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SternMed GmbH

SternMed GmbH

Herstellung medizinischer Geräte

Ravensburg, Baden-Wuerttemberg 8.645 Follower:innen

Lösungsanbieter für “Turnkey Krankenhaus Projekte”: Medizinische bildgebende Diagnostik, OP-Lösungen und ICU .


SternMed GmbH ist Hersteller von Medizinprodukten mit Sitz in Ravensburg, Deutschland. Bei SternMed legen wir den Fokus darauf, die Bedürfnisse Ihres Gesundheitsprojekts über das Angebot unserer medizinischen Geräte hinaus zu berücksichtigen. Unser Ziel ist es, eine umfassende Lösung anzubieten, die Ihrem Budget, Ihrem Zeitrahmen und Ihren technischen Anforderungen gerecht wird, um das Wohlbefinden Ihrer Patienten zu gewährleisten. Wir wissen, dass die Durchführung eines Gesundheitsprojekts und die Auswahl geeigneter medizinischer Geräte ein kompliziertes Verfahren ist. Es erfordert einen transparenten Prozess, der auf den verfügbaren Ressourcen und der Erfassung Ihrer Infrastruktur basiert, um laufende Projekte und künftige Entwicklungen zu verwirklichen, ohne die Patientenversorgung zu beeinträchtigen. Falsche Entscheidungen können zu unsachgemäßem Gebrauch, unzuverlässigen Systemen oder fehlerhaften Medizinprodukten führen, die kostbare Ressourcen verschwenden und die Sicherheit von Patienten und Personal ernsthaft gefährden. Unser Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf der Erfüllung Ihrer Projektanforderungen unter Berücksichtigung der Grundsätze von SternMed: Lösungen, die für Sie angemessen, zugänglich und erschwinglich sind. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, diese Überzeugung in die Realität umzusetzen; wir verpflichten uns, medizinische Geräte nach deutscher Entwicklung herzustellen und als Lösungsanbieter für umfassende "schlüsselfertige Krankenhausprojekte" zu fungieren. Unser umfangreiches Produktportfolio umfasst drei verschiedene Kategorien: Bildgebende Diagnostik: Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT), Computertomographie (CT), Ultraschall- und Röntgensysteme, Mammografie OP-Lösungen: Anästhesiegeräte, OP-Tische, OP-Lichtsysteme, ESU Patientenversorgung: Patientenmonitore, Infusions- und Spritzenpumpen sowie medizinische Beatmungsgeräte Für weitere Informationen, Produktanfragen etc. kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per unter

Herstellung medizinischer Geräte
11–50 Beschäftigte
Ravensburg, Baden-Wuerttemberg
medical devices, Patient Care, OR Solutions, Healthcare, germanengineering, manufacturer, Medical Image, Ventilator, Surgical bed, Surgical table, Medical Pump, Patient Monitors, Mobile-Xray, C-arm, MRI, CT Scan, Fluoroscopy, Ultrasound, Anesthesia, Hospital Turnkey Project, Mobile Hospital, Mobile Clinic und Turnkey Solution for Medical Devices


  • Primär

    Schubertstrasse 31

    Ravensburg, Baden-Wuerttemberg 88214, DE


Beschäftigte von SternMed GmbH


  • SternMed GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Njoroge Dennis karani anzeigen

    I Help Homeowners Create Luxury Spaces with Bespoke Furniture || Future Medical Engineer || Medtech and Ai Visionary || Luxury Interiors

    Exciting News! I’m honored to be selected for the SternMed-REd Medical Equipment Training, a program by Right for Education in collaboration with SternMed GmbH . But for me, this is bigger than just a training,it’s part of a vision. A vision that goes beyond the average youth who just passes exams, gets a degree, and then stops learning only to feel lost in the job market. 💡 Here’s what I believe: ✅ Continuous learning is the real competitive advantage. ✅ Skills not just papers—will set us apart. ✅ We must create opportunities for ourselves, not wait for them. Like Elvis Warutumo, I stand by the belief that we must teach ourselves the skills that will make us valuable in the market. Because not everyone has a ‘godfather’ to hold their hand after graduation. If you can’t find an opportunity, build your own. If the market doesn’t recognize you, make yourself undeniable. This training is a strategic step toward my bigger mission becoming a sought-after medical engineer, leveraging MedTech, AI, and business to create real impact in healthcare. I refuse to be just another graduate. I choose to be a leader, a problem solver, and a builder of opportunities. Who’s with me? #MedicalEngineering #MedTech #HealthcareInnovation #ContinuousLearning #SternMed #RightForEducation #LegacyBuilding #Leadership

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  • Unternehmensseite für SternMed GmbH anzeigen

    8.645 Follower:innen

    SternMed GmbH is a German medical technology company specializing in diagnostic imaging, patient monitoring, and OR solutions. If the goal is to provide tailored healthcare solutions that align with customer budgets and technology needs, here’s how SternMed can position itself effectively: 1. Customization & Scalability  • Modular Medical Devices: Offer imaging and monitoring systems that can be upgraded with additional features over time, allowing hospitals to scale based on their budgets.  • Flexible Configurations: Provide product variations with different performance levels (e.g., entry-level, mid-range, high-end) to cater to different healthcare facilities.  • Localized Adaptations: Adapt solutions based on the specific requirements of different markets, ensuring compliance with regional healthcare standards. 2. Cost-Effective Medical Solutions  • Affordable Without Compromising Quality: SternMed’s strength lies in offering German-engineered solutions at competitive prices.  • Financing & Leasing Options: Introduce flexible payment structures to support hospitals in developing regions with budget constraints. 3. Advanced Yet Practical Technology  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Ensure that all diagnostic and monitoring systems are intuitive, reducing the need for extensive training. 4. Regulatory Compliance & Reliability  • Global Certifications: Maintain CE, ISO reinforcing trust among healthcare providers.  • Durability & Longevity: Design products with a focus on long-term reliability, minimizing maintenance costs. 5. After-Sales Support & Training  • Comprehensive Service & Support: Offer remote troubleshooting, predictive maintenance, and on-site technical support.  • Training Programs: Provide training workshops and digital learning platforms for medical staff to optimize technology usage. SternMed’s Competitive Advantage ✅ German Engineering with Affordability ✅ Scalable & Customizable Solutions ✅ Cost-Effective Without Compromising Quality ✅ Advanced Technology Tailored to Market Needs ✅ Strong After-Sales Support & Training #sternmed #medicaldevices #badenwürttemberg #Medizintechnik #medizintechnik #turnkeyprojects

    • SternMed is a German medical technology company specializing in diagnostic imaging, patient monitoring, and OR solutions. If the goal is to provide tailored healthcare solutions that align with customer budgets and technology needs, here’s how SternMed can position itself effectively:

1. Customization & Scalability
 • Modular Medical Devices: Offer imaging and monitoring systems that can be upgraded with additional features over time, allowing hospitals to scale based on their budgets.
 • Flexible Configurations: Provide product variations with different performance levels (e.g., entry-level, mid-range, high-end) to cater to different healthcare facilities.
 • Localized Adaptations: Adapt solutions based on the specific requirements of different markets, ensuring compliance with regional healthcare standards.

2. Cost-Effective Medical Solutions
 • Affordable Without Compromising Quality: SternMed’s strength lies in offering German-engineered solutions at competitive prices.
 • Financ
  • Unternehmensseite für SternMed GmbH anzeigen

    8.645 Follower:innen

    Deine Aufgaben: Tauche ein in die Welt unserer Neu- und Bestandskunden und analysiere ihre Bedürfnisse, um ein herausragendes Customer Experience und Customer Relation zu schaffen. Übernimm die Verantwortung für deine eigenen Leads, unterstütze den Aufbau unserer internationalen Vertriebspartner und zeige spannende Möglichkeiten in verschiedenen Märkten auf. Sei aktiv dabei, indem du an Kundenterminen (online oder auf Messen) teilnimmst und eigenverantwortlich die daraus resultierenden Aufgaben übernimmst. Dein Profil: Mit einer abgeschlossenen Berufsausbildung oder abgeschlossenem Studium im Bereich der Wirtschaft, Marketing oder vergleichbar bringst du das nötige Fachwissen und die Praxiserfahrung mit. Durch deine exzellenten Deutsch- und/oder Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift bereicherst Du unser Team (Französisch-, oder Spanischkenntnisse von Vorteil) Du bringst ausgeprägte Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten mit, die es dir ermöglichen, effektiv mit anderen zusammenzuarbeiten und Informationen klar zu vermitteln. Du beherrschst die MS-Office-Anwendungen sicher und mit Leichtigkeit? Dann bring deine Fähigkeiten in unser Team ein. Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt? #job #arbeit #wehire

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    8.645 Follower:innen

    Every event will someday come to an end! We sincerely appreciate your visit to the SternMed stand at Arab Health 2025. It was a pleasure meeting you and discussing how our innovative solutions can support your needs. Your interest in our products and services means a lot to us, and we look forward to building a fruitful partnership. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. #sternmed #medicaldevice #arabhealth2025

    • We sincerely appreciate your visit to the sternmed stand at Arab Health 2025. It was a pleasure meeting you and discussing how our innovative solutions can support your needs.

Your interest in our products and services means a lot to us, and we look forward to building a fruitful partnership. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
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    8.645 Follower:innen

    SternMed GmbH’s success in MRI projects can be attributed to several key factors: 1. Advanced Technology. SternMed offers a range of MRI systems, including the Marcom 1.5T, a superconducting MRI scanner with zero helium consumption, enhancing both performance and sustainability. 2. Patient-Centric Design Their MRI systems feature short-cavity magnets and open designs, providing increased comfort for patients, especially those who are claustrophobic or require more space. 3. Cost-Effectiveness SternMed GmbH’s MRI devices are designed for economic efficiency, with low maintenance costs, reduced space requirements, and energy-saving features, making them attractive investments for healthcare facilities. 4. Comprehensive Product Portfolio Beyond MRI, SternMed GmbH provides a wide range of medical devices, including CT scanners, ultrasound systems, and patient care equipment, allowing them to offer integrated solutions for healthcare providers. 5. Global Reach and Customization More information: WhatsApp: +49 1515 579 4996 #sternmed #MRI #MRT #medicaldevice #germany

    • SternMed’s success in MRI projects can be attributed to several key factors:

1. Advanced Technology and Innovation

SternMed offers a range of MRI systems, including the Marcom 1.5T, a superconducting MRI scanner with zero helium consumption, enhancing both performance and sustainability. 

2. Patient-Centric Design

Their MRI systems feature short-cavity magnets and open designs, providing increased comfort for patients, especially those who are claustrophobic or require more space. 

3. Cost-Effectiveness

SternMed’s MRI devices are designed for economic efficiency, with low maintenance costs, reduced space requirements, and energy-saving features, making them attractive investments for healthcare facilities. 

4. Comprehensive Product Portfolio

Beyond MRI, SternMed manufactures a wide range of medical devices, including CT scanners, ultrasound systems, and patient care equipment, allowing them to offer integrated solutions for healthcare providers.

5. Global Reach and Custom
  • Unternehmensseite für SternMed GmbH anzeigen

    8.645 Follower:innen

    Discover the Power of SternMed GmbH MRI from Germany: SternMed GmbH’s MRI systems are revolutionizing health care with precision and reliability. Here’s how: • Advanced Imaging: High-quality scans for accurate diagnoses of soft tissues, brain, spine, and organs. • Patient-Centric Design: Comfortable, efficient, and safe for all patients. • Early Detection & Monitoring: Detects diseases early and tracks treatment progress effectively. • Optimized Workflow: Tailored to meet the needs of modern health care facilities with seamless operation. #SternMed #MRI #HealthcareTechnology #medicalimaging #germany

    • Discover the Power of SternMed MRI 🏥🔬
SternMed’s MRI systems are revolutionizing health care with precision and reliability. Here’s how:
	•	Advanced Imaging: High-quality scans for accurate diagnoses of soft tissues, brain, spine, and organs.
	•	Patient-Centric Design: Comfortable, efficient, and safe for all patients.
	•	Early Detection & Monitoring: Detects diseases early and tracks treatment progress effectively.
	•	Optimized Workflow: Tailored to meet the needs of modern health care facilities with seamless operation.

SternMed MRI – empowering better outcomes through innovation! #SternMed #MRI #HealthcareTechnology

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