Beitrag von PLANET AI

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DE 🚀 Wir sind begeistert, das neueste Software-Review von Brent Wesler, einem Experten für KI und intelligente Dokumentenverarbeitung (IDP), erhalten zu haben. Ein großes Dankeschön für die wertvollen und spannenden Einblicke, Brent! Wir freuen uns darauf, gemeinsam die Zukunft der digitalen Dokumentenverarbeitung zu gestalten. -- EN 🚀 We are thrilled to have received the latest software review from Brent Wesler, an expert in AI and Intelligent Document Processing (IDP). A big thank you for the valuable and exciting insights, Brent! We look forward to shaping the future of digital document processing together.

Profil von Brent Wesler anzeigen, Grafik

Enterprise software solution architect, evangelist, consultant focusing on document workflow automation, ai, ml, ecm, rpa and intelligent document capture IDP technologies

🔍 Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Review - PLANET AI 🔎 I thoroughly enjoy meeting with an organization and finding out something that pleasantly surprises me. When I met with Dennis Seemann and Holger Prohl from PLANET AI to discuss their Intelligent Document Processing solution set, I learned that Planet AI is one of the oldest IDP manufacturers, just behind ABBYY (founded in 1989) and Kofax (founded in 1985). Planet AI was founded in 1992 as an intelligent document analysis research and development company, and was recently acquired by Bechtle in 2023. Given their 30+ years of market experience, they offer a unique perspective on IDP, and an existing pedigree as a market leader in OCR accuracy and advanced recognition modules. Check out my high level assessment of the Planet Ai platform in the article below

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Review - Planet Ai

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Review - Planet Ai

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