The World in a Carnival Frenzy! 🌍🎭 It’s that time of the year—Carnival season is here! Whether you say Karneval, Carnaval, Fastnacht, Fasching, or J’ouvert, one thing is clear: the world is celebrating. But where is the loudest party happening on social media? We crunched the numbers. 🔥 Top 5 by Engagement: 🥇 Germany – 3.6M, proving that #Weiberfastnacht is just the beginning. 🥈 Brazil – 3.1M, because Carnaval do Brasil never disappoints. 🥉 Colombia – 789K, with #CarnavalDeBarranquilla stealing the spotlight. 🏅 Trinidad & Tobago – 755K, but honestly, did you ever doubt that #TrinidadCarnival is The Greatest Show on Earth? 🏅 Spain – 514K, with Tenerife & Cádiz leading the celebrations. 🌍 Total Carnival Buzz? Across all major celebrations, we tracked over 11.4 million posts, generating a staggering 111.6 million engagements globally. Fun fact: 11 is a big number in German Karneval. Coincidence? ❌ Why exclude #MardiGras? With 4.41M engagements and 639K posts, #MardiGras in New Orleans was simply in a league of its own. Its massive numbers are largely fueled by the huge U.S. social media audience, making a fair comparison tricky. 💬 What’s your favorite #Carnival tradition? Are you team #Helau, #Alaaf, or #Samba? Tell us in the comments!
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Kommunikationsdienste
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UNICEPTA ist ein globaler Anbieter für KI-gestützte Media-Intelligence-Lösungen
KI-getriebene Technologien und menschlicher Scharfsinn kombiniert - UNICEPTA analysiert weltweit verfügbaren Content von Social-, Online-, Print-, TV- and Rundfunkmedien sowie zahlreiche andere Datenquellen - in Echtzeit und zu jedem gewünschten Zeitpunkt. In short, UNICEPTA allows companies to listen better and devise appropriate actions. The analyses and insights serve global companies, organizations and brands as a basis for decisions in communications and marketing as well as corporate management. UNICEPTA’s offices are located in Berlin, Cologne (Headquarters), Krakow, London, Paris, São Paulo, Shanghai, Washington DC und Zurich.
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- Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Kommunikationsdienste
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- 501–1.000 Beschäftigte
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- Media Analysis, Media Monitoring, Research Service, Analytics & Insights, Digital Information Management, Corporate Brand Newsrooms, Active Listening, CEO Reputation, Corporate Reputation, Marketing Intelligence, Campaign Tracking, Brand Profiling, Social Listening, Information Platforms und Stakeholder Engagement
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The #Bundestagswahl has once again highlighted the power of social media in shaping political narratives. Our analysis on the #electoralcampaigns reveals how the AfD leveraged digital platforms to dominate online conversations – an insight now featured in The Wall Street Journal. As political landscapes evolve, data-driven insights become crucial in understanding voter behavior and #publicdiscourse. The latest article by editor Tom Fairless explores the role of social media in the party’s success, citing our research. A big thank you to Wolf-Dieter Rühl and our research team for their in-depth analysis, providing valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of modern political campaigns. You can read the full article here (Paywall): #SocialMediaInsights
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In London next week? Fancy seeing me and my colleagues from PRophet, UNICEPTA and - IMAI for a sneak peak into our latest tech and a fireside chat I am leading with Rafi Mendelsohn with Cyabra. Details here. Stagwell Marketing Cloud
Join us for Inside Stagwell Marketing Cloud—the perfect event to hear from the visionary minds behind cutting-edge tech solutions. Bringing the world's most ambitious brands, agencies and tech partners together, join networking sessions, hands-on learning experiences, and get transformative insights designed for the modern marketing leader. 📍 Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark St, London 📅 Thursday, March 6, 2025 🕛 4pm – 7pm Let us save you a spot. RSVP here while spaces are still available: Looking forward to seeing you there! Stagwell Marketing Cloud Stagwell UNICEPTA UK UNICEPTA - IMAI Aaron Kwittken Limor Cohen
The election is over, but the campaign battles are far from forgotten. 🗳️📢 The outcome of yesterday’s #GermanFederalElection will reshape the political landscape in Germany – we analyzed public discourse in the lead-up to the elections and today shed light on the immediate aftermath on X. 📊 Our data analysis shows: Global attention: Almost 60% of posts about the #Bundestagswahl on X came from outside Germany. International focus: The United States, United Kingdom, and Spain discussed the election results the most outside of Germany. 📥 Do you want to understand the dynamics behind Germany’s election? 👉 Download our full Pre-Election Study here: Our Pre-Election Study, featured in MEEDIA, KOM, and RND - RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland, analyzed how candidates and parties influenced media and social discourse ahead of election day. Explore the coverage for more #ElectionInsights: 📰 📰 📰 📰 #BTW2025 #SocialListening
UNICEPTA hat dies direkt geteilt
🔎Wer dominierte die politischen Schlagzeilen mit welchen Themen? Zur Bundestagswahl hat UNICEPTA im Rahmen eines Medienchecks die Berichterstattung in den deutschen Online-Medien zu Parteien sowie Spitzenkandidierenden analysiert. Die Ergebnisse beziehen sich auf die letzten vier Monate, die sich in zwei Zeitabschnitte aufteilen lassen: Das Ende der Ampel-Koalition bis zum Jahreswechsel und die Zeit danach. 📋Dominierte Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz noch bis Ende des Jahres die Headline-Artikel der Online-Medien, gab Unions-Kanzlerkandidat Friedrich Merz seit Anfang 2025 den Ton an. 📋War das Ampel-Aus bis zum Jahreswechsel noch Thema Nummer eins in den Headline-Artikeln der deutschen Online-Medien, war es ab Januar die Migration. 📋Die Social-Media-Accounts der AfD weisen insgesamt von allen Parteien die meisten Nutzerreaktionen auf. Doch auf einer Plattform konnten die Linken der AfD den ersten Platz streitig machen. 🔖 Grafik: Screenshot aus der Studie „Impuls: Bundestagswahl 2025 – Kandidat*innen und Parteien im Medien-Check“ von Unicepta
Today, RND - RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland published a comprehensive analysis of media strategies employed during the 2025 federal election campaign. Led by our Head of Research Services, Wolf-Dieter Rühl, our data provided critical insights into how politicians effectively capture media attention and drive #PublicDiscourse. Christoph Knoop’s team including editor Christoph Kühne delve into the tactics political figures use to dominate headlines and influence public perception. Our in-depth analysis was instrumental in uncovering these patterns, highlighting the pivotal role of data-driven strategies in modern #PoliticalCampaigns that have shifted more and more into the realms of #SocialMedia. This article underscores the value of combining rigorous research with journalistic expertise to shed light on the dynamics of political communication. For a detailed understanding of these findings, read the full article (available only in German): #Bundestagswahl #BTW2025
Demokratie braucht Haltung! Als Unternehmen stehen wir für ein offenes, demokratisches und europäisches Deutschland. Unsere Co-CEOs haben es klar formuliert: Wir alle tragen Verantwortung und müssen uns gegen diejenigen stellen, die unsere demokratischen Werte untergraben wollen. Diesen Sonntag haben alle Deutschen die Möglichkeit, etwas zu bewegen. Bitte geht wählen! #btwahl2025 #DemokratieSchützen #NieWiederIstJetzt _________________________________________________________________________________ For our English-speaking followers: Democracy needs commitment. As a company, we stand for an open, democratic, and European Germany. Our Co-CEOs have made it clear: We must take responsibility and take a stand against those who seek to undermine our democratic values. This Sunday, all Germans have the chance to make a difference. Please use your vote.
Alexander Peinemann und ich sind uns einig: Wir haben null Bock darauf, dass rechte Brandstifter unsere Demokratie kaputt machen. Am kommenden Sonntag haben wir alle die Chance, genau das zu verhindern. Geht wählt und übernehmt Verantwortung – damit wir auch in Zukunft in einem demokratischen, offenen und europäischen Deutschland leben können! #btwahl2025 #niewiederistjetzt #fckafd UNICEPTA
London Calling - Comms Team on a Mission! 🚀 Last week, Sarah Schulze, Mara Voss & Elisa Emde from our Communications & Marketing team took collaboration beyond borders – from Teams to real teamwork in London! 💡 Three days filled with dynamic discussions, strategic deep dives, and hands-on workshops – covering everything from sharpening our communication strategies to ensuring brand consistency in daily application. Each session brought valuable insights and practical takeaways: 🔹 Branding in practice – How we apply and maintain brand consistency across all touchpoints 🔹 Thought Leadership planning – Structuring key themes and content for 2025 🔹 Sales & storytelling – Using compelling narratives to support client conversations 🔹 Collaboration & knowledge sharing – Strengthening the way we work together across teams and regions 🏢 A real highlight: Visiting the impressive London Stagwell office at the Bluefin Building – an inspiring hub of innovation and ideas. 🤝 Beyond the workshops, it was all about connecting beyond the office. Spending time together outside of meeting rooms helped strengthen relationships, foster creativity, and build an even stronger team spirit. 🔑 Key takeaway: Some discussions are simply more effective in person. Whether it's shaping strategic initiatives, aligning on messaging, or planning our Thought Leadership calendar, coming together in the same room fosters deeper conversations, faster decisions, and truly collaborative thinking. This won’t be a one-time thing – the next get-together is already in the works! #Marketing #Communications #London #Innovation #Networking #Collaboration #Growth
When crisis hits, communications define the outcome. The #CrowdStrikeOutage in July 2024 disrupted businesses worldwide – grounding flights, halting financial transactions, and shutting down critical infrastructure. But what really stood out? The stark difference in how companies handled the crisis. 🚨 Some fell into a communication black hole. ✅ Others took control and shaped the narrative. Sarah B., Research Director at UNICEPTA UK, analyzed the #SocialMedia response for prmagazin and editor-in-chief Christina Ullrich – uncovering key #insights on how brands like Tesla, Delta Air Lines, and Woolworths navigated the storm. Her findings reveal why some companies emerged stronger, while others suffered lasting reputational damage. Access our preview article here and make sure to purchase the latest issue for this must-read here (only available in German): #CrisisCommunication #ReputationManagement
Huge congratulations, Aaron Kwittken! Your leadership in AI-driven PR and reputation management continues to push boundaries – well deserved!
The Chiefs couldn’t three-peat but Aaron Kwittken can. 🏆 Aaron has been at the forefront of the #AI revolution and continually sets new standards for data-driven #PR and reputation management. 🚀 We are grateful for his leadership and this recognition of his contributions to the industry, with his third consecutive PRWeek Dashboard 25 win. 🎉 Congratulations, Aaron and the rest of the class of 2025: Deepak Agarwal Fabio Alings Azeem Azhar Jeff Beringer Brian Buchwald Dr. Joy Buolamwini Rob Davis Rana el Kaliouby, Ph.D. Tracey Follows Ohad Hecht Michael Kirkland Michelle Kwon Chad Latz Brittney Le Roy Matthieu Lorrain Allie K. Miller Kimberly Miller Olko Pete Pachal Chris Perry Gavin Purcell Emily Stephens Pratik Thakar Tejas T. David Tovar UNICEPTA LEADERS - IMAI Stagwell Stagwell Marketing Cloud