Tideways GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt
Our friends over at Packagist Conductors, creators of Composer, released a new product that I got to beta test for a couple of days now. https://lnkd.in/d37t2epf Think: “What if Dependabot/Renovate deeply understood PHP and ran in your CI.” I'm delighted so far! It runs using the proper composer binary inside our own CI workflows, using a template we've been provided with, which integrates into their webhooks. So we get all the benefits of being able to set up the project (plugins, etc.) before checking for updates. No more guessing why Dependabot doesn't pick up a dependency! The logical grouping of upgrade sets it does is great and makes merging version updates less work and better testable. The benefit of fully focusing on and deeply understanding the PHP ecosystem we also leverage at Tideways GmbH in action. <3 While we don't use Flex or other composer plugins, I can see how this will help other projects that do quite a lot in having better upgrade management. Excited about the full release.