weare___mads cover photo


Herstellung von Sportartikeln

Berlin, BE 215 Follower:innen

Leading the climbing industry in sustainability through bio-based materials and circularity.


We are MAD and we want to revolutionize the climbing industry through design and bio-based materials. Our purpose is to bring nature to the indoor climbing gyms. 20M plastic climbing holds are produced every year worldwide, at the end of their life span they end up being trashed or burnt. The difficulties of recycling them or not having sustainable materials to produce them represent a big challenge in the climbing gym industry. Our mission at MAD is to transform the climbing industry through circularity and bio-based materials. These principles are not merely words but real actions, we are delving into the possibilities of different bio-based materials finding new applications and applying circularity in the manufacturing process but also in our business model. This goes with the current trends, trying to decrease the use of plastic and looking for alternative materials. Our focus for our initial product launch is on climbing holds. We are using mycelium, the roots of the mushrooms, which acts as natural glue when combined with organic substrate. This technology enables us to produce climbing holds that match the strength and durability of conventional ones on the market, while replacing plastic with a biodegradable and renewable resource. Additionally, our leasing business model facilitates a circular manufacturing process. We can continuously refurbish our mycelium holds until they reach the end of their lifespan. At that point, we repurpose them into fertilizer for the agricultural industry, thus completing a cyclical journey. Ultimately, our vision extends far beyond the realm of climbing gyms. We aim to inspire a global movement towards sustainability and innovation, where we contribute to a healthier planet and a brighter future for generations to come.

Herstellung von Sportartikeln
2–10 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE


Beschäftigte von weare___mad


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