2DPHYS - 2D Materials Engineering and Physics’ coverbillede
2DPHYS - 2D Materials Engineering and Physics

2DPHYS - 2D Materials Engineering and Physics

Forskning inden for nanoteknologi

Kongens Lyngby, Capital Region 179 følgere

Om os

The 2DPHYS section focus on advanced functional materials such as 2D materials, ferroelectric materials and metamaterials, and how to synthesize them and how their physical properties can be engineered to create a platform for new technology within electronics, optics, energy and biology.

Forskning inden for nanoteknologi
11-50 medarbejdere
Kongens Lyngby, Capital Region
2D Materials, Quantum Transport, Electrical characterisation, Device fabrication, van der Waals Heterostructures, Metamaterials, Nanooptics, Terahertz Time-domain spectroscopy, Ferrolectric Materials, X-ray microscopy, Nanoengineering, Multiscale tight binding calculations, Density functional theory, Finite element calculations, Large-scale 2D materials synthesis and integration, Innovation and application development, Nanofluidics, Transmission electron microscopy, Surface functionalisation og Sensors


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    Kongens Lyngby, Capital Region 2800, DK

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  • Twisted adventures ahead!

    Se profil for Peter Bøggild

    Head of Section, Professor at Technical University of Denmark

    The DTU part of the METRIQS team (me, Mads Brandbyge, Nini Pryds and Tim Booth) served a twisted chocolate cake today to celebrate the coming twisted heterostructural adventure we will embark on with our Spanish colleagues Mar Garcia Hernandez and Jacobo Santamaria, and their wonderful research teams. Tired but happy.

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  • This will be a massive boost to our section, and quite the adventure. The challenges are huge, the potential is enormous.

    Se organisationssiden for EuroCenter DK

    1.944 følgere

    Stort tillykke til ni topforskere på danske universiteter! 🎉🏆 Ni eliteforskere fra fem danske universiteter modtager en af Europas mest prestigefyldte bevillinger fra Det Europæiske Forskningsråd (European Research Council (ERC)). Med bevillinger i millionklassen skal forskerne i samarbejde med andre dygtige topforskere i Europa løse komplekse videnskabelige problemstillinger. 💸 Hvordan kan ældgamle nordiske bogstykker give perspektiver på 500 års middelalderboghåndværk? Og kan en fornyet tilgang til energisystemer skabe et gennembrud for stabil vedvarende energi? Det er spørgsmål, som to af de i alt syv forskningsprojekter vil besvare de kommende seks år. Stort tillykke med et ERC Synergy Grant til: Bo Thamdrup, Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg Universitet Jenny Emnéus, DTU - Technical University of Denmark  Lars Boje Mortensen, Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark Liv Hornekær, Aarhus Universitet Maarten van de Meent, Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen Mads Brandbyge, DTU - Technical University of Denmark Matthew Collins, Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen Peter Bøggild, DTU - Technical University of Denmark Læs nyheden om de ni topforskere og projekterne her 👇 https://lnkd.in/eAMf_yqN

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  • Teaching first year physics students is exciting. Measuring GFETs in the lab with all of them is terrifying :D

    Se profil for Peter Bøggild

    Head of Section, Professor at Technical University of Denmark

    Why wait??? The next two weeks I will have 62 (!) first year physics students measuring ionic gate field effect transistors in our student lab Nanoteket (run by the amazing Ole Trinhammer). They will mix their own electrolyte with kitchen salt and then measure carrier mobility and detection limit of ionic gate GFETs that we bought from Graphenea. 62 students - thats scaling! At least for me, to get to teach first year students is a blast! At the initial theoretical lecture last monday me and Søren Raza lectured on graphene's electrical and optical properties - its a challenge to explain bandstructure, relativistic carriers, wave packets, and Fermi level to students who have not yet had any quantum mechanics or solid state physics. The attitude and philosophy of this first year course is “why wait?”, and I love it - it's a privilege to be part of this introductory course, which is a first time for me. In the first year our students are presented with a series of fairly advanced topics, toned down so they can follow what is going on, and will do measurements in the laboratory related to those topics. Unsurprisingly, students that are in this way taken seriously, will ask serious questions and do a serious effort. So now I hope that our module on GFETs and graphene physics works out, and we don't fry all the transistors on stock the first three hours (because then we are dead in the water!). First four teams will measure in the lab with me on monday, 8.00-12.00 and then we repeat that 5 times - 24 hours of student lab exercises in total. What can possibly go wrong?

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  • Se profil for Peter Bøggild

    Head of Section, Professor at Technical University of Denmark

    Congratulations Nikil! During his PhD studies at Politecnico Milano, Nikil Paithankar visited us for three months to learn some of the sophisticated stacking techniques that Manh-Ha, Thiago, Khanh, Hieu, Ganesh and others have developed at our lab, and managed to create a pretty amazing (and working) complementary inverter (cant say more about it at this time :), that incorporates some very nice tricks and techniques. Nikil defended his thesis today in beautiful Como, and got his degree, well deserved - very very cool results. Nikil warmly expressed his thanks to Manh-Ha and the fabulous fabrication crew at 2DPHYS (our new section name) for all the help - his greeting is hereby passed on! I can only say that I am proud of the friendly, open and helpful attitude of the people in our lab, you're the best! To Nikil, once more: congratulations with your degree, and to my friend Roman Sordan (his supervisor): thanks for the collaboration, and for sending awesome young researchers like Nikil, Riccardo and Paolo up to us in the cold north.

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  • 2DPHYS - 2D Materials Engineering and Physics genopslog dette

    Se profil for Peter Bøggild

    Head of Section, Professor at Technical University of Denmark

    Our fantastic, generous and highly competent project coordinator and administrator Christina Rochat left us yesterday for new adventures. It was an emotional day for everyone, because many have experienced her helpfulness, selflessness and effectiveness when coming to her with a problem. For me as a section head, she has been a invaluable sparring partner and support. While great researchers are credited for their discoveries and innovations, there is almost always a team behind, and support - administrative, technical - is what creates the space to invent, discover and develop. Christina has helped and protected us in Nanomade (now changing name to 2DPhys) to do our job, by doing hers so well. Farewell Christina, it was a great pleasure to work with you for four years! We are sure you will score more great goals in your future matches, as you did for our team :D

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