🎤 💡 👨🔬 🦻 In our first TRAIN Academy Keynote Lecture of 2025, Daniel Keppeler explained how optical cochlear implants could fundamentally revolutionize the hearing perception of deaf and hearing-impaired people. He showed the groundbreaking technology behind it, which will significantly enhance the quality of hearing with an implant. He also elaborated on the challenging transformation from a researcher to one of the leaders of the start-up OptoGenTech GmbH. The foundation of OptoGenTech GmbH is based on research work at the Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, the Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH in Göttingen, the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the Technische Universität Chemnitz as well as the seed funding of Photonik Inkubator GmbH Göttingen. 🔦 🧬 🔬 🧪 The approach of using photonic methods to improve hearing has developed rapidly in recent years. Daniel gave us an overview of the current state of research, focusing on the optical control of genetically modified cells. This innovative technology has the potential to advance life sciences in various fields beyond hearing restoration. 💡💰 💁♀️ 🙋 His presentation offered a valuable glimpse into the critical aspects of founding a life science start-up, particularly the challenges of financing it from start to finish. OptoGenTech GmbH faced hurdles when seeking investors, as many were only willing to engage at a more advanced stage. Daniel emphasized the importance of support from accelerators or incubators, which provided essential guidance during the company's foundational steps. Moreover, an engaged start-up team and an experienced project manager among others played a key role in overcoming initial obstacles. 🧑💻 📳 📈 Daniel also shared insights into the diverse responsibilities of leading a start-up as CEO, where decision-making spans all areas of the business. This requires not only expertise but also a willingness to take calculated risks. 🎤 🤝 🍹 The success of OptoGenTech GmbH has been reached by networking at events like the TRAIN Academy Keynote Lecture. Direct discussions and connections at such gatherings have provided crucial ideas and support, enabling the company to make remarkable progress. 🦻 👏 ✨ OptoGenTech GmbH aims to launch the optical cochlear implant (oCI) by 2036. We extend our best wishes to Daniel and his team as they continue on this inspiring journey! #LifeScience #Research #Science #Translation #Startup #Optogenetics #OptoGenTechGmbH
TRAIN - Translationsallianz in Niedersachsen
Hannover, Niedersachsen 380 Follower:innen
Eine Plattform für die biomedizinische Forschung in der Region
Die Translationsallianz in Niedersachsen (TRAIN) ist ein Verbund von Institutionen für biomedizinische Forschung und Entwicklung in der Region Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen, der vom Niedersächsischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur gefördert wird. Mit TRAIN haben die Forschungseinrichtungen der Region eine gemeinsame Plattform geschaffen, die dem Ziel dient, neue Therapien und Diagnostika für die Behandlung von Infektionskrankheiten aus der Forschung in die klinische Anwendung zu überführen. Jeder der TRAIN Partner deckt mit seiner Expertise einen Teil dieser translationalen Entwicklungskette ab. Die Kooperation in TRAIN ermöglicht die Übergabe von Projekten durch die einzelnen Stufen der Entwicklung
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Hannover, Niedersachsen 30625, DE
Beschäftigte von TRAIN - Translationsallianz in Niedersachsen
Magdalena Mietkowska
Cell Biologist | Microscopy Enthusiast
Thomas Damm
TRAIN Kommunikator und Freier Fotograf
Maria Bock
Assistenz der Geschäftsstellenleitung TRAIN bei TRAIN - Translationsallianz in Niedersachsen
Angela Bortenreuter
Assistentin der Geschäftsstellenleitung bei TRAIN - Translationsallianz in Niedersachsen
Wer uns immer schon mal live und in Farbe sehen wollte, erhält hier die Möglichkeit. Wenn ihr Fragen zur Academy oder anderen Betätigungsfeldern rund um die Translation habt, findet ihr uns bei den Life Science Startup Days mit einem Stand. Wir freuen uns auf euch! #lifescience #startup #translationsdreieck
Thomas Thum – Ein Pionier der Life Sciences gibt Insights aus erster Hand! Wie wird aus einer innovativen Idee ein erfolgreiches Life Science-Unternehmen? Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Thum, Gründer des Unicorns Cardior Pharmaceuticals, weiß es – und wird seine Erfolgsstrategien in seiner Keynote „From Vision to Unicorn” beim diesjährigen Life Science Start-up Day mit euch teilen 💪 Als Spin-off der Medizinische Hochschule Hannover gestartet hat sich Cardior zu Niedersachsens erstem Unicorn entwickelt. Freut euch auf exklusive Einblicke in die Gründungsreise hinter dem Startup und erfahrt, wie Cardior letztes Jahr für über eine Milliarde Euro verkauft wurde. Der Life Science Start-up Day ist ein Pflichttermin für alle Gründer*innen, Gründungsinteressierten, Wissenschaftler*innen und Investor*innen. Bereits zum sechsten Mal laden Niedersachsen.next Startup und Niedersachsen.next BioRegioN, die Life Science Factory, Sartorius und KWS die gesamte Life Science Community dazu ein, gemeinsam mit führenden Köpfen die Zukunft der Branche mitzugestalten. 📅 20. Februar 2025 📍 Life Science Factory, Göttingen 👉 https://lnkd.in/ep7Z2_4P #macheneinfachmachen Niedersachsen.next BioRegioN Life Science Factory Sartorius KWS Group Niedersachsen.next
👨🔬 🔬 💡 🧑💻 From Researcher to CEO – Shaping the Future of Hearing with Light-Driven Optogenetic Technology 👉 Join us for our next TRAIN Academy Keynote Lecture! Daniel Keppeler will give us an insight into his start-up OptoGenTech GmbH. Learn about the innovative optogenetic chochlear implants for hearing restoration and take the opportunity to exchange ideas with the leading researchers in the chochlear field at Deutsches HörZentrum Hannover. 📅 Date: 21 January 2025 🕓 Time: 4 pm 📍 Deutsches HörZentrum Hannover (DHZ), Karl-Wiechert-Allee 3, 30625 Hannover, Room 0039 🌍 hybrid Option: Join via Zoom Meeting-ID: 839 6360 3193 Kenncode: 678223 🍹 After the lecture there will be a get-together with drinks in the entrance hall! We look forward to seeing you! #LifeScience #Optogenetics #TRAINAcademy #Keynote #Startup #Translation #Event Photo Credits: Johann-Jesko Lange
You are a researcher in the field of medical therapies, diagnostics or biomedical technologies? You have already thought about founding a start-up? You want to further develop your project with funding of up to 1.5 million euros? Then apply for the next @Institute of biomediaIBT Lower Saxony funding round by 31 January 2025! 💡 👩🔬 🧪 🔬 🧑💻 💻 🔗 Further details on the program: https://lnkd.in/eFHiVmUP You can ask questions in an online info session: 📅 When: 14 January 2025, 14:00 - 14:45 📍 Where: Online via Zoom 🔗 Prior registration required: https://lnkd.in/eV_tTFbb We wish you good luck!!! 🍀 🐞 🤞 ✨ #LifeScience #LowerSaxony #TRAIN #IBT #Startup #Funding #BiomedicalResearch
🚀 Are you a researcher in Lower Saxony and working on a groundbreaking idea in biomedical research? The IBT Lower Saxony is your opportunity to take it to the next level! 🌟 ✨ In the current call, two groundbreaking start-up projects with innovative ideas will have the chance to secure funding of up to 1.5 million Euros. 💡 Curious about the application process? Join the info session on January 14, 2025, at 2 p.m. to get all your questions answered: https://lnkd.in/eV_tTFbb. 📅 Don't wait! The deadline for short proposals is January 31, 2025: https://lnkd.in/eFHiVmUP. Why IBT Lower Saxony? The IBT Lower Saxony creates a fast track for biomedicine in Lower Saxony by providing attractive financing options and access to first-class infrastructure. Its founding institutions are Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen and the HZI. #BiotechInnovation #StartUpFunding #BiomedicalResearch #LowerSaxony
TRAIN - Translationsallianz in Niedersachsen hat dies direkt geteilt
With over 80 participants the 1st TRAIN Omics Days 2024 were a big success. You missed it? Here is a little aftermovie. Want to be part of this thriving network? Join the 2nd TRAIN Omics Retreat 2025 March 4th and 5th – get in touch! #trainomics #translation #networking #events #omics #medicine
2024 is coming to an end and we look back on this particularly successful year: With the TRAIN #Omics Retreat in spring and the TRAIN Omics Days in fall, we hosted two inspiring events to connect new and old members of the omics community in Lower Saxony. The traditional TRAIN summer party in June was a great #networking opportunity and also introduced the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, PTB as the newest partner of TRAIN. 2024 also marked the 10th anniversary of the TRAIN Academy continuing education program. In October 22 participants started their journey from idea to product. We want to thank you for being part of our activities and for your support which is the essence to bring our network to life! We wish you Merry Holidays and a great start into the year 2025. 🎄 🎇
With over 80 participants the 1st TRAIN Omics Days 2024 were a big success. You missed it? Here is a little aftermovie. Want to be part of this thriving network? Join the 2nd TRAIN Omics Retreat 2025 March 4th and 5th – get in touch! #trainomics #translation #networking #events #omics #medicine
Last week, our #TRAINAcademy participants had the opportunity to visit Octapharma's production site in Springe, near Hannover. Octapharma is the world's largest manufacturer of human proteins. The family-run company has made significant investments in its Springe site in recent years, now employing a total of 800 people 👩🏭 👨💼 👩🔬 🏢 We were given fascinating insights into the company’ operations and learned a lot about the areas of quality management and production 💡 🦾 🧪 🔬 A special highlight of our visit was a guided tour through the clean room production facility. For this, we passed through a security gate and put on special protective clothing. This is very important to ensure that the products manufactured are not contaminated. The Octapharma team provided detailed explanations of the various production steps and the challenges they face, bringing us closer to the specifics of their work 🧪 👨🔬 The Octapharma team gave us a warm welcome, answered numerous questions from our participants and took a lot of time to give us an in-depth insight into the company's work. We would like to thank all Octapharma employees who made this day possible for us and especially Carina Ossig and Celin Sondermann for their exceptional organization, making this visit both educational and memorable 👏 👍 😊 We are sure that this excursion will leave a lasting impression on our participants and we think that it is a great addition to our TRAIN Academy program ✨ 🏫 👏 #Octapharma #TRAINAcademy #LifeScience #Translation
Who will we meet at our next TRAIN Academy Keynote Lecture by Daniel Keppeler? Don't miss out! #translation #event #TRAINacademy #science #hearing
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Vielen Dank für den spannenden Einblick in Octapharma! Unsere Teilnehmenden der #TRAINAcademy haben viel über die Bereiche Qualitätsmanagement und Produktion gelernt. Der ganze Tag war sehr gut organisiert. Wir danken allen involvierten Octapharma-Mitarbeitenden für ihre Zeit und ihr Engagement! 👏 👍 🧑🔬 💡 #Octapharma #TRAINAcademy #LifeScience #Arzneimittel #Translation
Unser Produktionsstandort in Springe hatte die Freude, Teilnehmende der Weiterbildungsakademie TRAIN - Translationsallianz in Niedersachsen willkommen zu heißen. 👋 Unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen präsentierten spannende Einblicke in unser Unternehmen, unsere Produktionsprozesse und unsere Qualitätsstandards. Ein besonderes Highlight war die Führung durch unsere Produktionsbereiche, die den Besucherinnen und Besuchern faszinierende Einblicke in unsere Abläufe bot. 🏭 Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle Besucherinnen und Besucher sowie an unsere engagierten Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die diesen Tag zu einem ganz besonderen Erlebnis gemacht haben! #OctapharmaGermany #Weiterbildung #Unternehmensführung