traffic-lines GmbH is a German company that combines experience and innovative strength in a unique way.
Working together with our network partners who operate across the globe, we develop fully integrated concepts and solutions to ensure that our customers achieve long-term success.
High quality equipment is offered like patented ultra high-pressure water system for cleaning, retexturing, marking/rubber removal or marking removal additives as well as marking and application systems.
As the year comes to an end, it’s a perfect moment to reflect on the achievements we’ve made this year. 🎊
May the upcoming year bring you health, happiness and continued success. 🤝
We look forward to a new year of great partnerships, support for our customers and new innovations!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄🎆
As the year comes to an end, it’s a perfect moment to reflect on the achievements we’ve made this year. 🎊
May the upcoming year bring you health, happiness and continued success. 🤝
We look forward to a new year of great partnerships, support for our customers and new innovations!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄🎆
🚛 Introducing Road Jet Cleaning, our trusted dealer in the UAE
Road Jet Cleaning is offering our state-of-the-art ultra-high-pressure water blasting technology for marking removal, rubber removal, surface retexturing and cleaning on various road surfaces, airports and racetracks! 🌍
We are thrilled to have this partnership to provide important solutions to you.
Visit the website 👉
For detailed information binu joseph is available to assist you. Get personalized advice and find out how he can help you to achieve your goals together.
🔹 Key Benefits of the traffic-lines technology:
- Marking Removal: Efficiently removes road and runway markings with minimal disruption.
- Rubber Abrasion Removal: Eliminates rubber buildup from racetracks and airports, improving traction and safety.
- Surface Retexturing: Hydro retexturing improves the macro and micro-texture and is usually selected, with variable flow rates, for the optimum removal of excess binder. This makes it the ideal solution to improve skid resistance and extend the life of road networks but also as a optimal pre-treatment to remove excess bitumen prior to new surface dressing applications.
- Restores the texture of worn-out road and runway surfaces, enhancing performance.
- Eco-Friendly Cleaning: Uses only water and precision to ensure a non-damaging, environmentally sustainable solution.
Stay tuned for more updates and success stories as we continue to transform infrastructure maintenance in the region!
Fast, Faster -> tornado 🌪️
We are excited to introduce an innovation in thick-layered road marking removal technology! 🛣️
Our high-quality solution is faster, more thorough, and significantly more cost-effective than traditional methods. ⏩
Previously, up to three machines including machine operators (mechanical milling machine, sweeping, ultra-high water blasting) were required to remove agglomerates, thermoplastics and older markings.
This two-stage system revolutionises the process:
Stage 1: In the first suction hood, the layer thickness of the road marking is reduced.
Stage 2: In the second suction hood, the markings are gently removed using minimum sufficient amount of water. This ensures thorough yet gentle removal.
The benefits at a glance:
- Faster: Shorter road closure times ⏰
- More thorough: Two-phase process for maximum efficiency and precision ⚖️
- More cost-effective: Reduced operating costs thanks to optimised processes and less material waste. 💰
- Gentle on surfaces: Patented technology removes markings. 🪶
This innovation is a real game changer for local authorities, cities and companies that focus on efficiency, sustainability and cost management.
Contact us to find out more about how this product can improve your road marking removal processes!
Wie arbeiten unsere Trucks auf Flughäfen, um sichere Landungen zu ermöglichen? 🛬
Wir sind unglaublich stolz, die Veröffentlichung des Dokumentarfilms 'Marvellous Machines - Stille Helden' ankündigen zu können. 🎉 In dieser anschaulichen Dokumentation wird die Arbeit unserer Technik genau unter die Lupe genommen!
Eindeutig ein Must-See!
Die Sendung wird auf am 28.11.2024 um 20:15 Uhr und auf am 28.11.2024 um 21:10 Uhr ausgestrahlt.
Nach der Ausstrahlung ist diese interessante Folge auf im Stream abrufbar.
Auch auf und weiteren Streamingportalen verfügbar. Tony Robinsons Marvellous Machines (Staffel 1, Folge 1)
25 Jahre Maschinenbau Cernota GmbH & Co KG! 🎉
Auch die Handwerkskammer gratuliert mit einer Urkunde zu diesem Jubiläum! Wir gratulieren und freuen uns auf die nächsten 25 Jahre!
Mit der gesamten Geschäftsführung Jan und Manuela Cernota, Katharina Vohl, Waldemar Rembe und Martin Appel, die stetig ihr gesamtes Herzblut in die Weiterentwicklung und Führung unserer Unternehmen stecken.
25 Jahre Maschinenbau Cernota
Wir freuen uns riesig über unser bedeutendes Firmenjubiläum. Seit einem Vierteljahrhundert steht unser Unternehmen für Innovation, Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit in der Maschinenbauindustrie.
Von den bescheidenen Anfängen in der heimischen Garage unseres Firmengründers Jan Cernota bis zu einem Unternehmen mit über 60 hochqualifizierten Mitarbeitern hat Maschinenbau Cernota GmbH & Co KG stets den Fokus auf technologische Exzellenz und größtmögliche Kundenzufriedenheit gelegt.
Wir blicken optimistisch in die Zukunft und planen weiterhin die Entwicklung innovativer Lösungen, um den stetig wachsenden Anforderungen des Marktes gerecht zu werden.
Dieses #Jubiläum ist nicht nur ein Meilenstein, sondern auch ein Versprechen, die Traditionen der Vergangenheit mit den Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu vereinen.