
Global Mobility Services aus einer Hand. Wir sind Ihr Spezialist für Visadienstleistungen, EU/EFTA-Meldepflicht, weltweite Konsularservices und decken darüber hinaus den Bereich Immigration und Relocation vollumfänglich ab. Globales Entsendungsmanagement wird so ganz einfach, denn: Wir machen es einfach! Unsere Vision: Eine Welt ohne Grenzen, in der jeder Mensch arbeiten und leben kann, wo er möchte. Egal wohin die Reise auch geht, wir sind schon da! UNSERE LEISTUNGEN Sparen Sie wertvolle Zeit durch unseren Service und profitieren Sie von den zahlreichen Vorteilen unseres einzigartigen und innovativen Onlineportals... Sie planen eine private oder geschäftliche Reise ins Ausland? Sie entsenden Angestellte in andere Länder oder möchten Fachkräfte aus dem Ausland einstellen? Wir kümmern uns um alles, damit Sie den Blick weiter nach vorne richten können. Sämtliche Global Mobility Lösungen bieten wir aus einer Hand: Als Full Service Agentur sind wir die Experten in den Bereichen Visabeschaffung, Relocation & Immigration Management, EU/EFTA- Meldepflicht, Legalisierungen, Übersetzungen, Einladungen & Referenzen. Zu unserer Philosophie gehören größtmögliche Kundennähe und individuelle Betreuung. Schnelle Entscheidungsfindung und zufriedene Klienten von Privatpersonen bis hin zu namenhaften Weltkonzernen zeichnen uns aus. Wir scheuen weder Extrawege, noch persönliches Engagement. Wir machen in so manchem Fall Unmögliches möglich und wo andere aufgeben, starten wir erst so richtig durch. Getreu unserem Motto: Wir machen es einfach. KONTAKT visumPOINT GmbH Ruschestraße 70 10365 Berlin Telefon: 030 420 2588 0 Kostenlose Hotline: 0800 224 22 22 Telefax: 030 420 2588 3 E-Mail: Webseite: Geschäftsführer: Alexander und Liane Langhans HRB: 131724 B, USt-Id.Nr.: 275 459 374 Impressum:

51–200 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Visa, Legalisations, Posted Workers, Relocation, Immigration, Certificate of Coverage, A1, Global Mobility, Work Permits, Consular Services, PWD und apostille


Beschäftigte von visumPOINT


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    This week Alexander Langhans represented us attending a workshop at Hochschule Pforzheim - MBA International Management 🗓️ . It was a great chance to connect with the new generation and get some valuable insights💡! Thanks for the opportunity and for such a great time together ✨ . #visumPOINT #GlobalMobility #Leadership #Workshop

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    🌟 Leadership Workshop with VisumPoint! 🌟 Yesterday, we had the pleasure of hosting John Wargin Dr. Prof and Alexander Langhansf rom visumPOINT (Berlin) for an insightful session on "Leadership Paves Your Way to Success." The workshop began with an introduction to VisumPoint's innovative business model, providing us with valuable insights into their operations and goals. This was followed by an interactive team activity where we #strategized and presented ideas for VisumPoint's entry into the Indian market, fostering #collaboration and #creative thinking. To wrap it up, we gained key lessons on the importance of #leadership as a driving force behind business success, shared by John. A big thank you to Alex and John for this inspiring session! 👉 For a detailed article, stay tuned! #Leadership #MBAJourney #HSPforzheim #VisumPoint

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    ✨ One year has gone by, let's celebrate🎉   There's still a lot to improve and a long way to go, but the new german immigration act has brought new requirements and shows a step in the right direction😉 .    Will more changes be coming? What were your experiences over the past year? Share with us 💡.   #ImmigrationAct #Germany #GlobalMobility

    Profil von Benjamin Gebel anzeigen, Grafik

    Head of Immigration & Relocation bei visumPOINT | Corporate Relocation

    🌍 1 Year of the Skilled Immigration Act: Progress, But Still Work to Do! 🎉 One year ago, the Skilled Immigration Act marked a major milestone for Germany, setting the stage to attract and integrate international professionals. The Act has undoubtedly been a step in the right direction, but as we celebrate its first anniversary, it’s also important to reflect on the challenges that remain. While the foundation is solid, the practical implementation often tells a different story: 🔄 Complex processes: Navigating the system is still cumbersome, with bureaucratic hurdles making the journey for skilled workers more challenging than necessary ⏳ Long waiting times: Visa processing can take months, discouraging talent that seeks efficient relocation 📜 Recognition of qualifications: While frameworks exist, delays and inconsistencies in recognizing foreign qualifications remain a barrier 🏡 Integration support: Beyond getting a visa, better housing, language courses, and cultural integration programs are critical for retaining global talent 💡 Workplace readiness: Employers need more guidance and tools to onboard international employees seamlessly Germany’s competitiveness on the global talent market doesn’t end with passing an Act—it’s about ensuring processes are faster, simpler, and more attractive for professionals and their families. As we celebrate this milestone, let’s commit to tackling these hurdles together, creating an ecosystem where international talent feels welcomed and empowered to thrive. What do you think needs to improve most urgently? Let’s start the conversation! 💬 #SkilledImmigration #GlobalTalent #Germany #WorkInGermany #BlueCard #Relocation #Immigration

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    We're excited to share that our CEO Alexander Langhans was invited and attended the opening of the Transatlantic Business Conference in Berlin organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (AmCham Germany), which was a great experience 😎 . Yesterday, Benjamin Gebel and Katharina Löffler were at the event, representing us. They got to connect with business leaders and take part in discussions about international trade, innovation and sustainable business practices. It's always good to be updated and explore potential collaborations 🌐. Here's to more opportunities to continue building partnerships and growing 🚀. #TransatlanticBusinessConference #AmCham #USA #Germany #visa #GlobalMobility

    What President-Elect Donald Trump's Policies Mean for German Companies Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending the opening session of the Transatlantic Business Conference in Berlin, sponsored by the American Chamber of Commerce. The keynote speaker, Jon Decker, Chief White House Correspondent and Senior National Editor at Gray Television, offered insightful perspectives on the potential economic impact of President-Elect Donald Trump’s policies. Decker highlighted that Trump strongly favors bilateral trade agreements over multilateral ones, a stance aimed at directly boosting the American economy. He shared an example from Trump’s previous term—a trade agreement with South Korea, where Trump negotiated the removal of all tariffs on U.S. cars and parts, provided South Korea could continue its exports to the U.S. market. Trump celebrated this as a major success, even though American car exports to South Korea have remained limited since. For German companies, this shift towards protectionism and potential tariffs could pose challenges but also open doors. If we continue to prioritize quality and technological innovation, German products can remain competitive in the U.S. market, despite possible trade barriers. The Trump administration’s "Make America Great Again" focus underscores the value of a strong U.S. economy. For German and European businesses, this presents an excellent opportunity—provided we adapt to these evolving dynamics. #Visumpoint is here to support this journey, offering expertise in obtaining work and business visas, as well as comprehensive immigration and relocation services. By staying proactive and strategic, German companies can turn these changes into opportunities for growth and success in the U.S. market. #TransatlanticBusinessConference#AmCham#Networking#InternationalTrade#Innovation#Sustainability#USA#Germany#visa#immigraton#visumpoint

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    We're very happy to have taken part in GBTA | Europe +VDR - Verband Deutsches Reisemanagement e.V. Europe Conference 2024 once again 🎉 . Kathrein Walter and Rafael Larrazábal had a great time and were able to catch up on the latest in the market, expanding our networks 🌐. This year's event broke records with over 1300 people from all over the world. Enterprise Mobility threw an amazing party that was a perfect chance to meet and connect with new people ✨ . Thanks GBTA and VDR for making it happen. We're already looking forward to the next one! 😎 #GBTAVDR24nordic #VDR #Conference #GlobalMobility

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    ✨Save the day: we are attending! 🗓️   From November 4-6, we'll be at the GBTA | Europe +VDR - Verband Deutsches Reisemanagement e.V. Europe Conference 2024, this year in Copenhagen, Denmark 💼. Rafael Larrazábal and Kathrein Walter will be representing us there and will be happy to meet you and connect. The largest conference for business travel and meetings management professionals is the perfect place to get up to date, get informed and exchange knowledge. There you'll find lots of experts, useful tools and it's also a great opportunity to increase your network💡. You can find more information here . See you there?😉   #GBTAVDR #GBTAVDR24nordic #VDR #GlobalMobility #BusinessTravel

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    📢 Statement on the current discussion about the A1 certificates 📢 We would like to briefly comment on the current discussion about the mandatory A1 certificate, which has been brought up again by the BMA (Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) publication. There is still no new EU-wide official directive stating that the A1 certificate is no longer required for business trips or official travel. The BMAs letter also emphasizes that "the details and scope of the obligation to apply are determined by the laws of the other member states". Therefore, in accordance with the current legal situation and in order to avoid sanctions or possible inconveniences for the sending company or the employee involved, we continue to recommend that you carry an A1 certificate with you on every business or official trip 💼 . Of course, we will keep working on this issue and will be in close contact with the VDR - Verband Deutsches Reisemanagement e.V. on a regular basis in order to exert our political influence. Should the situation change, we will inform you immediately 😉. Thank you for your trust and attention 🙏🏼 . #A1Certificate #Europe #VDR #PostedWorkers

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    Vielen Danke, liebe ABTA Austrian Business Travel Association 🤗 für die tolle Möglichkeit, Sponsor 💸 eures erfolgreichen Business Travel Day zu sein! Es war eine gelungene Veranstaltung rund ums Thema #Travelmanagement 💹 Vielen Dank auch Kathrein Walter für deinen Vortrag 💬 zum Thema #Immigration in Österreich mit Schwerpunkt #Fachkräftemangel. 👆 Wer mehr zum Thema wissen möchte, kann sich gerne direkt an 📧 wenden!

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    Diese Woche versammelte die Austrian Business Travel Association in großer Zahl die rot-weiß-rote Geschäftsreise-Community zum ABTA-Business Travel Day 2024 im Novotel & ibis Wien Hauptbahnhof. Rund 150 Verbandsmitglieder, Wegbegleiterinnen und Wegbegleiter aus unterschiedlichsten Teilen der Branche standen auf der Gästeliste und ließen sich die Gelegenheit nicht nehmen, einen Tag lang über aktuellste Marktentwicklungen zu beraten, lebhafte Diskussionen zu führen und auch neuen gemeinsamen Möglichkeiten und Angeboten entsprechenden Raum zu geben. Mehr als ein Dutzend Vortragende lieferten, charmant moderiert von Roman Brauner MBA, GTP, zusätzliche Inspiration und den viel zitierten Blick über den Tellerrand: Auch internationale Gäste wie Jens Schliessmann, Geschäftsführer des VDR, gaben sich die Ehre, als ABTA-Präsident Roman Neumeister die versammelten Reiseprofis zur noch intensiveren Zusammenarbeit im Sinne aller einschwor und sich für den regen Publikums-Zuspruch sowie bei den Goldpartnern der Veranstaltung – ÖBB, visumPOINT, ehotel®, Allianz Partners und Turkish Airlines – bedankte. AUA-CCO Dr. Michael Trestl informierte über aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Luftfahrt, Isa Sarac, Corporate Sales Representative der Turkish Airlines, berichtete von der „Journey to a Greener Sky” der Fluggesellschaft. Martin Schmutz, Leiter Vertrieb & neue Services der ÖBB, sprach über die Mobilität von morgen sowie Geschehnisse rund um die Hochwasserkatastrophe. Weiters verriet Michael Schwendinger die größten Hebel zur erfolgreichen Verkehrswende und wie man Geschäftsreisen auf Klimakurs bringt. Das Neueste rund um NDC hörten die Gäste von Experte Thomas Ebster. Ganz im Zeichen der Künstlichen Intelligenz berichtete Robert Uitz-Dallinger, langjähriger ORF-Auslandskorrespondent und Projektleiter des ORF-Newsrooms, kurzweilig über beeindruckende Zahlen der AI-Revolution. Celine Polterauer brachte pointiert dem Publikum die wichtigsten Eckdaten des “EU AI Act” näher. Anouar Mrissa von ehotel legte seinen Fokus auf “Neue Technologien und Potenziale im Hotelbereich” und die per Videokonferenz zugeschaltete Kathrein Walter von visumPOINT umriss den bestmöglichen Umgang mit internationalen Talenten. Als weiteres Highlight gewährten Thomas Wiesinger und Bettina Leibetseder aus dem Travel Management der voestalpine getreu dem Motto “Travel Management mit STEEL“ praxisnahe Einblicke. Im Rahmen des letzten offiziellen Programmpunktes moderierte Elo Resch-Pilcik vom Profi Reisen Verlag ein Insight-Gespräch zwischen Roman Neumeister und Jens Schließmann. Gemeinsam arbeiteten sie Zukunftspläne, Nutzen sowie das zeitgemäße Wesen und Wirken von Interessensverbänden heraus. Zum Abschluss der rundum gelungenen Veranstaltung bat die ABTA mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Allianz Partners zum gemütlichen Ausklang an die Hotel-Bar. Der ABTA-Business Travel Day 2025 ist bereits für den 2.10. fixiert. Fotos-Credits: Ulrike Rauch

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    ✨Workation: our new service designed for new models of work✨ Have you ever thought about allowing traveling and working from abroad for your employees? With Workation this can be possible and we can check out the possibilities for you😉 Our service includes: 💻Authorization process: Manage workation requests and approvals conveniently via our online tool 📑Individual compliance requirements: We use your own parameters (e.g. from your company agreement) 📋Entry information: With the Workation approval, you will receive the info for necessary documents for entering the country 📊Tracking: We provide you with the requests in a data protection-compliant report Our advantages: ✅ We store your individual specifications ✅ From approval to application - all in one online tool ✅ Quick and easy application in the online tool You can contact us by email ( and we'll be happy to help 😎 #Workation #Immigration #GlobalMobility

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