and material tracking (TrackByStars® and POLTAG®) as well as for product protection (BRANDPROOF®), materials and products can be marked invisibly, authenticated robustly, and tracked forgery-proof. In addition, with our new sorting technology SORT4CIRCLE® many material and waste streams can be efficiently and reliably sorted into all desired fractions. These technological innovations enable resources and values to be preserved economically in a wide range of applications – for companies and the circular economy. Our story doesn’t end here! Come with us on this journey!🙌

Chemische Produktion
11–50 Beschäftigte
Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Wuerttemberg
passion for sustainability & deep tech innovation, circular economy, producttracking, TrackByStars, productpass, Sort4Circle, innovation, identify, protect, Produkte schützen, Plagiatschutz, BRANDPROOF, Kunststoffrecycling, plastic recycling, Produktschutz, Materialen schützen, Detektionstechnologie, POLTAG, Technology, added value, sustainable, Recognising counterfeiting und Detektion und Sortierung


  • Primär

    St. Georgener Str. 19

    Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Wuerttemberg 79111, DE


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