Startup Incubator Berlin

Startup Incubator Berlin

Hochschulen und Universitäten

Berlin, Berlin 8.300 Follower:innen

Im #Startup #Incubator der #HWR #Berlin werden Gründungsideen zur Marktreife entwickelt.


The Startup Incubator Berlin is a workshop and experimental space for start-ups and those interested in creating one. Ideas, concepts, and prototypes are promoted and worked on. It is a place of creativity, encounter, and exchange. Here ideas flourish and make the future. You have a business idea, but do not really know how to start? You are looking for co-workers who will lead your project together with you? You and your team are looking for an office workplace? We have what you need! The Startup Incubator Berlin is aimed at all those who are only at the beginning of their start-up project or are already in the active start-up phase. We welcome both students and alumni of the BSEL as well as for any external students.

Hochschulen und Universitäten
11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin
Entrepreneurship, Lean Startup, Unternehmensgründung, Startup, UX Testing und Siemensstadt


Beschäftigte von Startup Incubator Berlin


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    Gratulation an die beiden BACB Business Angels des Jahres 2024! 🏆 ⬇️ Alle Details zur Preisverleihung ➡️ Wir freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit in 2025 und bedanken uns bei allen Business Angels für die Unterstützung im Startup Ökosystem und die Förderung des Unternehmertums! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    🥁TROMMELWIRBEL, bitte! Eve Büchner und Thilo Veil sind unsere "BACB Business Angels des Jahres 2024“!😇 Gestern Abend verwandelte sich die Villa der Weberbank Actiengesellschaft erneut in den Schauplatz unserer BACB Gala und Preisverleihung. Tobias Wittich, unser Vorstandsvorsitzender, eröffnete den Abend, gefolgt von einer herzlichen Begrüßung durch Michael Noglik, Leiter des Privatkundengeschäfts der Weberbank. Eine besondere Ehre war das Grußwort von Michael Biel, Staatssekretär für Wirtschaft, der positive Signale ans Business Angel- und Startup-Ökosystem sendete und künftige Unterstützung zusagte. Vielen Dank für diese motivierenden Worte! Unser Managing-Director, Sebastian Schwenke, und BACB-Mitglied Lina Schüre, sorgten mit einem interaktiven Quiz für einen unterhaltsamen Rückblick aufs Clubjahr. Anna Wanderwitz glänzte mit 7 von 10 richtigen Antworten und gewann das Quiz. Auch unsere Cluster wurden gefeiert: Fabian Cuntze und Thilo Veil präsentierten die Achievements des Health Angels Clusters, Christian Koehler stellte das vor 2 Monaten gegründete neue Consumer Cluster vor, und Oliver Kranz blickte auf die Erfolge des Tech Clusters. Die Keynote von Prof. Dr. Katja Nettesheim zum Thema KI und notwendige KI-Transformation gab einen abwechslungsreichen Impuls sowie interessante und hilfreiche Einblicke in diese Welt der Chancen. Doch vor allem machte sie den Gästen Mut: die KI-Transformation kann uns nur nach vorn bringen - als Gesellschaft und als Wirtschaftsnation. Der absolute Höhepunkt des Abends? Natürlich die Krönung der Business Angels des Jahres! In einem spannenden Wettbewerb mit zahlreichen Nominierten und sechs starken Finalist:innen konnten sich schließlich Eve Büchner und Thilo Veil durchsetzen. Die Laudatoren Sascha Schubert (BACB Business Angel des Jahres 2023) und Steffen Seifarth (Geschäftsführer des Berlin Angel Funds) würdigten die Preistragenden in kurzweiligen und emotionalen Reden mit viel Lob und Begeisterung. Essenz aus den Laudatien: beide Preistragende setzen sich immens für das Ökosystem, für die Startups und für den Club ein und konnten mit ihrer hands-on Mentalität jeweils über 50% der Stimmen für sich gewinnen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Preistragenden im Namen aller Mitglieder und des Vorstands! 💐🏆 Ein großes Dankeschön an dieser Stelle geht an das gesamte Weberbank-Team, welches nicht nur die atemberaubende Location stellte, sondern auch für unser leibliches Wohl sorgte. Wir haben uns sehr wohlgefühlt und die Weberbank Actiengesellschaft war als Kooperationspartner wieder ein vorzüglicher Gastgeber. Vielen Dank an Michael Noglik, Juliane Cibis, Matheo Sohns, Felix Skopan, Annika Pasie, Andrea Cobler und Freia Hartenbach, dass ihr Business Angels und die Startup Frühphase Berlins so tatkräftig unterstützt. 🙏 Abschließend ein Dankeschön an alle Mitglieder und Gäste aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft – ihr habt diesen Abend unvergesslich gemacht! Fotos: Niels Füssel 📸

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    Very impressive news from our EXIST - Existenzgründungen aus der Wissenschaft Team Silica Corpora - 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    Profil von Jaime Rossello Coll anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO & Co-founder of @Silica Corpora | Berkeley SkyDeck Batch 16 | Nucleate Activator

    Our communications and messaging at Silica Corpora improved so much during the last 6's like looking to a complete different company. We proved it by winning the Tagesspiegel Future Innovation Days first price, and we cannot be more thankful to all the people who voted us as best pitch (almost 40% of the total votes!) 🚨 Also, we would love to shout out that if you're an investor/angel investor that wants to invest in an interesting, soon-to-be profitable project, to reach out, as now things look very bright on our side. We are currently fundraising and we are looking for people to jump on our fantastic boat of antibody fishermen before the end of the year⛵ Stay happy and positive, and have a nice Monday :) P.D: Another post incoming with the official pictures should come soon, featuring all the great people behind the event.

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    🆘 Being an entrepreneur means to face challenging situations on your path. 🛡️ Learn to generate or increase your own resilience, and to create any desired changes in an acceptance-oriented approach. 👉 In this workshop, you will get to know individual methods relating to the 7 pillars of resilience through self-experience. 💪 Your coach Juliane Herzer is an agile project manager, passionate yoga teacher and systemic coach (QCR certified), supporting your journey towards self-efficacy and the connection between heart, body and mind. 🙌 For more information and registration:

    Workshop: Start(-)up in serenity - strengthen your resilience

    Workshop: Start(-)up in serenity - strengthen your resilience

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    What a whirlwind week for our #AlumniTeam Trueffles our #AlumniTeam at the Web Summit! 🚀 Being selected to represent your country right before Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck and pitching at such a #PrestigiousEvent is a sign of your #Excellence!! 🎉 The dedication you and your team show is truly inspiring and the stories you’ve shared are a reminder of the crucial role startups play in shaping our future. The startup world is not only vibrant and risky, but also essential for societal progress - tackling immense challenges while driving innovation with solutions that benefit us all. Tinush aka Tina Weise, your journey, starting with the Program #BerlinStartupScholarship at the Startup Incubator Berlin, truly captures the energy, resilience, and fun of being a startup founder. From coding until 3 a.m. to networking in the most unexpected places. It’s incredible to see how you make the most out of every moment. The Startup Incubator Berlin is looking forward to seeing how Trueffles keeps growing and innovating! 🌟 #WebSummit #TruefflesOnTheRise #StartupExcellence #GermanPavilion #DiversityInStartups #FemaleFounders #QueerEntrepreneurs #SocietalProgress #EmpoweringInnovation #StartupCoach #🚀 #Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin #InnovativeSolutions

    As everyone posts their review of the Web Summit, I don‘t want to spare you my highlights: 🔆 Steffen Rose and my Airbnb key box was empty on our arrival and we could not reach the host. This is how we learned about the great Airbnb service which led to an happy end 🔆 Trueffles exhibited two full days at the German Pavilion next to amazing startups like Energy Robotics, neotiv, ARTTAC SOLUTIONS and many more - fun fact: we coded every day hardcore till 3am to get the newest version running for the fair day and we succeeded 🤓 🔆 I had the honor to pitch Trueffles on the German stage, right before vice chancellor Robert Habeck 🔆 Shortly before listening to Dr. Habeck, I realized that I was sitting next to my plane neighbor Tiyam Mansourifar and we had a nice chat about consulting and research tools 🔆 The most memorable networking happened at the womens restroom of Lisbons rooftop bar where I met Hanna Varvarenko and Olga Schaus 🔆 Loved hanging out with the incredibly smart and cute founder gang of Quouch, Nora von Breitenbach, Lisbeth Purrucker, Ross Bermudez at the party of I Backing LGBTQ+ meeting also Mari Luukkainen, Meerli Juustila and Raymond Hannes who actually has humor 😉 🔆 And I surprisingly won a squat challenge, that was on the whole fair day, of the startup Breathment and killed it with 41 squats in 60 seconds 😎 🔆 When we checked out of the WebSummit, we took our booth sign with us. We managed to charm Ryanair as economy passengers so we did not have to pay for extra luggage #skills 🔆 Last but not least, it was awesome to see, meet and be with Luise Schröter Ramtin Ramin Olaf Kopmann Olympia Tsakiridou Marc Dassler Jana Schumann Felix Meusel Begonia Vazquez Merayo Constantin Frommann Tara Kaufmann Pia Brosda Silvia Wolko Jonathan Ho Melina Hanisch Lena Esseln Yalvaç Top Nora Spiekermann Tim Biedenkapp Verena Parzer-Epp I‘m really thankful and honored to have been invited by my country to represent it at this conference. And fyi: of course I did not remember all of this – I made my fair contact map with Trueffles. Signup for our waitlist if you want to be able to get an overview of your fair contacts 😋 Until next time! 😉 -Tinush

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    Hooray! 🎉 Congratulations to xounds for their fantastic achievements, we are proud and thrilled! 🙌 Then again, we always knew that you have what it takes! 🏆 Thanks for your kind feedback to Startup Incubator Berlin! 🙏 And best of luck from all of us here for the next steps on your success journey! 🚀

    Profil von Cornelia Steinbock anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-founder xounds, Coach & Speaker DEI & Pleasure | Political scientist | Advocate for inclusive systemic change and better intimate data safety.

    🚀✨ What a week to remember! ✨🚀 Last Friday, the xounds team had the honour of pitching at the Female Founders Night at Enpal, organised by the incredible Project ada @Enpal. Competing against 8 inspiring teams with brilliant ideas, we were thrilled to share our mission — and absolutely overjoyed to be named the pitch competition winners! 🏆🎉 This milestone was the perfect way to close out an intense week of pitching — three pitches in total! 1️⃣ Gabor and I kicked it off with the final Berlin Startup Scholarship pitch at Startup Incubator Berlin, wrapping up the program and reflecting on how far we’ve come. Thanks to our #bss coaches Nora, Ayham and mentor Sven Ripsas and the whole SIB team Katrin Marvin Sandra Julian etc. 2️⃣ Next, we participated in a pitch for feedback at IHK Berlin and Businessplan-Wettbewerb Berlin-Brandenburg (BPW), where xounds was one of 4 chosen teams. The valuable feedback from this session boosted our confidence and fine-tuned our delivery. Thank you Madlen Dietrich, Susann Schmelzer, Sophie G., Christina Lüdtke, Josephine U., Janine Korbaniak, Nuria Rocabert Aragones. 3️⃣ Finally, the grand finale of the week: the Female Founders Pitch Night — our only competition of the week, where we brought everything together! The jury — featuring Prof. Dr. Heike Marita Hölzner, Viktor Wingert, Nadja Carina Reischel, and Alexandra Kammer — provided insightful feedback and recognized the urgency of xounds' mission. ☀️ Our vision? To create a digital safer space that dismantles stereotypes and shame around the diversity of pleasure, empowers people to unlearn harmful behaviours, embrace consent, and maintain full control of their representation and data. Being chosen as the winners fuels our passion as we continue iterating on app development. 💡 Exciting next steps ahead: The coaching opportunity we’ve won is an invaluable gift. We’re eager to learn, grow, and refine our impact with the guidance of more experienced mentors. 🦄 A massive shoutout to the Project ada team for organising such an energising event. The atmosphere was electric — from the cheering and applause among teams to the finest diva music selection hyping us up as we stepped on stage. 🎶 Despite being the last team to pitch after such a packed week, this energy carried us through! 👏 Alina Bart, Helen Rinckens and the Project Ada and Enpal teams! Here’s to a week of resilience, growth, and support from an amazing founder community. Let’s keep breaking barriers together! 🌟 Thanks to all the other inspiring teams we met Christine Pinto Raina Sun Niharika Rakheja 🇩🇪🇮🇹🇮🇳 Jil Berning Caroline Baltrusch Marjorie Simon Aljosha Fischl Jovana Lazarević Alexander Emmerich Manya Agarwal Dr. Julian Kruse Katharina Hess Frida Lüth #Gratitude #Teamxounds #FemaleFounders #PitchNight #Empowerment #BreakingStereotypes #StartupJourney

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    A heartfelt thank you to Johannes Herbst and Tizian Reutter from WachstumsWerkstatt GmbH for sharing their time and expertise with our BSS Women Scholars! They hosted an engaging workshop that equipped our participants with the tools and knowledge to build sustainable organic reach through SEO. Their practical insights, clear explanations of SEO basics, and real-world use cases provided invaluable guidance for startups looking to strengthen their digital presence. We’re truly grateful for your dedication to supporting founders and helping them set the foundation for long-term success. Thank you for your inspiring contribution! #SEO #SEM #SEOworkshop #WomenInBusiness #StartupSupport #DigitalGrowth #WachstumsWerkstatt #BSSWomen #StartupIncubatorBerlin

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    What an impressive summary of our female founder Ran Liu from Space Egg! So great to accompany you on your entrepreneurship journey from EXIST Women to Berlin Startup Scholarship Women! Congrats to your success! 💪🏻👏🏻

    Profil von Ran Liu anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder of Space Egg-Canvas & Tech

    I'm excited to share that Space Egg’s first art event at the Hof Art Exhibition, held during the Hof Film Festival in Bavaria, was a success! We connected with many art lovers who were captivated by our unique blend of AI art and craftsmanship, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive 😃 Our goal was to test our concept, not necessarily to sell. But on the last day, we sold our wonderful piece, The Nile Queen, created in partnership with Egyptian artists. Our buyer, Jürgen, shared, “You only find this level of quality in a museum. I didn’t plan to buy anything today, but when I saw it, I knew I had to have it!” Seeing The Nile Queen hanging on his wall was an exciting moment for us—it lit up the entire room, bringing a wonderful warmth and elegance to his space! This nice experience is a big motivation for Space Egg. Special thanks to Sandra Thumm and Katrin Jahnke for your valuable advice for our art event and I am deeply grateful to Startup Incubator Berlin for all the support. SIB has provided us with an incredible platform to bring Space Egg to life. After completing the EXIST Women Program with SIB, Space Egg was selected for the BSS Women Program. We’re more motivated than ever to grow and thrive! Now, we’re excited to begin developing our customised AI art creation platform! We believe that this fusion of cutting-edge technology and handcrafted artistry will result in something truly exceptional and one-of-a-kind! Curious to learn more about us? Visit our website: Our website is still in development and we would love your feedback!

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    🙌 Congratulations to our alumni team and founders Felippe Wick and Tiên Grünewald on the successful launch of the new 🚀 #StylinkCreatorApp! You’ve done amazing work since you started with cliqe (acq. by stylink), and it’s inspiring to see how your vision is still alive and thriving. Now, the Stylink Creator App allows users and influencers to share their favorite brands and product recommendations, earning with every click. A fantastic tool for creators and brands alike! The BSS-Team and the Startup Incubator Berlin is wishing you all the best with the app. We are excited to see what comes next! 🚀 #stylink #AlumniStartup #BSS #Innovation #CreatorEconomy #InfluencerMarketing #AppLaunch #StartupIncubatorBerlin

    Profil von Tiên Grünewald anzeigen, Grafik

    Head of Sales @stylink | Co-Founder of cliqe (acq. by stylink)

    😮💨 He (Felippe) did it again 🔥 👨🏻💻 After building and launching several mobile and web apps for cliqe (acq. by stylink), Upto App among other, he led the whole product management and development for the new & first-ever stylink App nearly from scratch. 📲 The stylink Creator App will enable our 250,000 users/influencers to simply share their favorite brands & product recommendations and earn for every click. Proud to also see some former cliqe-features in the „stylist“ (bio-link-section) of the app that we built prior to the acquisition of cliqe by stylink. 📢 Shoutout also to the whole stylink-Team and our stunning Pre-Launch App Party in Münster two weeks ago. Looking forward to provide brands and creators an all-in-one influencer marketing offering including performance, awareness and User Generated Content (UGC). ➡️ The stylink Creator App is available now for iOS in the App Store (link in the comments). 🚀 #stylink #Creator #App

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  • Unternehmensseite von Startup Incubator Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    Wow, what a fantastic comment about our #DemoDay at the Startup Incubator Berlin! Thank you so much for your kind words, Stanislaw Bednarek. "Yesterday, I attended an event at the Startup Incubator Berlin, where I had the chance to hear inspiring founder stories and one-minute pitches from teams just starting out with the SIB. I have to say, this event truly motivated me to take on my next life challenge. Their energy is contagious!' 🎉" We're incredibly proud of our current and alumni teams. Thank you for participating, #BSSTeams Trueffles, Fixit, xounds and all the other teams like Moodify, Dreamsome and many more! You are amazing! Keeping the energy alive!!! 🚀 #DemoDay #StartupCommunity #Entrepreneurship #Innovation #Founders #BerlinStartupScholarship #BSS #StartupIncubatorBerlin #SIB #Innovation #Inspiration

    Profil von Stanislaw Bednarek anzeigen, Grafik

    UX/UI Designer | Service Design | Visual Identity | Figma | Adobe Creative Suite | HTML | CSS | HitFilm | Applied Art | Urban Planning | Regional Studies | Languages geek | former professional Human Rights Activist

    Yesterday I was at an event at Startup Incubator Berlin, where I had the opportunity to listen to the Founders' stories, as well as one-minute pitches from teams that have just started working under the auspices of the SIB. And I have to say that this event really empowered me to look for the next life challenge. Their energy is contagious! 🎉 I took part in several user tests, both for teams that are finishing their MVP, MLP and Beta versions, as well as those that have just started. I signed up for notifications for the launch of xounds (consensually sexy) and Dreamsome (whose visual identity I love, by the way), as well as taking part in the test for Moodify (amazing tool and amazing founders with vision), and admiring the presentation of Fixit (who have just secured funding from EXIST -Gründerstipendium - congratulations!). While interviewing, Anastasia Lymperopoulou gave me free fitness advice and Sarah Meisinger encouraged me to use her product once I find my other half 😉 I was also very impressed by the solution of Nabil Bensabre, both for its scaling potential and social responsibility. If any of you have funds and would like to invest them in having an impact, I think it's worth considering a trip to the Incubator and learning about startup ideas. Also, many of the start-ups are looking for Data Analytics 📊 and Developers 💻 (anyone from Ironhack a.ka Ironhack Germany looking for challenges here?!). From my personal perspective, sadly, I believe that many of the fresh entrepreneurs underestimate the role of UX Designer. Proper User Experience evaluation with corresponding Information Architecture and pleasing, consistent Interaction Design fitting the cross-cultural contexts is this extra mile that differentiate your product in the ocean of startups.. Here I can "only" recommend myself as a Designer with a sociological and scientific mindset. MVP is so 2010, do MLP! 😎 Ps. In the photo the amazing Tinush aka Tina Weise from Trueffles, who has an absolutely unearthly energy, as if they came on stage straight from my favourite podcast. And they propose a really great tool for anyone doing a lot of research, especially needed for science industries and research units. Hit them up for collaboration!

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    Releasing stress through dance technics and mindfulness - very important especially when you are founding your own business! Check out this workshop ⬇️

    Profil von Daria Trints anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder of Periodly | BSS Women'24/25 | EXIST Women'24 | The Break Fellow'23

    As you know, my big vision for Periodly is to provide full support for womxn on their journey to learn about their bodies and, by using simple tips and tricks, to feel better and be more productive. That's why I am exploring other aspects of well-being beyond nutrition. Let me invite you to our 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽 𝗼𝗻 𝟯𝟬.𝟭𝟭 where my partner Mylina and I will introduce you to 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘁𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀. 𝘚𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦, 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘯𝘰 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥! 😊 👯♀ 𝗠𝘆𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗮 will guide you through dance methods and impart theoretical knowledge on emotion regulation. 💫 𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮 shares exciting insights on cycles, stress and movement. 📅 When: November 30th, 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 📍 Where: Berlin, 12045 🪙 Price: €25 Sprache: Deutsch ✉ Registration and Details: 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘄 and join us on the path to well-being!

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