💎 Glück Auf! Ein Hoch auf die Heilige Barbara – Schutzpatronin der Bergleute 💎 Heute, am 4. Dezember, gedenken wir der Heiligen Barbara, der Schutzpatronin des Bergbaus. Sie steht seit Jahrhunderten für Mut, Schutz und Hoffnung – Werte, die im Bergbau tief verankert sind. Für alle, die in der Bergbauindustrie tätig sind oder eine Verbindung zu ihr spüren, ist dieser Tag eine Gelegenheit, innezuhalten und die harte Arbeit, den Mut und die Kameradschaft zu feiern, die diesen Beruf prägen. Lasst uns heute ein Licht anzünden – für die Heilige Barbara und für all jene, die Tag für Tag hart arbeiten, um unsere Welt zu bereichern. 🙏💡 Glück Auf! _____________________________________________________________________________ 💎 Glück Auf! A Tribute to Saint Barbara – Patron Saint of Miners 💎 Today, December 4th, we honor Saint Barbara, the patron saint of miners. For centuries, she has symbolized courage, protection, and hope – values deeply rooted in the mining tradition. For everyone working in the mining industry or feeling a connection to it, this day is a moment to pause and celebrate the hard work, bravery, and camaraderie that define this profession. Let us light a candle today – for Saint Barbara and for all those who labor tirelessly to enrich our world every day. 🙏💡 Glück Auf! #JDT #morethanchain #Bergbau #mining #HeiligeBarbara #SaintBarbara #Tradition #GlückAuf #Gemeinschaft #Community
Beitrag von JDT J.D. Theile GmbH & Co. KG
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Geotop des Monats / Geosite of the month Mai 2024 Der Teufelsstein (Diabelski Kamień), Polen Im polnischen Gebiet des Muskauer Faltenbogens, etwa 2 km südwestlich von Trzebiel, im Tal der Lanka, befindet sich der sogenannte Teufelsstein (Diabelski Kamień). Mit einer Größe von 5,1 x 3,5 x 2,5 m ist er der größte Findling im Geopark und erreicht (mit dem unter der Erde verborgenem Teil zusammen) ein Volumen von ca. 36 m3 sowie eine geschätzte Gesamtmasse von 101 t (Abb. 1). Petrographisch handelt es sich vorwiegend um einen geschieferten Alkalifeldspat-Granit mit mittel- bis grobkristallinem Gefüge bestehend aus Quarz (40%), Mikroklin (40%), Plagioklas (15%) und Biotit (5%) (Abb. 2). Dieser ist intrudiert von einem ebenfalls geschieferten, grobkristallinen pegmatitischem Granit mit gut erkennbaren, bis zu 3 cm großen Kalifeldspat Kristallen. Sein unspezifischer Chemismus erlaubt keine genaue Bestimmung des Herkunftsgebiets. Anhand allgemeingeologischer Merkmale wird sein Liefergebiet in Skandinavien (Finnland, Schweden) vermutet und ein Alter von etwa 1,8-2,0 Milliarden Jahren angenommen. Mehr: https://lnkd.in/d2J5YcQA Mitglied der DGGV werden / Join DGGV https://lnkd.in/eyWmv7nX
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https://lnkd.in/dVtPHea8 'The Santorini Code' will be broadcast on Arte Germany on the 6th of April at 20:15. The film will also be available on the ARTE Mediathek. "The secret of Santorini" An international expedition is exploring the island volcano Santorini underwater for the first time. Their research vessel is extracting kilometers of cores from the caldera to reveal the volcano's explosive history. How old is the volcano, what historical impact did it have on the Mediterranean region, and how can the current risk of this slumbering giant be assessed? It is one of the great scientific expeditions of our time. After six years of preparation, an international team from eight nations boards the research ship “JOIDES Resolution”. Your destination: one of the most explosive volcanoes in the world - the Greek island of Santorini. The IODP 398 expedition is intended to investigate the eruption history of the volcano underwater for the first time. Kilometers of drill cores from the heart of the caldera are intended to provide information about the age of the volcano and its behavior. About 3,600 years ago, an eruption larger than that of Pompeii tore the island apart and covered the eastern Mediterranean with a thick layer of ash. Is it possible that this eruption heralded the end of the Minoans, the first advanced civilization in Europe? At ancient sites in the Aegean, archaeologists are finding further clues to the extent of the destruction and getting closer to the Minoan mystery. A sensational discovery on the Turkish coast shows how dangerous an eruption can be, even for distant regions. Wind and weather have obliterated most traces on land - which leads to gaps in knowledge. By looking into the seabed, scientists hope to find new answers to intensively debated questions. The aim is to decipher the entire volcanic history of Santorini and make future forecasts for this tourist hotspot in the Mediterranean. It is the first time that the history of a volcano has been examined in such detail. The results provide new insights into the behavior of volcanoes – worldwide.
Das Geheimnis von Santorini - Die ganze Doku | ARTE
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𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬-𝟒𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞-𝐈𝐝𝐚𝐡𝐨 -Bordered by the Canadian province of British Columbia to the north and the U.S. states of Montana and Wyoming to the east, Utah and Nevada to the south, and Oregon and Washington to the west, Idaho is twice as large as the six New England states combined. -Idaho produces more potatoes and trout than any other state in the nation, and is known as the “Gem State” for the 72 types of precious and semi-precious stones it produces—some of which are exclusive to the state. -Date of Statehood: July 3, 1890 -Capital: Boise -Population: 1,567,582 (2010) -Size: 83,568 square miles -Nickname(s): Gem State -Motto: Esto perpetua (“Let it be perpetual”) -Tree: Western White Pine -Flower: Syringa -Bird: Mountain Bluebird Interesting Facts..... -Meriwether Lewis and members of the Corps of Discovery entered Idaho for the first time in 1805, making it the last of the U.S. states to be explored by European-Americans. -Along with a reconnaissance team, William Clark attempted to find a passage across the Salmon River in August, but was deterred by the churning rapids and steep rock walls. The river is often referred to as “The River of No Return.” -Carved by the Snake River, Hell’s Canyon is North America’s deepest river gorge—even deeper than the Grand Canyon—with a width of ten miles and a depth of 7,913 feet below He Devil Peak in the Seven Devils Mountains. Idaho’s State Capitol, constructed between 1905 and 1920, is the only capitol building in the nation to be heated by geothermal water from a source 3,000 feet below the ground. In operation since 1982, the water system currently heats about 1.5 million square feet within the Capitol Mall complex. Sourcehttps://loom.ly/Lp8nWds #Idaho
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💧 Das DanubeSediment_Q2-Projekt an der BOKU setzt neue Maßstäbe in der nachhaltigen Sedimentbewirtschaftung im Donaueinzugsgebiet. Dieses innovative Vorhaben, dessen Kick-off am 25. und 26. März 2024 stattfand, zielt darauf ab, die Lücken im Wissen über Sedimentmanagement durch die integrierte Betrachtung von quantitativen und qualitativen Aspekten zu schließen. Mit Beteiligung von rund 65 Partner*innen aus Forschung, Wasserkraft, Schifffahrt, Ökologie und weiteren Bereichen, strebt das Projekt die Entwicklung des ersten integrierten Sedimentmanagementplans für das Donaueinzugsgebiet an. Dieser Plan soll in den nächsten Danube River Basin Management Plan und den Flood Risk Management Plan der Internationalen Kommission zum Schutz der Donau einfließen. Durch die Kombination von Naturmessungen, Computermodellen und physikalischen Modellversuchen sowie die Entwicklung neuer Methoden zur Bewertung der Hydromorphologie, adressiert DanubeSediment_Q2 Probleme wie Sohleintiefung und die Verbesserung der Sedimentdurchgängigkeit. Das Vorhaben wird vom Interreg Danube Region Programme unterstützt und von der EU mitfinanziert. ℹ️ Mehr Infos: https://lnkd.in/dFiDGJMm Helmut Habersack
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New "ring of fire" could close the Atlantic - process to begin "soon" Oceans seem to be infinite - infinitely large and there for all time. But that's not quite true: oceans are also "born", grow and close again one day. However, this process, also known as the "Wilson cycle", takes several hundred million years. The Atlantic Ocean, for example, was formed around 180 million years ago when the supercontinent Pangaea split into several smaller continents. The Mediterranean Sea is the remnant of a large ocean that existed a long time ago between Africa and Eurasia. In order to close an ocean, subduction zones come into play. These are regions in which one tectonic plate sinks beneath another. This causes tectonic plates to bend and break - a brutal process. Subduction zones bring with them earthquakes and volcanic activity - such as the Pacific Ring of Fire. This volcanic belt surrounds the Pacific from three sides, tearing apart a tectonic plate in the Pacific. A subduction zone located under the Strait of Gibraltar is migrating into the Atlantic. This could happen in a geologically short time. A new study now shows that a subduction zone located under the Strait of Gibraltar will migrate into the Atlantic in the future - a so-called "subduction invasion". This will create a kind of "Atlantic ring of fire" in the Atlantic. From a geological perspective, according to a Portuguese-German research group, this should happen "soon" - in around 20 million years. For the study, which was published in the journal Geology, the research team led by João Duarte from the University of Lisbon created 3D models. "Subduction invasion is inherently a three-dimensional process that requires advanced modeling tools and supercomputers that were not available a few years ago. We can now simulate the formation of the Gibraltar Arc in great detail and also how it might evolve in the distant future," says Duarte. The westward expansion of the Gibraltar Arc has slowed down over the last five million years, which is why researchers have suggested that its movement may have come to a complete standstill. "We do not share this view," emphasized researchers Boris Kaus and Nicolas Riel from Mainz University in a press release. "With our computer simulations, we can understand the development of the Gibraltar Arc in a physically correct way and estimate what fate awaits it in the future," said the two co-authors. The international research team assumes that the rate of expansion of the Gibraltar Arc will initially continue to slow down and almost come to a standstill in around 20 million years. However, it is then expected to accelerate. The subduction zone is expected to expand into the Atlantic in a semicircle and form a new Atlantic subduction system. Subduction zones lead oceanic crust back into the Earth's mantle - which is why the research team suspects that this could be the beginning of the closure of the Atlantic.
Neuer „Feuerring“ könnte den Atlantik schließen – Prozess soll „bald“ beginnen
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Hier folgt mein Beitrag "Jesus- und Marienlied" https://lnkd.in/eeepi8Cm
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Climate change and archaeology - a topic which wil be discussed a lot in the future
Nieuwsuur-item over de eroderende sjeu van de Nederlandse archeologie, met Maaike Sier, Patrick Ploegaert, Jan van Doesburg en Luc Amkreutz. https://lnkd.in/e44Hn77F
Droogte bedreigt archeologie: 'Onze belangrijkste informatiebron kan vergaan'
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𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐡𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐍ä𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐬 Im Auftrag des Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA führen wir insgesamt 11 Sondierbohrungen für das Umfahrungsprojekt Näfels durch. Die tiefsten Bohrungen erreichen eine Tiefe von bis zu 190 Metern. 👉 Jetzt im Video mehr über die Bohrarbeiten erfahren! #bohrungen #sondierbohrungen #erkundungsbohrungen #geologie
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Relation between "Pilgrim Nut" & "Pilgrims"! A Pilgrim Nut (PN) is a hydraulic nut used in the marine industry to install propellers, rudders, tillers, and stabilizers. It's also used for applications that require precise high loading. The moniker "pilgrim nut" does not derive from any historical association with pilgrims. Instead, the term originates from the inventor, T.W. Bunyan, a prominent marine engineer. Bunyan employed the "Pilgrim" designation for several of his patented inventions. According to Bunyan, the name served as a homage to his alleged ancestry from John Bunyan, the author of the literary classic "Pilgrim's Progress." #ship #marine #navalarchitecture #engineering
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Sommerzeit - Exkursionszeit - Geologie erleben Geotope in Deutschland / Geosites in Germany Glazialschollen präquartärer Sedimente der Greifswalder Oie Die nur ca. 0,6 km2 große Greifswalder Oie liegt in der südlichen Ostsee und ist den größeren Inseln Rügen und Usedom vorgelagert. Besonders am aktiven SE-Kliff der Insel sind in der sehr gut aufgeschlossenen pleistozänen Schichtenfolge eine ungewöhnliche Vielzahl eingelagerter präpleistozäner Schollen sowie mannigfaltige syn- bis postsedimentäre Deformationsformen (Belastungsmarken, Verfältelungen, diapirartige Injektionen, Schuppen, Falten, Scherbahnen etc.) auf engstem Raum zu beobachten. Mehr: https://lnkd.in/empcBe8z https://lnkd.in/e-VBJmg2
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