


Florence, Tuscany 59.752 Follower:innen

Let's Green The Planet!


Treedom is the first website in the world that allows you to plant a tree remotely and follow it online. Since its launch, Treedom has planted more than 4,000,000 trees in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Italy. Every tree has an online page, is geolocated and photographed, and can be kept for oneself or gifted to others. All trees are planted directly by local farmers and produce environmental, social and economic benefits. Thanks to this business model, Treedom has been part of the Certified B Corporations since 2014, the network of companies that stand out for their significant environmental and social accomplishments.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Florence, Tuscany
Carbon offsett, Plant a tree, Give a tree, Green marketing, CSR, Sustainable development, Carbon Market, Climate change, Corporate Sustainability, Forest Carbon, Carbon Footprinting, Carbon Neutral, Sustainable Products, Sustainability consulting und Give a tree


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    Profil von Alida Nardi anzeigen, Grafik

    Global Partnerships @Treedom | Business Development | B2B Sales & Marketing

    🌱 New Year, New Resolutions 🌱 We all start the year with the best intentions: sign up for the gym, eat healthier, join a book club... But what if this year, we also included a resolution for the planet? 🌍 By subscribing with Treedom you can take individual action to make a real difference—plant a tree every month or every year. Your tree will: 🌳 Absorb CO2 🦋 Protect biodiversity 👩🌾 Support social impact in farming communities You will be able to receive a picture of your trees in your email and follow the stories of project you are supporting online. And if you're curious about how this can work for your company, I'm here to chat about corporate plans!

    Plant a tree with one click with Treedom

    Plant a tree with one click with Treedom

  • Unternehmensseite von Treedom anzeigen, Grafik

    59.752 Follower:innen

    L’impegno in ambito di sostenibilità da parte di un’impresa, può essere un’ottima occasione per ingaggiare i propri lavoratori e lavoratrici e renderli partecipi di specifiche iniziative. Esistono diversi schemi teorici per indicare i criteri ottimali da rispettare al fine di costruire una efficace strategia di employee engagement, ma merita una menzione particolare il modello proposto da CB Bhattacharya e Paul Polman, ex-CEO di Unilever, in un articolo del 2016 pubblicato sulla Stanford Social Innovation Review. L'abbiamo riassunto in questa infografica, ma se vuoi approfondire puoi leggere il nostro articolo sul nostro blog:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Treedom anzeigen, Grafik

    59.752 Follower:innen

    L'augurio è che il 2025 veda un cambio di prospettive. Possiamo aspettare che accada, oppure possiamo - ciascuno nel proprio piccolo, anche piccolissimo - essere noi il cambiamento che vogliamo vedere nel mondo. Per contribuire, anche oltre la speranza. Photo credits: Quirinale

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  • Unternehmensseite von Treedom anzeigen, Grafik

    59.752 Follower:innen

    Il Natale è alle porte e siamo tutti indaffarati a cercare l’idea regalo perfetta per tutte le persone a cui teniamo. Abbiamo la fortuna e il grande onore di essere stati inseriti in tante guide ai regali sostenibili, e non, per questo Natale 2024: * Elle Décor ha suggerito il nostro caffè Dona Lucero in una selezione di prodotti gourmet da mettere sotto l'albero * La rubrica Style del Corriere ha parlato di Treedom per i regali solidali del Natale, quando un piccolo gesto può fare la differenza: * Cosmopolitan ci ha inseriti nella loro guida “CosmoWishList // Guida ai migliori regali di Natale per gli amanti del buon cibo del buon bere” * Anche Cibotoday parla del nostro caffè Dona Lucero, il nostro primo prodotto “fisico” dei nostri alberi: Vederci insieme a tante altre aziende in queste guide ai regali, ci riempie davvero di gioia. Grazie a tutti e buon feste! p.s.: se avete dubbi su quale regalo fare per Natale, Treedom e i suoi alberi sono sempre una buona idea! :)

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  • Treedom hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Martina Fondi anzeigen, Grafik

    Partner, Business Developer & Head of Forestry presso Treedom

    Such an inspiring collaboration with OIC! 🌍🌱 The UIA Forest is a powerful testament to how events can create lasting, positive change for both people and the planet. As I shared in my interview, associations have the incredible potential to build communities that drive local impact with global resonance. Together, we can make a difference! 💪💚 #Sustainability #RegenerativeEvents #CommunityImpact #letsgreentheplanet

    Unternehmensseite von OIC Group anzeigen, Grafik

    5.624 Follower:innen

    🔮 🔎 Imagine an event where every action leaves a lasting mark for good. That’s the vision we built with Treedom, and we’re proud of it!🌳 🌍 At the heart of the Union of International Associations - UIA Round Table Europe 2024, held in📍Florence last November, this powerful collaboration took center stage. Together, we introduced the UIA forest 🇪🇨🇹🇿, a living legacy created by event participants, bringing benefits not only to the environment but also to the people who inhabit it. 🌱💪 🎤 In her inspiring interview, Martina Fondi shared how associations can lead the way with a regenerative approach, creating local value that resonates globally. 📽️ "The power of associations is to create community," she reminds us, "and to work together for both people and the planet!" 🙌 We believe in events that give back 💙 Don't miss it!👇👇 Firenze Fiera S.p.a. Fondazione Destination Florence #OICare #Treedom #EventDesign #Sustainability

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11.722.793,00 $

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