🚨 Agent for Germany 🚨 We are expanding at DEPECHE. and are seeking new agents or agencies with a strong client base in clothing and leatherwear. We are specifically looking for agents in the following regions: 📍 North/Niedersachsen 📍 Nordrhein-Westfalen/Hessen 📍 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Brandenburg/Sachsen/Sachsen-Anhalt/Thüringen 📍 Bayern If you have a network that aligns with our brand's DNA and are ready for an exciting journey with us, we’d love to hear from you! See our Brandbook below and learn more about us. Contact our Sales Manager Siri-Ann at siri@depeche.eu for more details. ______________________________________________ 🚨 Wir suchen Agenten für Deutschland 🚨 DEPECHE wächst und gibt richtig Gas. Darum suchen wir zur Verstärkung unseres Teams neue Agenten/Agenturen, die sich mit uns auf eine spannende Reise begeben wollen. Ein gutes Netzwerk im Bereich Bekleidung und Lederwaren wäre optimal. Wir suchen für: 📍 Norddeutschland/Niedersachsen 📍 Nordrhein-Westfalen/Hessen 📍 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Brandenburg/Sachsen/Sachsen-Anhalt/Thüringen 📍 Bayern Anbei unser Brandbook, um mehr über uns zu erfahren. Unsere Verkaufsleiterin Siri-Ann siri@depeche.eu freut sich auf Nachrichten und steht bereit für weitere Details. Viele Grüße aus Horsens/Dänemark
Beitrag von DEPECHE.
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Meine Erfahrung sagt: Geschäfte werden zwischen Menschen gemacht - und Beziehungspflege ist das A und O des Erfolgs. Wir unterstützen Sie gerne bei Vertrieb und Listung Ihrer Produkte und Dienstleistungen...
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"Mastering Negotiation in the Fashion Industry" Introduction: Negotiation is a cornerstone of success in the fashion and textile industry. From securing favorable deals with buyers to managing supply chain logistics, your ability to negotiate effectively can significantly impact your career. Mastering these negotiation skills not only helps you navigate the complexities of the industry but also positions you for long-term success. Skill 1: Building Rapport: Building a strong relationship with buying representatives is crucial. Trust and credibility are the foundations of any successful negotiation. Start by understanding their needs and priorities, and use techniques like active listening and clear, consistent communication. By showing that you are reliable and genuinely interested in a mutually beneficial outcome, you can establish a rapport that makes negotiations smoother and more productive. Skill 2: Clear Communication: Clear and concise communication is vital, especially when negotiating orders and specifications. Misunderstandings can lead to costly errors and delays. Ensure that all details, from material types to delivery schedules, are explicitly stated and agreed upon. Use written confirmations to avoid any ambiguity and keep all parties aligned on expectations. Skill 3: Understanding Quality Standards: In the fashion and textile industry, quality is non-negotiable. Being well-versed in the quality standards expected by brands and consumers is essential. When negotiating quality terms with representatives, clearly define the benchmarks and inspection processes. Discuss what constitutes acceptable variations and how issues will be addressed. This clarity helps prevent disputes and ensures that the final product meets all required standards. Skill 4: Delivery Negotiation: Delivery timelines can make or break a project, especially in a global supply chain. When negotiating with logistics and supply chain representatives, it's important to balance firmness with flexibility. Outline your delivery expectations, but also plan for contingencies that could affect timelines. Flexibility and open communication can help you navigate potential disruptions without compromising the overall project. Conclusion: In summary, mastering negotiation skills—building rapport, clear communication, understanding quality standards, and strategic delivery planning—are essential for success in the fashion and textile industry. By honing these skills, you can ensure smooth operations, satisfied stakeholders, and a thriving career. Now, it's time to put these strategies into practice and take your negotiation abilities to the next level.
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Hello! There, Are you a Retailer? Are you a Distributor? Are you a regular Salesman? Are you selling a product/service/concept? Are you having a small roadside shack? Are you having a really big Business, international for example? Are you into any of these below: Diamonds, Shoes, Real Estate, Automotive, Clothes, Sportswear, Office space, Furniture, Farmlands, Grains, Oils, Paper products, Gifts, Traditional items, Jewelry, Electronics, .............................or any other thing? If you are selling any of the above or anything else that I did not mention here - stop worrying about how to increase your Sales Instead, TALK TO US, for a tete-a-tete or a 1-2-1 sooner than later and we will give you numerous options for how to increase your regular sales with of course a proven plan For selling anything under the sun, there is a definitive plan to go by and we have been doing this for over 30 years, training industries on how to sell their wares at different levels Let's TALK I do not run a public-speaking Course, but I can change the Course of your Life, TRUST ME #sales #supersales #definitesales #powerofsales
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Willst du lernen, wie Vertrieb funktioniert? Dann empfehle ich dir einen Besuch in Italien. 🇮🇹 Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum die Italiener so gut verkaufen können? Ganz ehrlich. Wie oft hat man auf dem Markt schon irgendwelche Dinge gekauft (wie z.B. einen Hut mit Limonen drauf 🌝), obwohl man‘s eigentlich gar nicht vorhatte? Meiner Meinung nach sind es folgende Punkte, die die Italiener im Punkto Vertrieb richtig gut draufhaben: 1. Leidenschaft und Authentizität 🤌🏻 Italiener sind bekannt für ihre Leidenschaft und Authentizität. Diese Leidenschaft überträgt sich auf den Vertrieb. Wenn du wirklich an das glaubst, was du verkaufst, wird deine Begeisterung ansteckend. Kunden spüren, wenn du hinter deinem Produkt stehst und davon überzeugt bist. 2. Starke Kundenbeziehungen 🤝🏻 Italiener legen großen Wert auf persönliche Beziehungen und ein gutes Gefühl beim Gegenüber (manchmal auch too much 😅). Die Customer Journey ist hier sehr wichtig - vom ersten Erblicken der Ware bis zum finalen Kaufabschluss. Zeige echtes Interesse an ihren Bedürfnissen und sei bestrebt, eine langfristige bzw. wiederkehrende Partnerschaft aufzubauen, anstatt nur einen schnellen Verkauf abzuschließen. 3. Emotionen wecken 🫶🏻 Italiener verstehen es, Emotionen zu wecken – sei es bspw. durch Kunst, Musik oder Gastronomie. Das Erwecken von Emotionen ist im Vertrieb eins der wichtigsten Punkte. Menschen, die kaufen, wollen nicht das Gefühl haben, etwas verkauft zu bekommen. Das Gefühl, das wir beim Kauf hatten bleibt uns im Gedächtnis (bspw. bei deinem Lieblingsitaliener mit der besten Pizza und dem tollsten Service). Erzähle Geschichten, die berühren, und zeige, wie dein Produkt das Leben deiner Kunden verbessern kann (auch wenn‘s ein Hut mit Zitronen ist 😆). Fakt ist: Von Italienern können wir lernen, dass Vertrieb mehr ist als nur das Verkaufen eines Produkts. Es geht darum, Leidenschaft zu zeigen, starke Beziehungen aufzubauen, Qualität zu bieten und eine emotionale Verbindung zu schaffen. Indem wir diese Prinzipien in unsere Vertriebsstrategien integrieren, können wir nicht nur mehr verkaufen, sondern auch langfristige Kundentreue. #Vertrieb #Sales #Kundenbeziehungen
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How to Sell A Premium, Luxury Service Or Product. Yes, you could tell me that sales are sales, and that selling a premium, high end product or service is no different than anything else. However, after 40 years of experience in the field, I can tell you one thing, it is and the one major difference is the client you are selling to. Whether it’s luxury cars or real estate, watches, fashion or whatever. As a general rule, the buyer is usually more discerning, is able to decide on the spot, doesn’t want to waste time, and wants no bullshit. As a seller, maybe the most important thing in closing a deal is not to be attached in any way to the outcome, and to treat the service or product you are selling in a casual, humorous and nonchalant way. At the same time being super proffesional and giving impeccable service. If you are nervous about saying the price, the client will pick up on that and you will lose. Relax. Have fun, take it easy and remember it’s all a game. Maybe a high stakes game, but still a game.
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Vertrieb ist einfach nur Verkaufen? Im Gegenteil: Besonders heute sind Vertriebsprozesse um einiges vielschichtiger und komplexer. Wie genau ein Vertriebsprozess aussieht und was Sie zu beachten haben, erfahren Sie hier.
Vertrieb: So bringen Sie Ihre Produkte & Dienstleistungen zum Kunden
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**Morning Walk Reflection** Shortage of sales people in uniform sector .. During my walk today ,I found myself reflecting on a recurring theme: how difficult it is to find good sales staff for the uniform industry. After yet another country visit in the region, the same question popped up: “If you know good sales staff, please suggest.” It’s a challenge that seems universal across the Middle East—a high demand for quality team members but a limited pool of talent. This gap, however, represents more than just a hiring issue. The uniform business is a unique, purpose-filled industry. Uniforms are not just clothing; they serve to protect, unify, and represent. They are worn by those who keep our communities running—whether in healthcare, hospitality, oil & gas, or facilities management. Working in this sector means contributing to something bigger. For those seeking a meaningful career path, the uniform industry offers a chance to be part of a business that impacts lives daily. It’s not just about sales numbers; it’s about providing garments that enhance safety, comfort, and identity for people in demanding roles. This purpose is a compelling advantage that we need to communicate. Because in a business with a purpose, there’s more to sell than just fabric or garments there’s a story to share. And we need the right people to help tell it. Interested ?Reach out …
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Benefits of Being a Gamari Dealer or Distributor in India Becoming a dealer or distributor for Gamari in India can offer several significant benefits, given the brand's growing popularity and the positive sentiment towards sustainable, high-quality furniture: Financial Benefits: * Lucrative Margins: Gamari often offers attractive profit margins to its dealers and distributors, ensuring a healthy return on investment. * Regular Income: As a dealer or distributor, you can expect a steady income stream from the sale of Gamari products. * Growth Potential: As Gamari continues to expand its market reach, your business can grow along with it, leading to increased revenue. Brand Association: * Strong Brand Reputation: Gamari is known for its commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovative design, which can enhance your brand image. * Customer Trust: Associating your business with a reputable brand like Gamari can boost customer trust and loyalty. Business Support: * Marketing and Sales Support: Gamari often provides marketing materials, sales training, and other support to help its dealers and distributors promote and sell their products effectively. * Inventory Management: You may have access to inventory management tools and support to optimize stock levels and minimize costs. * Training and Development: Gamari may offer training programs to help you and your team understand the products and their features. Market Opportunities: * Growing Demand: The Indian market for high-quality furniture is growing rapidly, creating significant opportunities for dealers and distributors. * Diverse Product Range: Gamari's diverse product range allows you to cater to a wide range of customers, from individual homeowners to commercial establishments. * Emerging Markets: As Gamari expands into new markets, you can capitalize on emerging opportunities and grow your business. To explore the specific benefits and requirements of becoming a Gamari dealer or distributor in India, it's recommended to: * Contact Gamari Directly: Reach out to their sales or marketing team to inquire about their current distribution opportunities. * Visit the Official Website: Check the Gamari website for any information regarding dealership or distributorship programs. * Attend Industry Events: Participate in furniture industry events and exhibitions to connect with Gamari representatives and learn more about their business opportunities. By understanding the potential benefits and aligning your business goals with Gamari's vision, you can establish a successful and profitable partnership.
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