The KI-SENS project's space debris observation telescope can do more than tracking orbital objects - it also can be used for astrophotography as a secondary application. Here’s a stunning image of the Horsehead Nebula. This composite image was created by stacking exposures captured through S-II, O-III, IR-pass, and H-alpha filters, with a total exposure time of 80 minutes. More info about the project can be found at #kisens #wuespace #uniwue #space #aerospace #astronomy #astrophotography #horseheadnebula
WüSpace e. V.
Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt
Würzburg, Bayern 397 Follower:innen
WüSpace is a student aerospace computer science and engineering association at the University of Würzburg.
Located in Würzburg, we aim to enable students to achieve aerospace projects independently and get organizational and technical support, as well as to give them structures to enable the successful execution of the project.
- Website
Externer Link zu WüSpace e. V.
- Branche
- Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt
- Größe
- 11–50 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Würzburg, Bayern
- Art
- Nonprofit
- Gegründet
- 2019
- Spezialgebiete
- aerospace, rocketry, computer science, embedded systems und education
Würzburg, Bayern, DE
Beschäftigte von WüSpace e. V.
Zuri Klaschka
Autist*in. bis vor Kurzem Werkstudent*in im Creative Cloud Platform & Ecosystem Team (Adobe), Student*in an der Uni Würzburg u.v.m.
Niels Koch
Embedded Software Engineer at Frickly Systems GmbH and WueSpace e.V.
Till Schmeil
Aerospace Computer Science Student at JMU Würzburg
Robin Schaub
Stellv. Vorsitzender WüSpace e.V. - Student der Luft- und Raumfahrtinformatik - Networking für den BVSR
☄️ What a view! You see a stacked image of C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS. Slight false-coloring can be seen through O3, S2, H-Alpha (narrow band) filters. This photo has been taken using our #KISENS Optical Telescope. In the project, intelligent optical sensors for space observation are being developed, which will be able to detect approaches and contribute to collision avoidance. Further Info can be found on The project is funded by the German Space Agency at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK; FKZ 50RU2227) #space #wuespace #uniwue #telescope #astronomy
🌔✨Our telescope, operated in cooperation with Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg as part of the KI-SENS project funded by Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V. is used for space debris detection. But it can do more than just track debris – check out this stunning image of the #Moon! 🚀🔭
Today we show some satellite tracking footage we captured during a recent observation for the KI-SENS Project. The goal was to test the limits of our telescope optical train. For this we attempted to track very small satellites. Toay we have footage of Innova Space's MDQUBESAT-2 ( A circular motion of the satellite can be observed. This is due to the tracking data of the satellite being imperfect and therefore the satellite not being centered. Additionally the telescope "rotates" relative to the path it follows. In the #KISENS project, intelligent optical sensors for space observation are being developed, which will be able to detect approaches and contribute to collision avoidance. Further Info can be found on The project is funded by the German Space Agency at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK; FKZ 50RU2227)
Today we show some satellite tracking footage we captured during a recent observation for the KI-SENS Project. The goal was to test the limits of our telescope optical train. For this we attempted to track very small satellites. The smallest satellite that was captures was ROM-3 built by the RomSpace Team ( of the Liceul Teoretic International de Informatica Bucuresti in Bucharest. This satellite is very small, being not much bigger than a Rubik's Cube. A circular motion of the satellite can be observed. This is due to the tracking data of the satellite being imperfect and therefore the satellite not being centered. Additionally the telescope "rotates" relative to the path it follows. In the #KISENS project, intelligent optical sensors for space observation are being developed, which will be able to detect approaches and contribute to collision avoidance. Further Info can be found on The project is funded by the German Space Agency at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK; FKZ 50RU2227) More tracking footage will follow in the next days!
Today we show some satellite tracking footage we captured during a recent observation for the KI-SENS Project. The goal was to test the limits of our telescope optical train. For this we attempted to track very small satellites. The first successful capture was UNICONRN-2N built by Alba Orbital ( UNICORN-2N is a 3p Pocketcube, with the main body measuring 5x5x15cm with solar panels increasing the maximum surface area to roughly the size of a sheet of A4 paper. In the #KISENS project, intelligent optical sensors for space observation are being developed, which will be able to detect approaches and contribute to collision avoidance. Further Info can be found on The project is funded by the German Space Agency at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK; FKZ 50RU2227) More tracking footage will follow in the next days!
Come visit us at #ILA24 in Berlin 🚀 You can find us in Hall 4 showcasing one of our many aerospace projects #daedalus2 #wüspace #wuespace #bvsr #dglr #space #aerospace
With the past year having seen a plethora of transphobic and homophobic hate, with queer people being used as political scapegoats, it is with even more commitment that we celebrate this year's Pride Month and stand in solidarity with those who face discrimination simply for being who they are. We will continue to work hard towards ensuring that WüSpace can be a safe space for everyone passionate about aerospace. #aerospace #pride #lgbtq #queer #wuespace #bvsr
If you have at least a little experience with code, our #Telestion team could use your help: We're trying to determine which database should be supported out of the box. A part of that evaluation is also the developer experience, which is where you come in. If you can spare a couple of minutes, we would really appreciate it if you could head to and fill out the survey. Thank you very much in advance 😊 !