☀️🏖️ summer holiday, everyone is on vacation and our #Sevic #V500e is at work 🏗️🔨 Our light electric utility vehicles support your summer holiday, from the beach clean up to sun lounger logistics, over to last-minute online shopping via #LastMileDelivery. The #CargoSwapSystem allows V500e to be equipped with various #CargoOptions, enabling it to excel in various industries and services. 📧 Reach out now to experience how #Sevic can serve your utility! #LightElectricVehicle #SummerHoliday
Sevic eMobility
Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia 2.307 Follower:innen
100% elektrische leichte Nutzfahrzeuge, Made in EU
Sevic Systems designt, entwickelt und fertigt kompakte vollelektrische Nutzfahrzeuge in Europa. Unsere innovativen Fahrzeuge sind ideal für Last-Mile-Lösungen geeignet und helfen Unternehmen, Wartungs-, Arbeits- und Betriebskosten zu senken. Wir sind im industriellen Herzen Deutschlands ansässig und haben durch unsere verschiedenen Erfolgsgeschichten im Bereich Mobilität wertvolle Erfahrungen gewonnen. Unsere Mission ist es, nutzerfreundliche und vollelektrische Nutzfahrzeuge zu entwickeln und herzustellen. Durch die Kombination von Innovation und Kreativität werden wir den Transportsektor zur Elektromobilität konvertieren und es Unternehmen ermöglichen nachhaltiger zu werden.
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Externer Link zu Sevic eMobility
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- Automobil
- Größe
- 11–50 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia
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- Privatunternehmen
Dückerweg 21
Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia 44867, DE
Georgi Tringov Str. 3
Plovdiv, 4003, BG
Beschäftigte von Sevic eMobility
🚚🔌 Discover the future of sustainable transportation with our #Sevic #V500e. Zero Emissions, Unlimited Possibilities. 💡 Find out more about us on our website ⚡ Drive electric #EV #LightElectricVehicles #UrbanLogistics
Sevic eMobility hat dies direkt geteilt
🚚✨ Поглед към елегантността и иновациите Обещаният момент с Мис България 2021, Сара Младенова, която украси с присъствието си нашия електромобил #V500e в София Тех Парк 💁♀️. Предстоят и още изненади #StayTuned 🌟 #SevicStyle #InnovationAndBeauty #MissBulgaria #InnovationOnWheels
💡🎓 As an emerging OEM #Sevic is connecting with key players in science during this year’s Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, organized by the Lehrstuhl für ABWL & Internationales Automobilmanagement of the Universität Duisburg-Essen. Researchers, scientists and students from the unique crossroads of business administration and technology enriched the event with presentations, discussions and demonstrations. Our #V500e was also part of the test drive, hosted in front of the historic theater. #ScienceMeetsBusiness #AcademicCollaboration #NewPlayersinMobility
We had an incredible time at the CAR Center Automotive Research CAR Symposium! A big thank you to everyone who visited the Bochum Wirtschaftsentwicklung booth and attended our General Manager Alexander Brilis' presentation on how #Sevic is shaping innovation in European light electric vehicle manufacturing. It was great to connect with industry experts and exchange ideas about smart and sustainable #mobility. Looking forward to more opportunities to #connect and innovate together!
Sevic eMobility hat dies direkt geteilt
👷♀️👷 Представители на Френско-българската търговско-промишлена камара CCI France Bulgarie посетиха Sevic Innovation и се запознаха отблизо с производствения процес и завода. Обиколката на завода се проведе от нашия нов главен оперативен директор Bogdan Kostov. Имахме честта и удоволствието да посрещнем Стефан Делайе, председател на Управителния съвет на Френско-българската търговско-промишлена камара, който тества нашия модел V500e. Връзката между Sevic и Франция 🚚🇫🇷 📦 Sevic разработи мрежа от дистрибутори на френския пазар, което отбелязва важен етап в стратегията на компанията за разширяване на операциите си в Европа. Тези стратегически партньорства са подписани с три известни лидера, Jean-Lain Mobilité, Groupe DMD и Groupe Amplitude, всеки от които е признат за своя опит, знания и принос в областта на лекотоварните автомобили, чистите превозни средства и градската мобилност. 🚄 Интересен факт за V500e е, че дизайнът на кабината му е вдъхновен от парижкото метро, а предната част на кабината изобразява усмивка и създава положителни емоции. 🙂 👷♀️👷 Des représentants de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Franco-Bulgare CCI France Bulgarie ont visité Sevic Innovation et ont pu observer de près le processus de production et l'usine. La visite de l'usine a été menée par notre nouveau directeur des opérations / directeur de l'usine, Bogdan Kostov Nous avons eu l'honneur et le plaisir d’accueillir Stephane Delahaye, Président du Conseil d'Administration de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Franco-Bulgare, qui a pu tester notre modèle V500e. La connexion entre Sevic et la France 🚚🇫🇷 📦 #Sevic a développé un réseau de distributeurs sur le marché français, marquant une étape importante dans la stratégie de l'entreprise pour étendre ses opérations en Europe. Ces partenariats stratégiques ont été signés avec trois leaders renommés, Jean-Lain Mobilité, Groupe DMD et Groupe Amplitude, chacun étant reconnu pour son expérience, ses connaissances et sa contribution dans les secteurs des véhicules utilitaires, des véhicules propres et de la mobilité urbaine. 🚄 Un fait intéressant concernant le #V500e est que le design de sa cabine est inspiré du métro parisien, et sa face arbore un sourire qui évoque des émotions positives. 🙂 #FactoryTour #FrenchVisitors #ElectricVehicleFactory
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🚀🏙️ Next week we are heading to polisMOBILITY! & you can test drive our #V500e polisMOBILITY is the leading cross-sector dialog platform for the transport transition in urban areas in our home region of #NRW. We are partnering with Bochum Wirtschaftsentwicklung and will be present on their joint booth. Find us in the passage between Halls 10/11 on booth A036! Additionally, we are offering test drives or ride-alongs in our flagship model Sevic V500e. The testDRIVE is located beneath the central piazza of the Koelnmesse GmbH. If you are interested in booking a meeting and/or test drive beforehand, feel free to reach out to Hüseyin Manaz or Nils Henkel. We are looking forward to many kilometers on the streets of Stadt Köln! #polisMOBILITY2024 #polisMOBILITY #Messe #Mobilität
🚀🏙️ Next week we are heading to polisMOBILITY! & you can test drive our #V500e polisMOBILITY is the leading cross-sector dialog platform for the transport transition in urban areas in our home region of #NRW. We are partnering with Bochum Wirtschaftsentwicklung and will be present on their joint booth. Find us in the passage between Halls 10/11 on booth A036! Additionally, we are offering test drives or ride-alongs in our flagship model Sevic V500e. The testDRIVE is located beneath the central piazza of the Koelnmesse GmbH. If you are interested in booking a meeting and/or test drive beforehand, feel free to reach out to Hüseyin Manaz or Nils Henkel. We are looking forward to many kilometers on the streets of Stadt Köln! #polisMOBILITY2024 #polisMOBILITY #Messe #Mobilität
🌟 Happy Europe Day! 🇪🇺 🍃 As an electric vehicle manufacturer in Europe, we are proud to be contributing to a sustainable future. Over 80% of the parts for the production of our #V500e are of European origin. Our commitment to innovation, clean mobility and environmental protection goes in line with the vision of the European Union. 🚀 Designed, Engineered and Manufactured in Europe We do this for three reasons: → A reliable supply chain through established partners across Europe. → Using high quality components sourced from various countries in the EU. → Dedication to creating secure value creation in the region. European approval of the Sevic V500e has been granted by the German Federal Office for Road Transport (KBA). This ensures compliance with strict safety and environmental standardsin the 27 member countries. Let's continue to drive positive change together! 🌎💚 #EuropeDay #CleanMobility #ElectricVehicles
Sevic eMobility hat dies direkt geteilt
📣 Тъй като на 1 май отбелязваме Международния ден на работниците, искаме да изразим сърдечните си благодарности към невероятния екип на #SevicInnovation ! 🙌 🔋 Нашите работници са движещата сила на мисията ни да създадем устойчиво бъдеще. 👷♀️👷♂️ От монтажната линия до научноизследователската и развойна дейност, от инженерите до екипа по поддръжката, всеки един човек допринася за нашия успех. Заедно подобряваме градската логистика и постигаме напредък в намаляването на емисиите. 🌟 🙏 Благодарим ви за неуморните усилия и креативността! Вие сте истинските герои, които стоят зад нашия #V500e ⚡ #EVHeroes #CleanEnergy #SustainableFuture #InternationalWorkersDay #ElectricVehicles #Gratitude #Teamwork #Innovation #ClimateAction #DreamTeam