Listen to These 10 LGBTQ Podcasts Right Now for Pride
Last updated on July 16th, 2024
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Devin Andrade – Make sure to follow Devin on twitter @7ShadesofDevin.
Also, I wanted to say up front that I have made some additions to the text to make it easier to find. LGBTQ does not cover the entire spectrum of the community but hopefully makes Devin’s wonderful recommendations easier to find in search engines. That is my addition for purely technical reasons, not Devin’s omission. With that, please enjoy. I know I have.
Pride Month is a great time to highlight LGBTQ podcasts from LGBTQIA+ creators that you’ll love having in your queue all year round. Podcasting has the ability to provide safe and intimate spaces for people to share a variety of stories and perspectives. With that ability, there are so many shows exploring sexuality, gender roles, love and relationships, and society’s impact on all of them. Beyond that, you can learn about everything from news and entertainment to politics and trends from more diverse perspectives.
To recognize those stories and the talented creators behind them, we’re sharing a list of podcasts that explore LGBTQIA+ experiences. They showcase everything from stories of asexuality and parenting to queer history and cultural analysis, and explorations of gender, sex, relationships, and coming out.
Our Recommendations for Getting Acquainted with LGBTQ Podcasts
Free From Desire
35-year-old Aline, who grew up in the city of love, has never been attracted to anyone — sexually or romantically. Through this personal memoir style podcast, they tell us how difficult it was to realize and accept their asexuality and aromanticism in a society that only talks about exactly that: love and sex. This acceptance is what also allowed them to now have a child on their own via artificial insemination. The show creates a space for Aline to explore their experiences of attraction throughout their life and speak with experts about the way society places so much emphasis on such limited kinds of feelings and experiences.
Black, Fat, Femme
This is your invitation to learn to love yourself and practice radical self acceptance. “The B.F.F. Podcast” gives voice to two of the leading queer, fat and Black changemakers while calling in the world to examine and understand what it means to love oneself unapologetically – in a world where loving oneself often feels impossible. Joho and Jon invite you into conversations about culture, news, and their own lives, along with discussions with special guests to dive deeper.
If you find history more engaging through the stories of specific people, you’ll love this. Every person featured each episode has made an interesting and significant impact in the world. Their stories give us context about what society was like throughout their lives, to give us perspective on the world today. It combines history and the present, to give you more context about the queer community. Past guests have included Laverne Cox, Janelle Monáe, and Pete Buttigieg.
Gender Reveal
Wondering what the heck gender is? Same. And so is Tuck Woodstock, who explores the vast diversity of trans experiences through interviews with a wide array of trans, nonbinary and two-spirit people. Expect interviews with trans artists and activists, answers to listener questions, analysis of current events, and to get a little bit closer to understanding what the heck gender is.
Queer News
If you want to stay in the know about current news and issues, but want to learn about it from a perspective that considers how it impacts all people, Queer News is for you. It takes an intersectional approach to daily news where race and sexuality meet politics, entertainment and culture. Hosted by Anna DeShawn, the reporting centers and celebrates lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and comrade communities.
Welcome to Provincetown
Take a summer trip to P-town and feel like a fly on the wall as this documentary-style podcast shares what life is like in Provincetown, Massachusetts. It’s a small beach town filled with fascinating people who live there and come to visit. Host Mitra Kaboli follows a group of artists, performers, workers, and friends to document what they experience over the summer. Welcome to Provincetown encapsulates stories of artistry, sensuality, solitude, and serendipity. This is a place where you can find yourself or lose yourself, and you’ll feel that energy coming through in every episode.
Sounds Fake But Okay
Have you ever been talking with a friend about sex or love and had that moment where they say ‘wait, you feel this too?’ That’s what this podcast captures. An aromantic asexual girl and a demisexual girl talk about all things to do with love, relationships, sexuality, and pretty much anything else that they just don’t understand. They’re best friends who cover everything from questioning your sexuality and asexual people’s place in the LGBTQIA+ community, to topics of personal interest like fandom and answering listener questions.
Some Families
Some Families is a podcast dedicated to celebrating LGBTQ+ families, for those that start them and those who are part of them. Hosts Lotte Jeffs and Stu Oakley share funny, emotional and true stories from a diverse range of families with the series exploring all routes to queer parenthood including adoption, IUI and IVF donor insemination, surrogacy and co-parenting. They also go beyond the topics that apply only to parents and cover people’s experiences with their own parents. Through a queer parenting lens it covers transitioning gender as a parent, growing up with LGBTQ+ parents, fostering, raising disabled children and general day to day parenting highs and lows.
Get your monthly coverage of queer culture and politics from the whip-smart hosts and guests on Outward. They are on a mission to deepen the audience’s understanding of queer communities, delight them with unexpected perspectives, and invite listeners into a colorful conversation about the issues animating LGBTQ communities. If you like a combination of best friend banter with informative topics, you’ll be eagerly awaiting this show every month.
We’re Having Gay Sex
Comedian Ashley Gavin is bringing unfiltered, funny, and relatable perspectives to queer relationships. She’s aided by her queerest friends, Kate Sisk, known as the “Cancel Coach”, and the “Youth in the Soundbooth” Gara Lonning, equipped with a gen-z themed soundboard, to call Ashley out on her BS. Together they interview people from all over the gender and sexuality spectrums (from straight to gay and cis to trans) about their sex lives.