Read about the best cold email Patrick got in 6 months. Then read about writing equally great emails in 5 seconds.
Here is the best cold email I got in the last 6 months 👇🏻 -- Hi Pat, Ever wondered if it would be awesome to have a list of profiles who follow your competitors' LinkedIn pages? Our tool can scrape any company's followers into a spreadsheet. You can target them as they are the potential future customers of Taskbase. Interested? -- What makes it so good? 1️⃣ Starts with "Hi Pat", which shows it is not automated (or uses a really smart algorithm that shortens names). Nobody ever cells me "Pat" 2️⃣ Fantastic structure 1/ Insight: An approach I have never actually thought about 2/ Solution: Explains what they do in a way I understand easily ✅ 3/ Impact: Why I should care about such a list 4/ CTA That is a structure you should copy for your cold emails 3️⃣ No fancy words, all simple explanation 4️⃣ Very concise message, very short CTA Really well done Sambath Ramesh How can you write emails so well structured in 30 seconds? Go on Twain's website Add the website of the company you work for. Twain will extract your personas, their challenges and your solution description automatically Have it generate an email in 5 seconds This will be the fastest way you ever generated a good cold email PS: I quickly tested it with Sambath's company. Check the result in the comments