Stiftung West-Östliche Begegnungen

Stiftung West-Östliche Begegnungen

Zivilgesellschaftliche und soziale Organisationen

Berlin, Berlin 162 Follower:innen

Begegnen und verstehen – Austausch erwünscht


Die Stiftung West-Östliche Begegnungen fördert Begegnungen zivilgesellschaftlicher Institutionen in Deutschland mit den seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre unabhängigen Staaten Armenien, Aserbaidschan, Belarus, Estland, Georgien, Kasachstan, Kirgistan, Lettland, Litauen, Moldau, Russland, Tadschikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine und Usbekistan. Sie führt zudem mit Partnern im In- und Ausland Kooperations- und eigene Projekte zur Stärkung der west-östlichen Zusammenarbeit der Zivilgesellschaften durch.

Zivilgesellschaftliche und soziale Organisationen
2–10 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin
Förderungen, Zivilgesellschaft, Projektarbeit, Internationaler Dialog, Austausch und Internationale Begegnungsarbeiten


Beschäftigte von Stiftung West-Östliche Begegnungen


  • 🌍 Förderung für Begegnungen mit Zentralasien – Jetzt Antrag stellen!   Sie sind ein deutscher Verein oder eine gemeinnützige Initiative und möchten Projekte mit Partnern aus Zentralasien realisieren? Die Stiftung West-Östliche Begegnungen unterstützt Ihre Begegnungsmaßnahmen und fördert Kooperationen.   👉 Was wir fördern: Austausch- und Begegnungsprojekte für Dialog und Partnerschaft 👉Jetzt aktiv werden: Nutzen Sie die Chance, um Ihre Ideen zu verwirklichen! 👉 Informationen zu den Förderrichtlinien und zur Antragstellung finden Sie hier:

  • 🌍 Calling Central Asian Organizations: Find Your German Partner! Are you an NGO, initiative, or organization from Central Asia? The West-Eastern Encounter Foundation invites you to activate your existing German partners or connect with new ones to collaborate on exchange projects.   👉 What we support: Joint programs, workshops, cultural exchanges, and initiatives that foster mutual understanding between Central Asia and Germany.   👉 Take Action Now: Encourage your German partners to apply for funding. 👉 More details about our funding guidelines and application process here:   Let’s build stronger partnerships for a shared future! 🌏

  • Dear community, dear companions, After an eventful year, we are now looking forward with confidence to the coming year, which may bring us new opportunities and hopes. We wish you health, happiness and success for 2025. We thank you for your interest and commitment and  look forward to continuing our collaboration. With best regards and wishes Yours Foundation for West-Eastern Encounters 

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  • A first step that builds bridges: The Partnership Forum Germany-Central Asia has brought numerous participants into contact with each other and we are delighted with the positive feedback we have received! In addition to workshops and a varied cultural programme, we had the opportunity to listen to the participants present their projects and organizations. One of the speakers was Elmira Abylbek (Nogoybayeva), head of the Esimde research platform. She gave us exciting insights into the memory research that she and her team are driving forward in Central Asia. Her work sheds new light on the issues of identity and memory - topics that are of central importance in a globalized world. Read more here:

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  • The objective of fostering connections between Germany and Central Asia has been met with resounding success. We are pleased to report a high level of positive feedback following the Partnership Forum. The event provided an excellent opportunity for cultural exchange: The Community Media Association has already developed a project based on the ideas generated during the workshops: “Music without borders”. The goal is to create a festival that unites German and Kyrgyz musicians, facilitates the exchange of traditional folk instruments and brings the fascinating history and rich traditions of both cultures to life. Read more here (in Russian): In Kyrgyz:

    Первый Форум Партнерства Германия – Центральная Азия объединил лидеров гражданского общества

    Первый Форум Партнерства Германия – Центральная Азия объединил лидеров гражданского общества

  • The first Partnership Forum Germany-Central Asia ended today: From 25 to 27 November, we and all participants were able to make numerous contacts and hear inspiring project ideas! We would like to thank all participants for their valuable input, creative approaches and open dialogue. Special thanks go to the Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany for their generous support, which made this project possible in the first place. We look to the future with confidence and hope to organise similar formats in the near future to further promote exchange and expand networks. 📸 x Sandra Kühnapfel

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  • Last but not least - a name that some of our participants have already heard: Inga Markwart is not only our workshop moderator, she is also responsible for the methodological design of the Germany-Central Asia Partnership Forum.    Inga is an experienced consultant, moderator and trainer with a focus on international private sector development. Working for development organisations such as GIZ and UNDP, she advises companies and public organisations on innovation management, digital communication, leadership and European market entry. She has worked in all countries of Central Asia, North and East Africa and Eastern Europe. As Managing Director, she established the German Business Association in Armenia, developed master plans for economic growth in Uzbekistan and trained Kyrgyz companies on how to bring their products or services to the German market. Having successfully managed several complex international projects, Inga lectures on project management to Masters students at GISMA University in Potsdam.    📸 x Inga Markwart 

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  • Moderating the discussions of our participants is an essential task without which the Germany-Central Asia Partnership Forum could not function smoothly. We are therefore very grateful that our moderator, Ira Peter, is experienced and committed in this field. Ira was born in the Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan and has lived in Germany since 1992. She works as a freelance journalist for Zeit Online, taz, FAZ, Frankfurter Rundschau and SWR Radio. Since 2017, she has also dedicated herself to post-Soviet topics in journalistic articles, in the Aussiedler podcast 'Steppenkinder' and as a speaker at events. In 2022, she received the Golden Blogger Award for her work as a city writer in Odessa. In March 2025, her book 'German enough? Why we finally need to talk about Russian-Germans' (Goldmann Verlag). 📸 x Arthur Bauer 

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  • During the Partnership Forum Germany-Central Asia workshops, we are supported by experienced moderators. This week we would like to introduce you to our important helping hands! We start with Tatjana Joltkévitch: Tatjana grew up in Belarus and Russia. She has been living in Germany for 22 years. Among other things, she has given numerous intercultural training courses, moderated the German-Russian Youth Forum for 5 years and given training courses for cultural managers for the Goethe Institute in Central Asia and Russia. Tatjana knows very well what it is like to find your way in another culture and is happy to support others in doing so. She is valued for her experience, openness and authenticity. 📸 x Tatjana Joltkévitch

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