Am 8. August 2024 hatten wir die große Freude, von der Berufsfeuerwehr Dessau-Roßlau auf ihrem Gelände empfangen zu werden, um FoamGiant in Aktion vorzustellen.🚒🚨 Die Einsatzkräfte konnten FoamGiant selbst ausprobieren und sich direkt von seiner Leistungsfähigkeit und Handhabung überzeugen.👨🚒 Bei der Demonstration wurde zudem ein kleines Feuer erfolgreich gelöscht 🪵🔥. Wir möchten der Berufsfeuerwehr Dessau-Roßlau herzlich für die Einladung, die Gastfreundschaft und das wertvolle Feedback danken 😊. Weiterhin bedanken wir uns bei der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Dessau-Kochstedt für die Bereitstellung des Oertzen HDL 250. Haben Sie Interesse an einer Vorführung von FoamGiant bei Ihrer Feuerwehr? Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne! ✉️📲 — On August 8, 2024, we had the great pleasure of being welcomed by the Dessau-Roßlau Fire Department at their facility to showcase FoamGiant in action 🚒🚨. The firefighters had the opportunity to test FoamGiant themselves and directly experience its performance and ease of use 👨🚒. During the demonstration, a small fire was successfully extinguished 🪵🔥. We would like to sincerely thank the Dessau-Roßlau Fire Department for the invitation, hospitality, and valuable feedback 😊. We also extend our gratitude to the Dessau-Kochstedt Volunteer Fire Department for providing the Oertzen HDL 250. Are you interested in a FoamGiant demonstration at your fire station? Feel free to contact us! ✉️📲 #Feuerwehr #Innovation #FoamGiant #IFS #Brandbekämpfung #Schaum #Mittelschaum #RevolutionäreTechnologie #Firefighting #Innovation #FoamGiant #IFS #FireSafety #Foam #MediumExpansionFoam #RevolutionaryTechnology #Schaumkanone #Foamcannon #firefightingdemonstration #firefightingdemo #firefightinginnovation
Beitrag von Intelligent Firefighting Solutions
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“Es gab in der Wache weder eine Brandmeldeanlage, die einen Alarm an die zuständige Leitstelle sendet, noch eine Alarmanlage oder Videoüberwachung.” ::::: Laut dem Bürgermeister, “Wir haben ein Brandschutzkonzept erstellt, das ordnungsgemäß abgenommen wurde. Wir haben keine weiteren Auflagen bekommen, etwa, dass eine Brandmeldeanlage eingebaut werden müsse.” :::: Meine Gedanken: Risiken zu managen bedeutet NICHT lediglich die Anforderungen der Regularien zu folgen, sondern eher eine ausführliche Analyse durchzuführen, um zu wissen, was schief gehen kann, bzw. was dagegen umzusetzen.
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Conducting a Fire Attack? Check out how Tactical TIC use can aid in suppression efforts by guiding the stream. Through enhanced stream placement, superheated areas can be cooled before moving forward and forward stream placement can be more accurately placed. Check out the view through the new Bullard QXT PRO! Stay Intelligently Aggressive! #firefighter #thermalimaging #thermography #firefighting
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Last week, we underscored the importance of helmet fit. We explained why 360° systems promote helmet instability, but today we’ll address external compression headaches, or ECH — a common issue with many helmets on the market that use 360° fit systems. The problem? 360° systems apply pressure around the head’s circumference, most often pressing against the trigeminal nerve found in the temples on each side of the head. This causes painful compression headaches, which is especially disruptive for construction workers, military personnel, firefighters, law enforcement, cyclists and others who rely on helmets for hours. Why settle for discomfort or non-compliance? IsoFit® comfort liner fit systems offer a snug, personalized fit and all-day comfort without the pressure. Make compression headaches go away: choose IsoFit® comfort liner fit systems for your helmet brand. To learn more click here: #HelmetSafety #CompressionHeadaches #HelmetTec
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Consolite has worked closely with Unilux Geomar, a long established manufacturer of certified navigation lights, to develop a range of NVG compliant LED based navigation lights and systems for warships. All lights are fully compliant with COLREG requirements and are MED certified by DNV GL. Lights are fitted with very carefully controlled filters to provide the correct degree of NVG compatibility, compliant to Def Stan 02-587 Part 3. This means they have the correct balance to ensure both long range aided acquisition and minimal impact on NVG performance at close range, while still fully meeting all legal requirements for unaided visibility. 🌐 Find more: ☎ +30 210 412 1566 #tnlgroup #tnlfamily #yourbridgeourmission #navigationlights #thenavigationleaders #greece #cyprus #navigation #navigationbridge #consolite #navalnavigationlights #athens #navigationindustry
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Wie Alisa richtig sagt: "Qualitätsgeprüfte Rauchwarnmelder sind das einzig sicheren Mittel ein nächtliches Feuer zu überleben." Weitere Tipps gibt es im Video! VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH
DANKE für 3.000 Zuschauer unseres gemeinsam mit der #Feuerwehr erstellten #Lebensretter-Videos zu #Rauchmeldern, Brandursachen, #Sicherheit: Fast jeden Tag stirbt in Deutschland ein Mensch durch Feuer. Todesursache bei rund 95% der Fälle: das Einatmen hochgiftiger Rauchgase. Der Infofilm bietet #Schutztipps, Fachwissen zu den häufigsten Brandquellen in Haushalten und zum Anbringen qualitätsgeprüfter #Rauchwarnmelder – dem einzig sicheren Mittel, ein nächtliches Feuer zu überleben. Alle Details zum Nachlesen auf #RauchmeldersindLebensretter #VdS #ZertifizierteSicherheit #Brandschutz
Lebensretter-Tipps von der Feuerwehr + VdS (Brandursachen, Rauchmelder, Sicherheit)
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The ALF - Advanced Location Finder is a reliable help for horizontally distant laddering points and provides objective feedback as to whether laddering is possible with the selected stabilization and the necessary cage crew. In the operation shown here, a window on the second floor had to be reached at almost 16m. Due to the parking lot and the hedge, the conventional method of determining the distance by walking to the object was not possible. The ALF was able to demonstrate its advantages particularly well in this environment. In a matter of seconds, the ALF determined the distance and indicated that the ladder point could be reached with the turntable ladder of the Freiwillige Feuerwehr Ilmenau under the mentioned conditions. This is signaled by the green check mark on the display, so that the operator, after considering the conditions on site (reminder by the 360° symbol) such as ground, trees or other obstacles, was able to position the turntable ladder and the operation could proceed quickly and efficiently. Many thanks to the Freiwillige Feuerwehr Ilmenau for the pictures. We wish you continued good and safe operations with the ALF. Would you like to optimize your turntable ladder operations in your fire department? Then test the ALF free of charge and request a demo unit for your fire department. Information about the ALF: #turntableladder #aerialladder #firefighting #innovation #leitstelle #technology #future #firefighters #firefighter #safety #Drehleiter #Hubrettungsfahrzeug #Feuerwehr #Feuerwehrfahrzeug #firefighting #technology #future #fireworkers
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Bist Du startklar für den 𝗗𝗜𝗡-𝗗𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗴? Heute wartet auf Dich die 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝟯𝟰𝟴 aus dem Prüfungsfragenkatalog 𝗕𝗠𝗔. Traust Du Dich, Deine Antwort in die Kommentare zu schreiben? Los geht’s, rate mit! . . . . . . #din14675 #brandschutz #brandmeldetechnik #brandmeldeanlage #planungsbüro #elektriker #gefahrenmeldeanlage #feuerwehr #stephanwenzel #unternehmensberatungwenzel #din14675zertifizierung #iso9000 #iso9001 #frageundantwort
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Revolutionizing #naval #operations with #Meltio's #3dprinting #technology!✨ The future of #marine # defence is being enhanced by the power of advanced #manufacturing technologies, and at the forefront of this transformation is Meltio's #hybrid #metal #3dprinting. During the 2024 Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise, #Meltio's technology played a pivotal role aboard the USS Somerset. When a critical reverse osmosis pump broke, essential for producing clean drinking water, #Meltio & Snowbird Technologies' #additivesolution saved the day! Thanks to Snowbird's large-format #3Dprinter for on-site #production (SAMM Tech), equipped with Meltio's wire laser #3dprinting Head, the USS Somerset was able to print a replacement #part in the middle of the ocean! Read our new blog post to know the whole story behind it! 🔓 #3dprinting #metal3dprinting #metaladditivemanufacturing #3dprint #additivemanufacturing #manufacturing #3dprintedmetal #metal3d #innovation #technology #metal #welding #metal3d #AM
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Bist Du startklar für den 𝗗𝗜𝗡-𝗗𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗴? Heute wartet auf Dich die 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝟯𝟰𝟴 aus dem Prüfungsfragenkatalog 𝗕𝗠𝗔. Traust Du Dich, Deine Antwort in die Kommentare zu schreiben? Los geht’s, rate mit! . . . . . . #din14675 #brandschutz #brandmeldetechnik #brandmeldeanlage #planungsbüro #elektriker #gefahrenmeldeanlage #feuerwehr #stephanwenzel #unternehmensberatungwenzel #din14675zertifizierung #iso9000 #iso9001 #frageundantwort
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