Supercar Group GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt
Is the F40 maybe the most iconic last street car ever designed, created and produced by Ferrari ? Yes. We would sign for that. From an emotion aspect it’s not only about horsepower or aerodynamic. Its about a soul, a story behind. As the F40 was the last Ferrari presented under Mr. Enzo Ferrari himself for the 40th anniversary, this model will stay something special in the automotive history books forever. Still after 38 years when the F40 was presented in year 1987, every generation is fascinated staying next to this iconic model. From age 8 to 80, the reaction is always the same when we have guests with us. Shining eyes like a childhood dream coming true. Now soon, our iconic F40 will leave our Supercar Boutique GmbH in Munich and we are already very sad to see her leaving. But we know she will stay in one of the biggest Ferrari collections and in good hands. May you bring joy and shining eyes for the next 38 years ! Supercar Group GmbH Supercar Storage GmbH Supercar Garage GmbH Supercar Boutique GmbH