15 Jahre nach dem Mannesmann-Deal: „Mehr als nur der Aktionär“
Eine Unternehmenstransaktion auch unter kommunikativen Gesichtspunkten strategisch zu begleiten, war im Jahr 2000 vielfach etwas Neues. Welche Schlüsse hat die Kommunikation daraus gezogen?
KoMa März 2015
I remember the transaction well. A very good analysis. Thank you. It was a test for reshaping the balance of power between the established dynamics of Deutschland AG, political intervention, and the unleashing of 'market forces.' One of the victims of the transaction was Josef Ackermann who spend months in court justifying why, in his capacity as a director and as an advocate of 'shareholder value', he had agreed to award bonuses to Mannesmann's management....only to have German judges tell him that improving shareholder value was one of the core responsibilities for which managers already get rewarded with a normal salary. And therefore awarding extra bonuses could be seen as a waste of company funds....