🚨 Agent for Germany 🚨 We are expanding at DEPECHE. and are seeking new agents or agencies with a strong client base in clothing and leatherwear. We are specifically looking for agents in the following regions: 📍 North/Niedersachsen 📍 Nordrhein-Westfalen/Hessen 📍 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Brandenburg/Sachsen/Sachsen-Anhalt/Thüringen 📍 Bayern If you have a network that aligns with our brand's DNA and are ready for an exciting journey with us, we’d love to hear from you! See our Brandbook below and learn more about us. Contact our Sales Manager Siri-Ann at siri@depeche.eu for more details. ______________________________________________ 🚨 Wir suchen Agenten für Deutschland 🚨 DEPECHE wächst und gibt richtig Gas. Darum suchen wir zur Verstärkung unseres Teams neue Agenten/Agenturen, die sich mit uns auf eine spannende Reise begeben wollen. Ein gutes Netzwerk im Bereich Bekleidung und Lederwaren wäre optimal. Wir suchen für: 📍 Norddeutschland/Niedersachsen 📍 Nordrhein-Westfalen/Hessen 📍 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Brandenburg/Sachsen/Sachsen-Anhalt/Thüringen 📍 Bayern Anbei unser Brandbook, um mehr über uns zu erfahren. Unsere Verkaufsleiterin Siri-Ann siri@depeche.eu freut sich auf Nachrichten und steht bereit für weitere Details. Viele Grüße aus Horsens/Dänemark
Beitrag von DEPECHE.
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Meine Erfahrung sagt: Geschäfte werden zwischen Menschen gemacht - und Beziehungspflege ist das A und O des Erfolgs. Wir unterstützen Sie gerne bei Vertrieb und Listung Ihrer Produkte und Dienstleistungen...
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I read this story when I started my career in sales and believed in it and loved how ATTITUDE can change lives of people and companies. Maybe this story gives you some stimulus too. In my 1st job January 1992, Teledirect (Informatics) India Pvt. Ltd, franchise of KOMPASS INTERNATIONAL, ZURICH, SWITZERLAND, Head Office in Dubai. It was that time when there was no Internet, no Google obviously, not much computers, no email, only Fax, Telex and BSNL phones ( STD/ISD & TRUNK CALLS). Since I had a Enfield Bullet bike, my Boss gave me territory Tangra leather complex! All others were given good areas like Park Street, Dalhousie, Clive Row, and similar. We used to enlist free listing in Kompass International Directories and Indian Export and Import Directories and a International Trade fair book. The first day I went Tangra, it was dirty, with puddles of water but I was determined to get business. I soon found out Muslim Tanneries had tannery here but office in Topsia or Park Circus. Chinese tannery had both office and tannery here. My first meeting, my first sales call I met one Mr. David, he heard me and said I am very very busy Sambit. Tell me what you want. I said Sir, I want you sign on the dotted line (Contract paper) it will offer you free listing in International fair book and Kompass International Directory with bold listing giving bio-data of your company and same will be included in the Indian Export Import Directory. My 1st sales cheque ₹ 3500/- GOT IT. The Story : At the beginning of the 20th century, an English shoe manufacturer, concerned about the decline in its sales in England, decided to try to open new markets abroad. Its director called two of its salesmen and proposed that they travel to Africa to try to open market to increase their sales. Both salesmen left by boat for Africa with instructions to make a first survey of the market. Each of them would go to a different country to have two opinions about the potential of the African market. Within days of arriving, the first salesman called the factory owner, informing him that after several days visiting cities, he had concluded that the African potential for shoe sales was null. "Boss," he said, "here they all go barefoot. No one wears shoes. We are not going to be able to sell a single pair of shoes." The next day the second of the salesmen called. He was absolutely excited and eager to speak to his boss. "Boss," he said. "It's fantastic. No one here wears shoes. No one sells shoes. We are going to sell thousands of pairs…" This little story highlights how important ATTITUDE is. Why do some get what they want, and others don't? 80% of success is due to attitude. An optimistic attitude makes us see opportunities in all the difficulties that life holds for us. A pessimistic attitude makes us see difficulties in all the new opportunities that we hold in life.” Henry Ford once said: "Wheather you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." --Sambit Bhattacharya
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When the rising tide of luxury and premium brands lifted all boats, even those with holes, it was easy to execute transactions. It was easy to mistake luck for skill. It’s always easy to be delusional in good times. But you cannot afford to avoid reality in hard times. Now that we have a slowdown under way (which we predicted back in 2022, even in China), and we are swimming in a low tide, it’s easy to see who is not wearing a swim suit. That can mean many things; a lack of competent and courageous leadership; me-too, lackluster commodity products; a dire lack of Extraordinary Customer Experiences; a failure to cultivate and nurture Emotionally Intelligent, High Performance/High Trust Client Relationships, especially with the HNW and UHNW SuperClients. Or, all of the above. We are in a turbulent phase right now in Luxury and Premium Goods and Services, broadly defined. To The Luxury Institute, LLC that wreaks of major opportunity. Major. You need to be smart and bold in rough waters. Expertise and Trust matter now more than ever. You can’t just cost-cut your way to success. It lacks imagination and courage. We can’t control the turbulent Luxury and Premium seas. But we can surely help you Master how to regulate the SALES.
Hugo Boss may push back 2025 targets as luxury sector falters
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Willst du lernen, wie Vertrieb funktioniert? Dann empfehle ich dir einen Besuch in Italien. 🇮🇹 Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum die Italiener so gut verkaufen können? Ganz ehrlich. Wie oft hat man auf dem Markt schon irgendwelche Dinge gekauft (wie z.B. einen Hut mit Limonen drauf 🌝), obwohl man‘s eigentlich gar nicht vorhatte? Meiner Meinung nach sind es folgende Punkte, die die Italiener im Punkto Vertrieb richtig gut draufhaben: 1. Leidenschaft und Authentizität 🤌🏻 Italiener sind bekannt für ihre Leidenschaft und Authentizität. Diese Leidenschaft überträgt sich auf den Vertrieb. Wenn du wirklich an das glaubst, was du verkaufst, wird deine Begeisterung ansteckend. Kunden spüren, wenn du hinter deinem Produkt stehst und davon überzeugt bist. 2. Starke Kundenbeziehungen 🤝🏻 Italiener legen großen Wert auf persönliche Beziehungen und ein gutes Gefühl beim Gegenüber (manchmal auch too much 😅). Die Customer Journey ist hier sehr wichtig - vom ersten Erblicken der Ware bis zum finalen Kaufabschluss. Zeige echtes Interesse an ihren Bedürfnissen und sei bestrebt, eine langfristige bzw. wiederkehrende Partnerschaft aufzubauen, anstatt nur einen schnellen Verkauf abzuschließen. 3. Emotionen wecken 🫶🏻 Italiener verstehen es, Emotionen zu wecken – sei es bspw. durch Kunst, Musik oder Gastronomie. Das Erwecken von Emotionen ist im Vertrieb eins der wichtigsten Punkte. Menschen, die kaufen, wollen nicht das Gefühl haben, etwas verkauft zu bekommen. Das Gefühl, das wir beim Kauf hatten bleibt uns im Gedächtnis (bspw. bei deinem Lieblingsitaliener mit der besten Pizza und dem tollsten Service). Erzähle Geschichten, die berühren, und zeige, wie dein Produkt das Leben deiner Kunden verbessern kann (auch wenn‘s ein Hut mit Zitronen ist 😆). Fakt ist: Von Italienern können wir lernen, dass Vertrieb mehr ist als nur das Verkaufen eines Produkts. Es geht darum, Leidenschaft zu zeigen, starke Beziehungen aufzubauen, Qualität zu bieten und eine emotionale Verbindung zu schaffen. Indem wir diese Prinzipien in unsere Vertriebsstrategien integrieren, können wir nicht nur mehr verkaufen, sondern auch langfristige Kundentreue. #Vertrieb #Sales #Kundenbeziehungen
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Vertrieb ist einfach nur Verkaufen? Im Gegenteil: Besonders heute sind Vertriebsprozesse um einiges vielschichtiger und komplexer. Wie genau ein Vertriebsprozess aussieht und was Sie zu beachten haben, erfahren Sie hier.
Vertrieb: So bringen Sie Ihre Produkte & Dienstleistungen zum Kunden
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Titan's Domestic Jewellery business grew 25% YoY as per their Q3 business updates.Titan is the market leader in the organized jewellery space in the country and shown double digit growth in this quarter.Added 24 stores in the quarter. We all know Q3 is the best quarter for Jewellery business due to the festive season led demand.Apart from that,the import duty cut decision by the government from 15% to 6.4% resulted in growth of footfall and volume in this quarter. Organised Jewellery space is growing at 16% in India and market leader like Titan shown growth more than 20% from such a high base is the proof there are immense prospect of Jewellery sector still in India (Even though this is the best quarter for Jewellery business).So we can expect outstanding results from Kalyan Jewellers and others in this quarter. Now here is the game. One quarter back,one industry veteran told me during a conversation that Jewellery companies have no addressable market outside India.I told her it has immense opportunity within India itself though a lot of Jewellery companies opened numerous stores in US and Middle East countries.Titan itself expanded its business in Seatle and Dubai in this quarter.But even we set aside export business, domestic business itself enough for taking care of growth. Presence or Absence of an addressable market outside India is not the guarantee of making money. Market rewards growth and profitability.Until you are performing,people reward you.Most of the Jewellery companies are doing good and they delivered as per their guidance.If they will be able to deliver as per their guidance or revised guidance in coming quarters,Stocks will perform. Those who will be busy to calculate "Addressable market hai ki nahi hai" will be sitting idle and out of the game.
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**Morning Walk Reflection** Shortage of sales people in uniform sector .. During my walk today ,I found myself reflecting on a recurring theme: how difficult it is to find good sales staff for the uniform industry. After yet another country visit in the region, the same question popped up: “If you know good sales staff, please suggest.” It’s a challenge that seems universal across the Middle East—a high demand for quality team members but a limited pool of talent. This gap, however, represents more than just a hiring issue. The uniform business is a unique, purpose-filled industry. Uniforms are not just clothing; they serve to protect, unify, and represent. They are worn by those who keep our communities running—whether in healthcare, hospitality, oil & gas, or facilities management. Working in this sector means contributing to something bigger. For those seeking a meaningful career path, the uniform industry offers a chance to be part of a business that impacts lives daily. It’s not just about sales numbers; it’s about providing garments that enhance safety, comfort, and identity for people in demanding roles. This purpose is a compelling advantage that we need to communicate. Because in a business with a purpose, there’s more to sell than just fabric or garments there’s a story to share. And we need the right people to help tell it. Interested ?Reach out …
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Hello! There, Are you a Retailer? Are you a Distributor? Are you a regular Salesman? Are you selling a product/service/concept? Are you having a small roadside shack? Are you having a really big Business, international for example? Are you into any of these below: Diamonds, Shoes, Real Estate, Automotive, Clothes, Sportswear, Office space, Furniture, Farmlands, Grains, Oils, Paper products, Gifts, Traditional items, Jewelry, Electronics, .............................or any other thing? If you are selling any of the above or anything else that I did not mention here - stop worrying about how to increase your Sales Instead, TALK TO US, for a tete-a-tete or a 1-2-1 sooner than later and we will give you numerous options for how to increase your regular sales with of course a proven plan For selling anything under the sun, there is a definitive plan to go by and we have been doing this for over 30 years, training industries on how to sell their wares at different levels Let's TALK I do not run a public-speaking Course, but I can change the Course of your Life, TRUST ME #sales #supersales #definitesales #powerofsales
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