Sehen wir uns in Kanada? 🇨🇦 Wir sind euer Partner für RTLS-Lösungen! 🚀 Kommt an unserem Stand vorbei und erfahrt alles über den Mehrwert unserer #Echtzeitlokalisierungssysteme für eure Verpackungs-, Logistik- oder Fertigungsprozesse. 🔍✨ Unsere Lösungen helfen dabei, Prozesse zu optimieren, Transparenz zu erhöhen und Effizienz zu steigern. Wenn ihr wissen wollt, wie #RTLS eure Operations auf das nächste Level bringen kann, dann lasst uns ins Gespräch kommen! 📅 Wir freuen uns, euch vor Ort zu treffen. 👋 #Logistics #Intralogistics #Verpackung #Innovation #Echtzeitlokalisierung #Prozessoptimierung #Kanada
Meet German YGL-Co-Exhibitors at #PACKEX in #Montreal, #Canada: 4/5 Let us introduce you to our 5 German Co-Exhibitors who will be presenting themselves at the YGL-Booth during PACKEX in Montreal, November 13-14, 2024! ** In the upcoming days, we present to you (in an alphabetical order) our 5 German Co-Exhibitors, which we have selected to join our Booth during the PACKEX in Montreal! We are gathering #YoungTransformers: innovative companies from Germany at our Booth 2313, following the motto ‘Logistics from Germany – Logistics for the Future’. You can meet them in Montreal for a B2B-appointment – and we can arrange those meetings for you. ** Today you can learn more about the following two companies: #HLash & Rainer GmbH has been developing innovative load securing systems for securing loads in intermodal ISO sea containers since 1988. Our tailor-made solutions meet the highest safety standards. They are effective, sustainable and compliant with the CTU Code of Practice. In addition, we offer worldwide service and on-site training. Website: #Localino by Heuel & Löher GmbH & Co KG offers the real-time locating solution! All over the world, we serve customers from various sectors, f.e. industry, logistics, healthcare and traffic. Our technology stands out for high system efficiency and accuracy and thus offers a valid basis for digitalization and process optimization. Website: Please let us know today at if you wish to have a B2B-appointment with one or both of the companies during the Exhibition in Montreal. We will get back to you and schedule it for you! If you are looking for reliable partners for logistics in and from Germany, visit also our Company Directory ‘German Logistics’ already today: and find suitable candidates within seconds! #BMDV #GermanLogistics ** Your German Logistics is an initiative of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport to promote Germany worldwide as a logistics location and help you find reliable German logistic partners, free of charge.