🌟 Partnerschaft für maßgeschneiderte Fördermittel! 🌟 Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass wir nun mit dem Energiebüro Jenninger zusammenarbeiten, um gemeinsam maßgeschneiderte Fördermittel für Investitionen im Bereich der Maschinenbau- und Energietechnologie zu optimieren. 💡 #energiebürojenninger #schiesswerkzeugmaschinen #innovation #nachhaltigkeit #fördermittel #modernisierung #effizienz #maschinenbau #strategien __________________________________________________________________________________ 🌟 Partnership for customised funding! 🌟 We are pleased to announce that we are now working with Energiebüro Jenninger to jointly optimise tailor-made subsidies for investments in the field of mechanical engineering and energy technology. 💡 #energyofficejenninger #shootingmachines #innovation #sustainability #funding #modernisation #efficiency #mechanicalengineering #strategies #strategy
Beitrag von SCHIESS Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik GmbH
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In a busy manufacturing facility, the leadership team was increasingly aware of the rising energy costs and the need for a more sustainable approach to operations. The existing lighting system, a mix of outdated fluorescent and high-intensity discharge lamps, not only contributed to significant energy waste but also posed challenges for quality control due to inconsistent illumination. Seeking an effective solution, they turned to IESNA recommended lighting practices. Our team carried out a detailed lighting calculation analysis focused on both efficiency and functionality. By converting to LED lighting and implementing a targeted lighting design that focused on key areas such as production lines and quality inspection zones, we achieved a remarkable 55% reduction in energy consumption. Additionally, the new lighting features included dimming capabilities and motion sensors to ensure light levels were optimized based on activity, further reducing waste. The results were transformative. Not only did the facility see a substantial decrease in energy bills, but the improvements in lighting quality also led to enhanced worker safety and product quality, as employees found it easier to perform detailed tasks under better illumination. The success of this project highlighted how aligning with IESNA standards can pave the way for both operational excellence and significant strides in environmental conservation. Your project starts here!: https://lnkd.in/eGZxmfqb #EnergyEfficiency #ManufacturingLighting #IESNA #Sustainability #LEDTechnology #SmartManufacturing #QualityControl #EnvironmentalConservation
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One week ago, we had the honor of welcoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz to our new factory grounds in Offenbach. This historic visit left us energized and inspired as we showcased SAMSON’s unwavering commitment to innovation—a principle that has been at the heart of our company since 1907, when Hermann Sandvoss developed the first self-operating thermostat valve. During the visit, we focused on these core areas of innovation that define SAMSON today: 🚀 Of course, it was all about MainChange—it’s our biggest innovation yet! We not only talked about sustainability, digitalization, and scalability at our future factory, but also about how we are building it: recycling contaminated soil in an eco-friendly way and using smart engineering methods that save time, materials, and cut CO₂. It’s innovation where it really matters. 🚀 We also presented the Chancellor with three of our latest product innovations: TROVIS 3797: This is the world’s first and only positioner that works with Ethernet-APL technology, making it a key part of SAMSON's control systems. It allows different devices to communicate directly with each other, streamlining operations in the process industry. We’ll start manufacturing it at our new site in Offenbach this October. FOCUS-1: This valve looks a bit like R2D2 🤖 and functions like a tiny computer. It tracks and records real-time data such as temperature and pressure, helping us monitor and control systems more effectively. Cryogenic Valve 3248: Designed specifically for hydrogen applications, this valve plays an important role in supporting renewable energy solutions and the shift toward more sustainable energy sources. 🌊 It is safe to say that our tradition is its aim at innovation. Watch out for more innovations being released this year!
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Sie wollen ihre Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte und Bemühungen ökologisch und ökonomisch bewerten. Haben aber nicht genügend Ressourcen, da die Investitions- und Finanzierungsplanung eines Unternehmens sehr komplex ist und die Berücksichtigung vieler betriebswirtschaftlicher und ökologischer Parameter erfordert. Solution4 bietet mit dem Modul CAPEX genau die Hilfe, um diese detaillierte Investitions- und Finanzplanung, mit Kostenrechnung, Kapazitätsauslastung und verschiedenen Finanzierungsformen, mit einzubeziehen. Dabei werden die Anforderungen der EU-Taxonomie werden vollständig berücksichtigt. Automatisierte Zuordnungsmechanismen unterstützen die Berichtspflicht gemäß EU-Taxonomie vollständig. Umweltrelevante Daten wie Strom-, Öl-, Gas- und Wasserverbrauch werden erfasst, um Treibhausgasemissionen und den Product Carbon Footprint zu berechnen. Die Ergebnisse sind voll in die ESRS- und EU-Taxonomie-Berichterstattung integriert und werden durch eine automatische Zuordnung der Ressourcen und Fertigungsschritte unterstützt. Parallele Ermittlung von Nutzungsdauern und Abschreibungsmethoden auf Konzern- und Einzelgesellschaftsebene wird somit ermöglicht. Leistungsfähige BI-Frontends stehen für Analysen, Dashboards und Berichte zur Verfügung. Hier im Video erfahren Sie die Möglichkeiten, die Solution4 Ihnen bietet, um alle betriebswirtschaftlichen Vorgänge zur Finanzierung und Investitionen zu planen und leicht im Blick zu behalten. #ESRS #CAPEX #Solution4 #AEP #Nachhaltigkeit #PCF #Investition #Finanzplanung #EUTaxonomie https://lnkd.in/eDwU6Agz
CAPEX mit AEP Solution4
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The #electrification of the #transportation industry requires collaboration between industry, policy leaders, and the public. In a recent article, National Academy of Engineering President John Anderson discusses how engineering can help engage the public in the mobility electrification revolution. Read here: https://ow.ly/K5xU50SxiJ6
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Strom läuft! 💡🔌 Bauanschlusskasten erfolgreich installiert – die Energieversorgung steht. Der erste Schritt für jedes erfolgreiche Bauprojekt! #bauanschluss #energiefluss #baustrom #elektrotechnik #projektstart
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Wie viel Strom verbraucht Ihr Gebäude? 🤔 Diese einfache Frage sollten Sie binnen weniger Sekunden beantworten können. Können Sie nicht? Dann sollten Sie heute an unserem Webinar teilnehmen. Inklusive ausgiebiger Q&A Session! ⚡️ Um 17:00 Uhr geht's los – jetzt Glocke aktivieren und Benachrichtigung erhalten. #energy #energymanagement #energyconsumption #energymeter #smarthome #buildingautomation #loxone
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🌞 Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE and Fraunhofer UMSICHT advance #BIPV with innovative #facade systems The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft's institutes have developed prefabricated BIPV facade elements that combine power generation, weather protection and thermal insulation – all while reducing material use and speeding up installation. 🔹 Sustainable insulation materials: Hemp fibres and mushroom-based insulation, both CO₂-neutral and circular. 🔹 High efficiency: No substructure required = significant material savings. 🔹 Rapid installation: Less than 1.5 hours per module without specialised tools. 🔹 Proven in practice: The first prototypes were installed on a Fraunhofer building in Holzkirchen, Germany, and are now undergoing rigorous testing. 📍 See more about this solution here: https://lnkd.in/dhW4_NYh This innovation paves the way for faster, greener renovations—a vital step toward achieving energy-efficient and resource-friendly buildings. pv Europe #BIPV #SustainableConstruction #Photovoltaics #FraunhoferISE #BuildingInnovation #BAU2025 #EnergyTransition
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https://lnkd.in/dgRiG7Vp Bist du interessiert an Elektromobilität? Dann empfehlen wir das Planungsforum von Siemens - gleich anmelden und profitieren. #teamsiemens #smartinfrastructure #sustainability
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📜 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐫𝐞-𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭: 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐄𝐕 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐞𝐬 As part of his PhD research, Marcel Seger has submitted his first academic paper to be considered for the special issue of npj sustainable mobility and transport on ‘Increasing Transport Sustainability through the Integration Between Power Grids and Electric Mobility Systems’, titled ‘Charging ahead: Firm-level optimisation strategies for sustainable and cost-effective electric vehicle workplace charging’. The article assesses the impact of electric vehicle (#EV) #charging loads on businesses’ bespoke electricity consumption profile, subject to varying electrification rates of employees’ cars. To this end, three distinct charging strategies with respect to cost-, carbon- and peak load minimisation objectives are benchmarked against the case of convenience (uncontrolled) charging, based on real-world data from a large manufacturing firm in South-East England. Marcel’s research contributes towards the growing body of literature on assessing the impact of digital technologies on climate change, particularly focusing on smart EV control mechanisms to empower organisational sustainability efforts towards reducing CO2 emissions. The paper is currently under peer-review. 🔗 Access the pre-print via the link in the comments below. ✍ Figure caption: Modelling Framework (taken from Seger et al. (2024))
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