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Exclusive Free 222-PAGE Design Thinking + Strategy Guide:
From a Consultant Who Advised BCG, McKinsey, Lazada & DBS

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"Daniel Ling is one of the most innovative Design Leader in Asia. This book gives you the tools he uses to make customers happy
and business successful. "
- David McQuillen, Entrepreneur of Multi-Million Dollar Sufferfest
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This is incredible... two amazing guidebooks on DESIGN THINKING + STRATEGY that is PROVEN RECIPE you to crush current VUCA problems and overcome future challenges for you and your organisation!

Tell me where to ship your FREE copy of 222-Page Design Thinking Guide and
45-Page Exclusive Strategy Guide today... 
#1 Best-Seller Design Thinking Book on Amazon / Google That Will Help You Crush Complex VUCA Problems without Complex Jargons and Theoretical Bullsh*t! 
Feeling STUCK in your career and NOT PROGRESSING with your promotion?

Faced with COMPLEX PROBLEMS everyday and not knowing HOW TO SOLVE?

Companies are spending THOUSANDS on "Design Thinkers" and you want to ELEVATE YOUR VALUE to be a PROBLEM-SOLVER?

Problems right now are VUCA and has to be solved by DT:

⛑️ Volatility (V) require an adaptable mindset to align rapidly changing demands.
⛑️ Uncertainty (U) require a spirit of learning and experimentation.
⛑️ Complexity (C) require a critical thinker that focus on the root of the problem. 
⛑️ Ambiguity (A) require empathy and deep insight of the situation and context.

And that’s not all.. 

Do you think your CUSTOMERS are NOT HEARD ENOUGH and you HOPED you can do something for them?

Do you feel some of your projects are just PLAIN POINTLESS and WISHED that you are targeting the RIGHT PROBLEM?

Do you feel you could get your team to be MORE CREATIVE and THINK OUT OF THE BOX?

Do you ROLL OUT some projects which you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA whether it will CRASH and BURN?

This 222-Page book will empower you and guide you through the mindsets and framework on how to answer those questions. 

In this book you will:

🔑 Understand key characteristics of Design Thinking
🔑 Understand the 5 action phases of Design Thinking –
Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test

🔑 Empathize- Understand your customers / users
🔑 Define- Define clear project / business objectives
🔑 Ideate- Explore ideas and solutions
🔑 Prototype- Build and visualise ideas
🔑 Test- Review and decide best idea
Wildly Successful Design Thinking Book Thousands Sold Worldwide -
Will 10X Your Ability to Elevate Your Worth And
Be Promoted / Get Hired! 
Chapter 1:
What’s Design Thinking
Why Do We Need Design Thinking?
What Makes Design Thinking Unique?
DT Action Plan and 5 Mindsets
7 Personality Types
Chapter 2:
Design Action Plan
5 Characteristics of Action Plan
20+ Templates and Tools from Empathize Phase to Test Phase!  
Chapter 3:
5 Thinking Mindsets
5 Secret Design Thinking Mindsets Revealed that Sets You Apart! 
Anatomy of a Design Thinker
Chapter 4:
Think Users First 
What are Your Users Inherent Needs?
Structure of Empathise
What is Empathy Map?
What is Job-to-be-done (JTBD)?
What is Persona?
Power of Storytelling 
Chapter 5:
Ask The Right Questions
Why Ask The Right Questions?
5 Question Types
Who Should You Ask Questions?
Dealing with Boss and Stakeholders
Chapter 6:
Believe You Can Draw
What is the Value of Drawing?
Why Should We Communicate
by Drawing?
How to Start Drawing?
How to Start Facilitation by Drawing?
Chapter 7:
Commit To Ideate
Why do You Need to Ideate?
What are the Rules of Ideation?
How to build a Creative Culture?
How to Facilitate an Ideation Session?
Common Ideation Techniques
3 Simple Ways to Converge
Chapter 8:
Prototype To Test
What You Could Use as a Prototype?
Why Do We Need a Prototype?
Why Do We Test?
Overall Test Process
What to Do After Testing?
Don't Just Hear From Me..
Let's Hear From Other Learners...
Proof That "Design Thinking Guide For Successful Professionals" Has ALREADY Changed Countless Professionals from Around the World!
"... Great practical exercises to guide you through seamlessly." 
"A practical approach to adopting Design Thinking in your everyday life, and the book complements with great practical exercises to guide you through seamlessly."
Founder of UX Consulting and UX Singapore
"... Why, what and how (of Design Thinking)- go on to prototyping stage and you are ready to go."
"Daniel Ling's Design Thinking concepts are unique but simple. Easy to relate to modern-age business. I have got the author copy signed today- read it today! Daniel describes well- why, what and how- go on to prototyping stage and you are ready to go. Very tactical."
GM of Schneider Electric and Design Thinker
"... Helped the team empathise better the struggles faced by our users and identified the right tools and resources ..."
"I applied the Design Thinking principles I learnt from Daniel back at work, in structuring a new innovation superhighway framework to facilitate innovative ideas from conception to fruition.

Design Thinking helped the team empathise better with the struggles faced by our users and identified the right tools and resources that would meet users' needs. This put us in a better shape to foster innovation."
Innovation Lead - Ministry of Home Affairs
" ... Well-designed book with interesting pictures and diagrams in a very systematic format. "
"I like this book as it is already a well-designed book with interesting pictures and diagrams in a very systematic format. It provides innovative yet practical approach in Design Thinking which enhances and facilitate business processes and problem-solving. I am sure it will be very useful for young design professionals and enthusiasts." 
University Graduate and Amazon Reader 
" ... Improve the quality of Experience Design... "
"Daniel shares his wonderful experience and knowledge to improve the quality of Experience Design in Asia."
Associate Professor and Co-Director of Keio-NUS CUTE Centre 
And That's Not All..
All Inclusive You Get Secrets of Strategy and Futures Thinking Guide- ALL IN! 
Look, I am Giving All Away... Here's My 40+ Page Entrepreneurship Business Strategy Guide Book That will Blow Your Away with the 5 Step Strategy Action Plan! 
40-Page Secret Guidebook Answering 26 Powerful Questions Regarding Business Strategy, Futures Thinking and Entrepreneurship Using Design Thinking Methodology! 

Want to know WHY companies paid THOUSANDS for "strategists"or consultants? 

Ready to elevate your VALUE to OVERCOME FUTURE CHALLENGES for your company? 


People are paying thousands to attend this course on WSQ Entrepreneurship Business Strategy that comes with this learning guidebook. 

I am giving away to you for free.. 

Imagine some of your future challenges right now:

⛑️ Future competition that will rise to compete with you.
⛑️ Complex tasks that you have not learned.
⛑️ Goals that you have not imagined before.
⛑️ Future situations that are unexpected and uncertain.

And that’s not all.. 

Do you think you are NOT STRATEGIC or ENTREPRENEURIAL ENOUGH to create an action plan to overcome a future challenge?

Do you need a framework to FRAME & FORECAST your future scenarios and make a STRATEGY to get ahead in business?

Do you think you are NOT ADEQUATE TO GATHER SUPPORT or ALIGNMENT with stakeholders, bosses or investors?

Do you need some guidance to PRESENT the business strategy for BUY-IN and ENDORSEMENT?

This 40-Page learning guide will empower you and guide you through the mindsets and framework on key questions that will accelerate your thinking.

Here's some questions to get you curious.. 

🔑 Q1. What is 'Strategy'? 

🔑 Q3. What is the Business Benefit of ‘Business Strategy’?

🔑 Q6. What are the Key Similarities of the Strategy Action Plan vs Design Thinking Action Plan?

🔑 Q9. Objectives of the Business Strategy Canvas?

🔑 Q12. What is Executive Summary (of Business Plan)
and its Contents?

🔑 Q15. What is Future Persona and How to Write the Customer Trends and Needs?

🔑 Q18. What are the Steps to Strategize and Brainstorm Tactics?

🔑 Q21. What are the Key Decision Criteria from Different Point-of-view among your Stakeholders?

🔑 Q24. How to Implement your Management Plan from Your Strategy?

.... and many more questions that will cover in the area of Strategy, Business Planning and Futures Thinking.. 

Hurry This Offer Will Not Last Long! 
This is your CHANCE to claim FREE of Design Thinking and Strategy Guide that organisations
and individuals have PAID THOUSANDS for this to crush their problems!
As You Can See...
Hi I'm Daniel! 

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage costs of $12.99 US- for postage anywhere in the world!

By the way, this book is sold at an ASTOUNDING PRICE if you were to purchase at Amazon that will definitely set you for this offer. In case you're wondering how much is it on Amazon... sets us back at $60+
15 years ago I was forced to leave my designer job.. because i wasn’t problem-solving for my boss and back then I didn’t know of an ultimate formula to crush his problems..

but then I found this ULTIMATE FORMULA..

this skillset literally transformed my career.. 

I joined a bank and bankers from every department were queuing to ask me to CRUSH their problems..

I was so fascinated and went on to start my training company to teach people how to crush their problems..

Run workshops, speak in conferences, and train government professionals..

to tell the whole world about this ULTIMATE FORMULA..

that made organisations pay me half a million to consult and train..

Got headhunted to lead Head of User Experience Design in finance and e-commerce..

You see- people sell you get-rich-quick schemes, property and e-commerce seminars- to get your out of your full-time jobs.. I'm not here to promise you the world and ask you out of your full-time jobs- you have family to feed. My job is to get you to thrive and be successful in your full-time jobs as a complete professional.. 

In the Digital Transformation age, the 3 most important skills you need (according to Forbes):
💡 Critical Thinking (Define and Solve Problems)
💭 Creativity (Think Outside the Box)
👫 Collaboration (Working with Others)

Trust me, I have already worked with hundreds of participants and just completed my #50 batch. Here's what they say: 

✅ Advancement in Career (Move to Better Places)
✅ Promotion and Salary Increment
✅ Career Satisfaction (Leading Others with Design Thinking)
✅ Thought Leadership (Empower Others with Design Thinking)

Here's what you'll discover:

Secret #1 - How to Fully HANDS-ON and END-TO-END PROBLEM SOLVE with CRITICAL THINKING in a 5-Step Action Plan 

Secret #2 - How to BE A PRO in THINKING OUT OF THE BOX and BE CREATIVE (Even if You are Neither Creative nor Innovative)

Secret #3 - How to COLLABORATE DIGITALLY and get PEOPLE ON YOUR SIDE with Design Thinking techniques
Actually you might have some rejections.. Like Design Thinking is too tough and complex..
Well driving was pretty tough and complex when you first learned it- but hows that going for you? It really depends how you treat problem-solving as a priority and get those problems crushed whether it's your career, business and relationships. Besides, the book have very simple step by step explanation with very little jargons. 
Or like Design Thinking is irrelevant for me..
I have been in the industry long enough to know how important Design Thinking is to everyone. In fact, Forbes have mentioned that problem-solving, together with creativity and collaboration, are among the top skills to GET EQUIPPED in the 21st century! My government has already told its citizens to get equipped with Design Thinking ASAP! Irrelevant... you decide..
Or Design Thinking is so-called FREE on the internet and I don't need to "get" your book.. 
If you have this thought, give yourself a punch in the face to wake up. This is precisely you don't learn swimming or tennis on the internet. There are 1.18 million search results about Design Thinking in Google. What's good for you? What's applicable? You have all the experience and proven formula that's all given in the book so that you don't have search for it.
So I have cleared your doubts.. Did I Mentioned that I'm Giving Away Both Guides!?
Well, there are actually a few reasons...

• It's my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated subscriber.

• Because (unlike other "guru's") I don't make all of my money just by selling books! (I actually run a real training business and head of Experience Design in a well-known company)... so because of that, it doesn't hurt me to share with you my best stuff.

• If I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to know and work with me in the future.

I'm kinda a show off... I'm not going to lie. I'm sick of academics throwing out theories and frameworks that are dull and not practical at all. I think 99% of what is found online about Design Thinking is nice but you will never be able to comprehend without practical knowledge... so I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to publish the TRUTH,  and well... honestly, I just want you to think I'm cool. :)
So.. Time Is Of Essence...
Here's why...

We've only printed a few thousands copies of this book, and when they're gone... well, they're gone!  If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.
And Here's My "You Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book, or I'll return your $9.99 US shipping and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

Sound fair?
This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before They're All Gone...
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!

Daniel Ling

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you a 222 page book DESIGN THINKING GUIDE FOR SUCCESSFUL PROFESSIONALS + 40+ page ENTREPRENEURSHIP BUSINESS STRATEGY GUIDE BOOK to crush VUCA problems and overcome FUTURE challenges easily like a pro- that organisations pay thousands to get it.

Yes, BOTH GUIDES are free, and all you pay is $12.99 US shipping fee for anywhere in the world.

There's not catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

If fact, if you don't love the book - I'll even refund your shipping costs (and you don't have to ship the book back).

So, click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You won't regret it.
meet the master behind the book
Daniel Ling
My name is Daniel Ling. 

I was a rookie designer.

Left my first job, and started my first company.

Hard knocks- left $3.16 in bank.

Applied for OCBC and was one of the first experience designers in the financial industry.

Fell in love with Design Thinking.

Crush problems for the bank. 

Started to teach others to crush problems.

Built my own training company.

Wrote my book.

Train 1000s more people to crush problems. 

Government, MNCs and schools got so excited. 

I wanted more. 

Delivered this ultimate formula to the public.

Built an Authorised Training Organisation (ATO) in SG. 

Got funded with government. 

Got official certification.

Hurry This Offer Will Not Last Long! 
This is your CHANCE to claim FREE of Design Thinking and Strategy Guide that organisations
and individuals have PAID THOUSANDS for this to crush their problems!
What's Inside This Book ...
This book will help you: 
Clarify and solve problems better
Understand your users
Communicate in visuals confidently
Innovate ideas and inspire others
Experiment quickly and at little cost

This book is useful for:
Non-design and design professionals who are involved in innovation, change management, trend-making, problem-solving and quality improvement industry
Business and startup owners interested in providing good products and services for their customers
Freelance designers and design students who want to make a difference in the marketplace
Design trainers interested in delivering design thinking workshops 
Innovation, creativity and design enthusiasts

Chapters list:
1. What's Design Thinking?
2. Design Action Plan
3. 5 Thinking Mindsets
4. Think Users First
5. Ask The Right Questions
6. Believe You Can Draw
7. Commit to Ideate
8. Prototype to Test
Sample Pages
Clear diagrams and simple explanations of difficult jargons
Quotes from inspirational leaders and delightful images 
Tools and templates that assist you in Design Thinking activities
Sketches and illustrations that emphasise important messages
emerge creatives group llp - complete design thinking guideBOOK for successful professionals by daniel ling 
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