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1.343 Follower:innen

Warum es so wichtig ist, in die Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit zu investieren? Weil sie für Mitarbeitende zum immer wichtigeren Entscheidungsfaktor wird. Das zeigt auch der aktuelle Randstad Workmonitor. Wenn man also mit dem passenden Benefit auch das Privatleben der Angestellten verbessert, erreicht man den Großteil der eigenen Belegschaft dort, wo es wirklich zählt.

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2.631.361 Follower:innen

Global talent is increasingly putting happiness first. Our latest Workmonitor report discovered that the traditional understanding of progression is shifting, and climbing the ladder is certainly not desired by everyone. People are increasingly prioritizing their personal lives over their work life, with over 50% of respondents happy to stay in a role they enjoy despite no room for career progression. The organizations who undertake a holistic and balanced approach to workplace wellbeing will increasingly attract the talent of today and tomorrow. Dive into the full report here:

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