✋ Wie kann sich der Mittelstand gegen digitale Bedrohungen wappnen? Wie kann KI vor Cyberangriffen schützen? Wie wirken sich globale Machtverhältnisse auf unsere Cyber-Resilienz aus? 🤔 Dies waren einige der zentralen Fragen der zum neunten Mal stattfindenden Digitalisierungsgespräche, dieses Mal zum Thema „Stärkung der nationalen Cyber-Resilienz“. 🦾 Einen Rückblick und alle Fotos von Dominik Butzmann findet ihr hier 👉 https://lnkd.in/d_vQdGnx 🤝
„In an increasingly fragmented and hostile cyber threat landscape, executive and legislative branches of government should continue their exchange on how to improve cyber resilience“ This was the central takeaway from PD Dr. Annegret Bendiek, Principal Investigator at EuRepoC, after participating in an exclusive roundtable discussion with stakeholders from politics, science, economy, and civil society. The event, hosted at the iconic Restaurant Borchardt in Berlin, marked the ninth edition of Digitalisierungsgespräche—a biannual dialogue series organized by NEGZ Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum and msg. Moderated by Regina Welsch, Head of Digital Policy at msg, and Harald Felling, CEO @ ]init[ AG and board member of NEGZ, the discussion brought together an impressive lineup of experts, including among others: Claudia Plattner, President of the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI); Dr. Jens Zimmermann, Member of the German Bundestag (MdB); Manuel Höferlin, Member of the German Bundestag (MdB); Generalleutnant Michael Vetter, German Federal Ministry of Defence - Bundesministerium der Verteidigung; Prof. Dr. Christian Doerr, Hasso Plattner Institute; and PD Dr. Annegret Bendiek, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) Key topics included: - Protecting SMEs from digital threats - The role of AI in cybersecurity - How global power shifts impact Germany’s cyber resilience Events like Digitalisierungsgespräche provide a crucial platform for cross-sector dialogue and coordination. They ensure that key actors remain connected and aligned in their efforts to strengthen Germany’s cyber defenses. At EuRepoC, we are committed to contributing evidence-based research to support these essential conversations. Picture by Dominik Butzmann.
Professorin für Geld und Internationales, Hochschule Bremen, Sprecherin Memo-Gruppe, Club of Vienna
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