Martin Supancic

Frankfurt, Hessen, Deutschland Kontaktinformationen
4988 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte

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I lead and inspire the German Business Development team at Trina Solar ISBU, the global…

Artikel von Martin Supancic



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Berufserfahrung und Ausbildung

  • Trina Solar

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Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate


  • Accion contra el Hambre Grafik


    Accion contra el Hambre

    6 Jahre

    Disaster and Humanitarian Relief

  • Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (aecc) Grafik


    Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (aecc)

    6 Jahre


    Spanish Anti-Cancer Association

  • Fabretto Children's Foundation Grafik

    Member of Advisory Board

    Fabretto Children's Foundation

    2 Jahre 3 Monate


    Fabretto's mission is to empower children and their families in Nicaragua to reach their full potential and improve their livelihoods through education and nutrition. This mission is achieved through five strategic program areas: Early and Primary Education Enrichment, Rural Secondary Education, Vocational and Life Skills Education, Food Security and Nutrition, and Community Well-being and Development.

  • Financial Support

    Casa ASOL

    –Heute 3 Jahre 1 Monat


    Given my Guatemalan roots, happy to support this foundation.

    Das Projekt ist eine guatemaltekische Einrichtung, um Kindern & Jugendlichen aus entlegenen ländlichen Gegenden eine fundierte Ausbildung in Guatemala-Stadt zu ermöglichen. Besonders priorisiert werden indigene Jugendliche, die eine Fachausbildung in technisch – industriellen Berufen absolvieren wollen, unter besonderer Wertlegung auf die Förderung von Mädchen.


    Given my Guatemalan roots, happy to support this foundation.

    Das Projekt ist eine guatemaltekische Einrichtung, um Kindern & Jugendlichen aus entlegenen ländlichen Gegenden eine fundierte Ausbildung in Guatemala-Stadt zu ermöglichen. Besonders priorisiert werden indigene Jugendliche, die eine Fachausbildung in technisch – industriellen Berufen absolvieren wollen, unter besonderer Wertlegung auf die Förderung von Mädchen.

    The project is a Guatemalan institution to provide children & youth from remote rural areas with a sound education in Guatemala City. Special priority is given to indigenous youth who want to complete specialized training in technical - industrial professions, with special emphasis on the promotion of girls.

  • Financial Support

    Asociacion Amigos para las Escuelas Ixiles

    –Heute 3 Jahre 5 Monate


    APEI provides development aid in northern Guatemala, in the Ixil Triangle. There, APEI runs village schools in remote villages. APEI also supports school leavers from these schools as scholarship holders during their further education.

    APEI leistet Entwicklungshilfe im Norden Guatemalas, im Ixil-Dreieck. Dort betreibt APEI Dorfschulen in abgelegenen Dörfern. Außerdem fördert APEI Schulabgänger aus diesen Schulen als Stipendiaten während der weiteren Ausbildung.

  • Parent Representative (2 classes)

    Albert Schweitzer Schule, Mörfelden-Walldorf

    –Heute 3 Jahre 4 Monate


    As parent representative of 2 classes at the Albert-Schweitzer School (ASS), I relay and discuss the concerns of parents with the teachers, if and when the need arises, support the teachers by sharing information with the parents, planning events for the classes with both teachers and parents, organize resources for field trips/excursions or classroom activities, to ensure activities can be realized, rally the parents to participate in activities and/or take advantage of new digitalization…

    As parent representative of 2 classes at the Albert-Schweitzer School (ASS), I relay and discuss the concerns of parents with the teachers, if and when the need arises, support the teachers by sharing information with the parents, planning events for the classes with both teachers and parents, organize resources for field trips/excursions or classroom activities, to ensure activities can be realized, rally the parents to participate in activities and/or take advantage of new digitalization tools for the benefit of their kids and school (reducing administrative overhead for the school).

  • 2. Vorsitzender / 2nd Chairman

    Förderverein der Albert Schweitzer Schule, Mörfelden-Walldorf

    –Heute 1 Jahr 3 Monate


    As 2nd Chairman I support the foundation in organizing fundraisers and providing financial and in-kind support to the Albert Schweitzer School, in Mörfelden-Walldorf, Hesse, Germany.


  • Are You Overpaying for Solar Energy Operations and Maintenance Services?

    Milk the Sun Blog

    Optimizing the costs of your solar energy asset is one "simple" alternative to improving your financial performance. The article highlights areas where your asset could lose "fat". Operations & Maintenance Services are by far the largest running cost item, and where significant savings may be available, depending on your current O&M contract. Other areas include insurance and electricity savings on the monitoring system.

    Veröffentlichung anzeigen
  • Focusing on the German so-called “Market Bonus” Scheme

    Milk the Sun

    The German Renewable Energy Law (EEG) permits asset owners to switch to direct marketing instead of the "classical" Feed-in-Tariff. By doing so, each kWh produced can be sold for up to 2% above the current FiT. The objective of this regulation is to better integrate German renwable energies (particularly wind and solar), and reduce losses (and costs to the German economy) due to imprecise electricity production estimates.

    Veröffentlichung anzeigen
  • The German Direct Marketing Framework and Potential Benefits for your Assets

    Milk The Sun

    In the introductory blog post, I highlighted “tuning” options for your German renewable energy assets considering the nuances of the legislative framework. Next, I will elaborate on the first alternative mentioned: obtaining a slightly higher price for each kWh generated by, and exclusively available to, your (on- and offshore) wind or solar park. This is the so-called “direct marketing”, also commonly referred to as the “Market Bonus Scheme”, offering up to 2% additional revenue per kwh.

    Veröffentlichung anzeigen
  • How to Tune Your German Green Energy Asset Without Getting Sun Burnt in the Attempt | Milk the Sun – Blog

    Milk The Sun

    How can the returns on green energy assets be amplified without refinancing? What can be done to eliminate those “love handles” on wind or solar parks? A review of the basics of managing a renewable energy asset in general, highlighting a few focus areas that can generate further value, considering nuances of the German renewable energy regime (Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz – EEG).

    Veröffentlichung anzeigen


  • 24 MW Photovoltaic Energy Park - Mixdorf, Germany

    Sojitz Corporation launched a mega-solar independent power provider (IPP) business in Mixdorf, Germany approximately 100 km south of the German capital Berlin. Total project costs are approximately 55 million euro (6.1 billion yen). The project has a total generating capacity of 24 MW, making it one of Germany’s largest solar power businesses.

    Projekt anzeigen


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    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

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    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

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  • Deloitte Germany Alumni


    Deloitte Germany Alumni organization that keeps former and current colleagues in touch.

  • Deloitte Spain Alumni


    Deloitte Spain Alumni organization that keeps former and current colleagues in touch.

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