Effortless performance in every cup with our Black&White4 compact! The Black&White4 compact stands out with its easy operation and durable touch display, offering protection against scratches. It's also easy to clean – perfect for daily use and businesses with high traffic. #thermoplan #switzerland #coffee #fullyautomaticcoffeemachine #blackandwhite
Thermoplan AG
Weggis, Canton of Lucerne 10.638 Follower:innen
Swiss Quality Coffee Equipment
Thermoplan AG was founded by Esther and Domenic Steiner in 1974. Originally dedicated to the development and production of milk foaming and cream whipping machines for the food service and catering industry, Thermoplan had its crucial breakthrough with the Black&White coffee machine in the mid-1990s. The result is an innovative, sophisticated fully automatic coffee machine, which is unique due to its modular construction. This principle ensures maximum service friendliness and combines ease of use with the highest product quality. The advantages of this construction, as well as the high reliability are well known far beyond the Swiss borders. As another innovative world premiere, Thermoplan developed in 2007 as the first company a revolutionary milk system which prepares beside hot milk foam for cappuccino and latte macchiato, cold milk foam at the touch of a button. This innovative system is leading till today and is used in all Thermoplan Black&White coffee machines. Thermoplan is a “Swiss-made” operation and is rooted in Central Switzerland. Representing an export share of over 97%, Thermoplan is delivering its high quality products in more than 80 countries. About 530 employees are employed at the headquarters in Weggis (CH) and subsidiaries in Germany and the United States.
- Website
Externer Link zu Thermoplan AG
- Branche
- Maschinenbau
- Größe
- 501–1.000 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Weggis, Canton of Lucerne
- Art
- Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
- Gegründet
- 1974
- Spezialgebiete
- Research & Development, Automatic coffee machines, Milk Foam Technology, Module System, Connectivity of Coffee Machines, Employer, LatteArtist, Superior Coffee System, Superior Milk Foam System und Telemetry System
Thermoplan-Platz 1
Weggis, Canton of Lucerne 6353, CH
Altriper Straße 1
Hockenheim, Baden-Württemberg 68766, DE
Leavenworth, Washington 98826, US
Beschäftigte von Thermoplan AG
Willkommen in der Thermoplan Coffee Academy! ☕ Endlich dürfen wir es allen sagen, unsere Coffee Academy öffnet ihre Tore und zwar für alle! Ab März 2025 können Sie bei uns in spannenden Kursen alles rund um das Thema Kaffee lernen – ob Anfänger oder Profi! Ob «Grundlagen des Kaffees», «Latte Art» oder «Baristakurs», die Kurse bieten für jeden etwas. Werden Sie Teil der Kaffee-Welt und bringen Sie Ihr Know-how auf das nächste Level! Alle Infos zu den Kursen und wie man sich dafür anmelden kann, unter: https://lnkd.in/dMCPQ5bb #thermoplan #switzerland #coffeeacademy #coffeeeducation #coffee #coffeelover #latteart #barista #kaffeewissen #kaffeekurs
The end of an era ❤️ After incredible 16 years of grinding beans, crafting crema, and delivering espresso excellence, it’s time to say goodbye. Our Black&White3 is retiring – well deserved! 🎉 Since 2009, it has been a loyal companion to countless baristas, serving millions of perfect espressos, cappuccinos and lattes – shaping our success and fueling the hospitality industry worldwide. A few Facts & Figures about the Black&White3: 🏭 Production period: 2009 – February 2025 📈 Total units sold: 65'000 🏆 Most successful year: 2014 (approx. 10'000 units) ⭐ Most popular model: Black&White3 CTM 🌍 Top 5 markets: UK, China, Germany, South Korea, the Netherlands But don’t worry – the Black&White4 family continues to be produced with dedication and is brewing on! Here’s to 16 years of coffee, memories, and one legendary machine. Thank you for everything, Black&White3 – you will always be a part of Thermoplan’s history! #thermoplan #goodbye #coffee #endofanera #blackandwhite3 #swissquality
Whether gently filtered or powerfully brewed - there are many ways to make coffee without pressure! In our latest blog post, we present the five most popular methods through engaging videos: 🔹 French Press - Full-bodied & intense 🔹 AeroPress - Versatile & fast 🔹 Cold brew - refreshing & mild 🔹 Filter coffee - classic & aromatic 🔹 Chemex - Elegant & clear Discover how to prepare them! 👉 https://lnkd.in/dXjiRCvr #thermoplan #switzerland #coffee #fullyautomaticcoffeemachine #blackandwhite #coffeeblog #coffeelover #CoffeeWithoutPress #FrenchPress #AeroPress #Chemex #FilterCoffee #ColdBrew
Fit and healthy with our fitness studio MOVE! At Thermoplan, we care about our employees’ well-being – with our fitness studio that provides everything you need for your fitness journey. Modern equipment for strength and endurance training is at your disposal, and our Movement and Health Specialist offers personalized guidance on using the machines. Whether you want to unwind after work or recharge with fresh energy during the day, our fitness studio is here to help you achieve your goals. Let’s stay fit together! #thermoplan #insidethermoplan #workout #greatplacetowork #move #fitness
Was für ein gelungenes Event! ✨☕ Am Dienstagabend wurde in der Rheingoldhalle in Mainz die begehrte Auszeichnung „Hotelier des Jahres“ verliehen. Über 1.000 Gäste kamen zur feierlichen Gala zusammen. Auch Thermoplan Deutschland war als Sponsor dabei und präsentierte sich mit einem eigenen Stand und feinem Kaffee. Wir gratulieren der Familie Deimann herzlich zu dieser renommierten Auszeichnung und ihrem wohlverdienten Erfolg! #thermoplan #deutschland #hotelierdesjahres #hotellerie #gastgewerbe ahgz - Allgemeine Hotel- und Gastronomie-Zeitung
Thermoplan is heading to Atlanta for the NAFEM Show from February 26th to 28th! 🎉 Join us at one of the biggest events in the foodservice industry to demonstrate your barista skills on the Black&White4 CTS, experience perfect milk foam at the touch of a button on the Black&White4 CTM RL, or discover the perfect lower volume superautomatic for your office with the Black&White 4 compact CTM RS. Visit booth 2561 to discover the latest innovations in coffee technology – we look forward to seeing you there! #thermoplan #switzerland #coffee #fullyautomaticcoffeemachine #blackandwhite #fair #nafem2025 #nafemshow
Wie wirken sich steigende Zölle der USA auf die Thermoplan AG aus und welche Folgen hat dies für das Exportgeschäft? Darüber spricht unser CEO, Adrian Steiner, in der heutigen SRF Rundschau. Heute Abend um 20.10 SRF 1 einschalten oder online nachschauen unter SRF Rundschau. #thermoplan #wirtschaft #zoll #export #srf #rundschau SRF - Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Einschalten lohnt sich! 🎥 Welche Folgen haben steigende Zölle der USA für die Thermoplan AG und wirkt sich dies auf das Exportgeschäft und den Produktionsstandort Schweiz aus? Mehr dazu in der heutigen Rundschau um 20.10 Uhr auf SRF 1 oder später online unter SRF Rundschau. #zoll #export #wirtschaft #srf #rundschau #thermoplan SRF - Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Work-Life Balance in focus! At Thermoplan, we value the balance between work and personal life. With our home office option, we offer you the flexibility to structure your workday according to your individual needs. #thermoplan #insidethermoplan #employee #holiday #greatplacetowork
Schreibst du unseren nächsten Social Media Post?📱 Du hast eine Leidenschaft für digitales Marketing und begeisterst dich für die Weiterentwicklung unserer Website, die Optimierung von SEO Aktivitäten und führst internationale SEA Kampagnen zum Erfolg? Produktmarketing ist für dich kein Fremdwort? Dann haben wir was für dich! Bewirb dich als Online Marketing Manager und gestalte mit uns die digitale Thermoplan Zukunft. #thermoplan #stellefrei #onlinemarketing