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Liftero team goes into space 🤩 Not in person (yet!), but our signatures are - etched on the PCB that will fly on the RED5 mission. Pretty cool, right? 😎
Deep tech pioneers welcome! Sunfish Partners is an early stage VC that invests in deep tech startups from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
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Sunfish Partners hat dies direkt geteilt
Liftero team goes into space 🤩 Not in person (yet!), but our signatures are - etched on the PCB that will fly on the RED5 mission. Pretty cool, right? 😎
Sunfish Partners hat dies direkt geteilt
Calling all total beasts ready to grind with me like there’s no tomorrow! I’m hunting for a B2B growth hacker who will work in Warsaw, reporting directly to me. We’re building something massive, and I need someone who’s all-in—hungry to win and unstoppable in execution. My expectation? To get you ready to start your own company in a few years. This is a full-on role with huge potential for personal growth. If you’re up for it, DM me! CC: Solvemed | AI Pupillometry System
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🚀 Astro Performance project has officially launched! 🚀 Last week, we had the pleasure of welcoming Slawosz Uznański-Wiśniewski to showcase our project's progress and the cutting-edge facilities supporting our research. It was a day filled with excitement and insightful discussions across the experimental team! We’d like to extend a huge thank you to our project partners for their invaluable support: 🔹 Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Józefa Piłsudskiego w Warszawie – Motion assessment 🔹 MIRAI Clinic – Medical imaging 🔹 Instytut Sportu Państwowy Instytut Badawczy – physical exertion physiology and biochemistry 🔹 Toyota & Carolina Car Company – Logistics and transportation 🧑🚀 What is the first phase of the project? In the pre-flight period we are monitoring the tissue structure, motion function and metabolic conditions of the astronauts and the ground-reference group. The process will be repeated in the post-flight phase of the project for various comparisons and analyses. Follow us to stay updated on our journey! 🚀🔬 European Space Agency - ESA POLSA Polska Agencja Kosmiczna | Polish Space Agency Ministerstwo Rozwoju i Technologii #AstroPerformance #SpaceMedicine #AIinHealthcare #SpaceExploration #Innovation Astro Performance is carried out under a programme funded by the European Space Agency (ESA). The view expressed in this post is presented by Smarter Diagnostics and can’t be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Agency.
Sunfish Partners hat dies direkt geteilt
Key Grip: 1 – Key: 0!🔑🦾 Watch as Marty effortlessly uses the Key Grip to perform a precise and delicate maneuver—separating a key from the ring. The Zeus hand is engineered for both finesse and power, handling tasks that demand precision just as easily as those requiring strength and endurance.⚡ Learn more👉🏻 #ZeusHand #BionicPrecision #AetherBiomedical #ProstheticHand #Amputee #ProstheticsTechnology
Sunfish Partners hat dies direkt geteilt
Ever wondered what it's like to intern at a space startup while balancing college? 🚀 Check out the interview with our interns Simon and Veronika! 👇 What are you working on? 🔍 Š: I am currently working on generating a dataset using GNU radium to help train artificial intelligence. V: I am working on in-orbit space debris detection using a monocular grayscale camera for a safer future of deployed satellites. Does the startup-college balance work? 🎓 Š: If you enjoy being active, then yes. Although I came from a different field, I managed to learn, cross-reference, and apply knowledge from various areas dynamically. This approach allowed me to quickly adapt to space technology. Additionally, I am also using a lot of this knowledge in my PhD studies. V: I’ve been working since my first year of undergrad, I’m pretty used to balancing college and work. It’s a meaningful way to spend my time, and on top of that, this job allows me to combine my work with my bachelor's thesis. Plus, this internship is a great boost for my career! What do you like about Zaitra? 🌟 Š: Zaitra gave me the opportunity to look beneath the surface of the space industry and gain a lot of experience, even though I was coming in with only theoretical knowledge. I like that I have the opportunity to realize myself, but if I don't know what to do, I can consult a more experienced colleague. V: I love the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the ever-evolving New Space industry. Getting to work on real satellites that will one day orbit the Earth is incredible. Honestly, this experience is a dream come true—one that I’ve been working towards for years! Thank you to Šimon and Verča for sharing their experiences with us! 👏 💚 #internship #startuplife #careergrowth #NewSpace #signalprocessing #python #AI in #Space
Munich Security Conference: Dr. Marcus Erken & Sebastian Straube are in town for Sunfish Partners to engage with end users, policy makers, and the best and brightest founders in defense tech.
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📢We’re happy to announce that Aether Biomedical has been awarded a grant to develop an adaptive prosthetic gripper! This project will improve precision and versatility in object grasping, bringing us closer to replicating the natural dexterity of the human hand.💡 [PL] Tytuł projektu: „Opracowanie adaptacyjnego chwytaka protetycznego z wieloma stopniami swobody dla osób po amputacji kończyny górnej” Numer projektu: FENG.01.01-IP.02-4220/23 Wartość projektu: 8 030 952.28 zł Dofinansowanie: 5 881 103.84 zł Wkład własny: 2 645 535.66 zł Cel projektu: Projekt skupia się na opracowaniu zaawansowanego chwytaka protetycznego, który znacząco poszerzy możliwości chwytania różnorodnych obiektów, w tym tych o skomplikowanej geometrii. Wykorzysta on niedosterowany system kinematyczny o wielu stopniach swobody, co jest nowością w dziedzinie protetycznych chwytaków. Innowacja ta ma na celu umożliwienie chwytania przedmiotów o różnych rozmiarach i kształtach, w tym tych cylindrycznych i kulistych, które obecne rozwiązania nie są w stanie pewnie uchwycić. Dodatkowo projekt zakłada rozwój adaptacyjnego napędu, który pozwoli na generowanie bardzo szerokiego zakresu sił przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu wysokich prędkości zamykania. Celem jest osiągnięcie siły chwytu bardziej zbliżonej do tej, jaką posiadają ludzkie dłonie, co znacznie przewyższa obecne możliwości rynkowych protez. Istotnym elementem projektu jest także rozwój systemu kontroli siły chwytu, który pozwoli na precyzyjne wykrywanie siły oraz zapobieganie wyślizgiwaniu się przedmiotów z chwytaka. Ten aspekt jest kluczowy dla zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa i funkcjonalności urządzenia. Projekt obejmuje również opracowanie aktywnego nadgarstka, który zwiększy możliwości chwytania i odciąży stawy użytkownika. Taki nadgarstek, sterowany za pomocą akcelerometru i sygnałów EMG, zapewni większą elastyczność, precyzję ruchów i sprawi, że używanie protezy będzie bardziej intuicyjne, co jest szczególnie istotne przy wykonywaniu codziennych i powtarzalnych zadań. Podsumowując, projekt ma na celu znaczące zwiększenie funkcjonalności i skuteczności mioelektrycznych protez chwytaków, co poprawi codzienne życie użytkowników. Przez połączenie nowoczesnych technologii kinematycznych, siłowych i sterowania, projekt dąży do stworzenia urządzenia, które będzie bliższe ludzkiej dłoni pod względem wszechstronności i siły chwytu.
Sunfish Partners hat dies direkt geteilt
Final satellite integration at Vandenberg SFB completed! 🚀 Together with the deployer, we checked every box. ✅ Now, it’s just the Falcon 9, the RED5 mission, and the Transporter-13 launch window. ⏰
Sunfish Partners hat dies direkt geteilt
🚀 We’re going into space! 🚀 #Ignis, the Polish technological and scientific mission, is scheduled to launch this spring with the Ax-4 manned space mission to the International Space Station (ISS). 13 Polish experiments will be carried out under this collaboration of the European Space Agency - ESA, POLSA Polska Agencja Kosmiczna | Polish Space Agency and Ministerstwo Rozwoju i Technologii. Our project - Astro Performance (Mollis Textus) - is one of them! It will explore the effects of the preparation and the space mission on the human musculo-skeletal system! 🧑🚀 What is the experiment about? We are tracking changes in astronauts' lower limbs using MRI, blood tests, and movement tasks, comparing the results with Earth-based volunteers. Our goal? To enhance physiotherapy methods and AI-driven diagnostics for optimized space mission preparation and rapid recovery. 🌍 Why is this important? ✅ Microgravity weakens muscles and tendons – Understanding these effects helps us develop better prevention strategies. ✅ Astronauts have limited time for preparation & recovery – Optimizing protocols is essential for future missions. ✅ The number of people traveling to space is set to grow exponentially – With upcoming Moon & Mars missions and commercial space stations, AI-driven diagnostics will be crucial. Follow us to stay updated on our journey! 🚀🔬 #AstroPerformance #SpaceMedicine #AIinHealthcare #SpaceExploration #Innovation #ESA #NASA #POLSA #SpaceX #Axiom Astro Performance is carried out under a programme funded by the European Space Agency (ESA). The view expressed in this post is presented by Smarter Diagnostics and can’t be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Agency.
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Join our CTO Stanisław Jastrzębski at AMLD - Applied Machine Learning Days where he will be giving a keynote during the AI & Molecular World track on Thursday. What excites us most is automating scientific discovery to make complex molecules cheaply and quickly available. We will be sharing our latest (and unpublished) research on training big deep learning models on our large-scale HTE reaction dataset. What can you learn from 100,000 Suzuki Couplings? 🤓 Let's discuss.