The SUPERB IUFRO documentary movie is now live! 🎬 We are excited to share that the highly anticipated SUPERB documentary, in collaboration with IUFRO - International Union of Forest Research Organizations, is now available for viewing online. This film is an excellent opportunity to learn about SUPERB's work in #forest #restoration. You'll see our efforts across 12 large-scale demonstrations in 12 different countries and hear directly from our project leaders sharing insights about our work. If you are attending the #IUFRO2024 conference, you can also catch the premiere of this movie on the big screens at the conference center. 👉 Watch now: European Research Executive Agency (REA) European Forest Institute Colombe WARIN WebsEdge
SUPERB project
Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia 1.665 Follower:innen
EU Green Deal/Horizon 2020 project upscaling forest restoration
SUPERB (Systemic solutions for upscaling of urgent ecosystem restoration for forest-related biodiversity and ecosystem services) is a €20 million project funded by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the EU Green Deal to restore thousands of hectares of forest landscape across Europe. By linking practical and scientific knowledge to be synergistically transformed into action and building a large and powerful multi-stakeholder network, SUPERB is creating transformative change towards large-scale restoration. With 36 partners in 16 countries, SUPERB is coordinated by the European Forest Institute and co-coordinated by Wageningen Environmental Research.
- Website
Externer Link zu SUPERB project
- Branche
- Umweltdienstleistungen
- Größe
- 51–200 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia
- Art
- Personengesellschaft (OHG, KG, GbR etc.)
- Spezialgebiete
- forest restoration, ecosystem restoration, forest management, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, forestry, stakeholder engagement, restoration finance, upscaling restoration und forest governance
Platz der Vereinten Nationen
Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia 53113, DE
Beschäftigte von SUPERB project
#Biodiversity is often discussed in the context of #conservation, but its role in strengthening #forest #resilience is just as critical—especially as #climate change and #disturbances intensify. The new policy brief, based on key findings from a four-year EU Horizon project RESONATE, highlights how forests with diverse tree species are better equipped to withstand and recover from extreme weather events, boosting both their ecological stability and productivity. 📖 Read the policy brief to explore key insights and recommendations for policymakers, forest owners, and managers:
In recent years, storms, droughts, wildfires, and bark beetle outbreaks have reshaped #forest landscapes across Europe. These #disturbances are not new, but their frequency and intensity are increasing. How can we move beyond crisis response and towards long-term #resilience? This policy brief from Horizon2020 project RESONATE explores the growing risks that climate-driven disturbances pose to Europe’s forests. It summarizes key research findings and provides actionable recommendations for decision-makers. 🔗 Access the policy brief here:
Managing Forest Disturbances in a Changing Climate – research results summarized for decision makers
Check out our recent #Forest #Restoration talk featuring forest ecologists Martin Mikoláš and Miroslav Svoboda from the Czech University of Life Sciences, who discuss primary and #oldgrowth forests in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Drawing on over 15 years of research through their REMOTE project, they explore forest structure, dynamics, #biodiversity, and #carbon storage potential of these forests in the Balkans and Carpathians. In the webinar they share impressive research results including long-term data collection through forest inventories, biodiversity assessments, deadwood analysis, and dendroecological studies, with re-measurements conducted every five years. Key topics include natural #disturbances and their role for biodiversity and forest #resilience. The discussion also addresses forest management strategies that mimic natural processes, the challenges of improper management in protected areas, and the importance of mapping and preserving old-growth forests. Gert-Jan Nabuurs WILDCARD project Fabio Castelli Priscila Jordão Lyla O'Brien Gesche Schifferdecker Trishna Dutta
Primary and Old-Growth Forests in East and South-East Europe
SUPERB project hat dies direkt geteilt
Today we celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science! 👩💻 👩🔬 🧕 We recognize and embrace the importance of women's contributions to science and innovation in forest research. Bringing in their unique perspectives fosters multidisciplinary approaches and offers inclusive solutions crucial to tackling global challenges. We proudly introduce some female researchers and experts working on the TRANSFORMIT project. We asked them what drives their inspiration to do forest-related work and what they most like about it, and we loved their answers 💖 We start with Agata A. Konczal, researcher at Wageningen University & Research: “I am a forest anthropologist, or if you need a broader label, environmental anthropologist. I have always been curious, and I wanted to know more about the world and people. This drive for knowledge led me into the academia.”
SUPERB project hat dies direkt geteilt
Last saturday in Dutch newspaper. I was interviewed to give a reflection on forest management by IKEA's forest company in Romania. Not illegal, but not the best forest management either. Under the increasing heat and droughts a continuous cover forestry will have to be put in place. SUPERB project . Simon Henzell-Thomas (he/his) Arnout le Clercq de Volkskrant
Het Roemeense sprookjesbos van Ikea zit vol kale plekken: ‘Dit is een roofoverval op de natuur’
Check out a key SUPERB outcome by Sophus zu Ermgassen Qian Liu Thomas Lundhede Bo Jellesmark Thorsen Joe W Bull published in Ecology & Evolution following 3 years of work: "The current state, opportunities & challenges for upscaling private investment in #biodiversity in Europe"! The study explores both opportunities and challenges in increasing private investment in nature. It emphasizes that on the positive side, economic changes, new regulations, and innovations in finance and technology could boost investment. However, challenges remain—many projects are not highly profitable, investors are wary of risks, and there are concerns that nature markets could worsen inequalities. Governments play a key role, both helping and hindering investment due to conflicting policies and lack of coordination. For example, farm subsidies often work against nature markets. Investors want risks reduced, yet government policies create uncertainty. The study suggests that private investment in nature depends heavily on public policy. The authors suggest that governments should create and manage these markets, but it's unclear if this approach is more effective than direct public funding.
Nature finance lead: Oxford Uni Nature-positive Hub. Ecological economics | Biodiversity finance | Biodiversity Net Gain | Offsets. Advisor to UK govt & biodiversity consultant. Co-host "Economics for Rebels" podcast
V happy to share our *new paper* in Nature Ecology & Evolution following 3 years of work: "The current state, opportunities & challenges for upscaling private investment in biodiversity in Europe": Our team Thomas Lundhede Bo Jellesmark Thorsen Qian Liu Isobel Hawkins Joe W Bull from the SUPERB project ran 3 focus groups with biodiversity finance experts across Europe, & I interviewed 25 top experts (thank you!!). In short, here were the key themes: Opportunities: -Changes in macroeconomic conditions that are putting pressure on farming, emerging regulations which could plausibly increase demand, & changes in societal expectations and values -Innovation – financial, technological, & increasing levels of professional experience bringing down novelty and transaction costs Challenges: -The ongoing lack of *highly* profitable investment opportunities, coupled with investors’ low risk tolerance -Large political & regulatory risks -Some fundamental conflicts between the nature of conservation projects and the needs of investors -Risks from social perceptions that nature markets have the potential to exacerbate inequalities A really interesting finding I think from the work was that governments were perceived both as the major catalyst of increased investment, but also one of the biggest barriers. Direct public investment was still generally perceived as the most important thing. Additionally, I identified a number of internal contradictions within government policies that need to be addressed if the vision of upscaling private investment is to be realised: -Poor coordination between different government policies and funding sources. The main one that came out here was the way agricultural subsidies 'compete' with nature markets. There is a need for much better coordination between government policies to direct the types of funding that suit the characteristics of each project into the right places. -Investors seek derisking... but one of the key risks they seek to mitigate is political and regulatory risks presented by government itself. My take is people generally underestimate how large the role of public policy would have to be to enable that vision & the investment required. Govts would have to a) create the investment opportunities through nature-related markets; b) govern the markets to ensure they work; c) derisk the markets to incentivise private actors to invest. Doing this effectively would require vast investment, & for me it is still ambiguous whether the upscaling of private investment in nature is more efficient or cost-effective than direct public financing, given the huge administrative capacity & regulatory change required. We argue therefore that the private vs public investment dichotomy is misleading - private investment in nature is better perceived as an extension of public policy. The Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery Department of Biology, University of Oxford
The current state, opportunities and challenges for upscaling private investment in biodiversity in Europe - Nature Ecology & Evolution
What makes primary and old-growth #forests so vital for #biodiversity and #carbon storage? What can we learn from experts who have spent over 15 years studying these unique ecosystems? Join our #ForestRestorationTalk to hear from Miroslav Svoboda and Martin Mikoláš from the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague as they share insights from their research in East and South-East Europe! 🕓 4:00 PM CET, 12 February 2025 🗓️ Register here 👉
Really inspiring documentary featuring SUPERB researcher Silvio Schueler and Jürgen Bauhus exploring the potential of #assistedmigration of #trees under #climatechange. If you understand German, we recommend you to start watching from minute 4:40!
Assisted Baum-Migration auf #3Sat-Nano! Gerade haben wir unseren SUPERB project policy brief fertiggestellt, zur Bedeutung von assisted migration als aktive PRÄnaturierungsmaßnahme, um den europäischen Wald als Kohlenstoffsenke auch in Zukunft zu erhalten: Jetzt hat auch #3sat das Thema aufgegriffen und im Wissensmagazin #Nano einen Beitrag dazu veröffentlicht: Assistierte Baum-Migration: Rettung für unsere Wälder? Ab Minute 4:40 unter folgendem Link: Mit Beiträgen von Jürgen Bauhus, Dr. Charalambos Neophytou und einem Interviewbeitrag meinerseits. Bundesforschungszentrum für Wald (BFW), Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg (FVA) Und für alle die es noch nicht gelesen haben hier nochmal die Fakten unseres Papers dazu:
Immer mehr Land wird zum Dürregebiet
SUPERB project hat dies direkt geteilt
From farmlands to forests: Are you interested in understanding the effects of #rewilding on #soils? 🐛 🍂 With our new video guide, you can learn how to collect soil data in a few steps! Explore it here 👉 While many studies have investigated how the presence of vegetation and animals change during rewilding, the hidden world of soil has received far less attention. Yet, soils represent the largest terrestrial #carbon pool and accommodate more than half of the Earth’s #biodiversity. 🌎 There’s still a lot we don’t know about how carbon stocks and soil biodiversity respond when nature is left to recover on its own. This is partly because soil is incredibly complex, expensive to study, and varies greatly from place to place. 📹 Our five new videos developed by INBO (Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek) help us track soil changes as rewilding progresses, and work as a compliment to our written soil sampling guide, developed by INBO and the Silva Tarouca Research Institute (VUKOZ). #HorizonEurope #GenerationRestoration #RestoreNature #SoilScience Kris Vandekerkhove, Heleen Deroo, Yannick De Win