Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the BIM World Copenhagen team🎄 A big thank you to all of our attendees, partners, speakers, and everyone following along. We’re already looking forward to welcoming you back to BIM World Copenhagen on 17-18 September 2025. Season’s greetings from the BIM World Copenhagen team 🎄
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After a long period of success in Paris and later in Münich, BIMWorld is finally coming to Scandinavia. We are happy to invite the nordic building industry to Copenhagen to learn about the advances in the digitalization in the sector, and how we can become better at working intelligently and digitally throughout the building process. From the first sketch and all the way until the project is finished, digitalization can help streamline and democratize the building process and make sure that you work efficiently, so you can focus on making the best and most innovative projects. With the current challenges in the sector, it is imperative that collaboration across the entire value chain is at the center, so we can work smarter. At BIM World Copenhagen, you will learn about the latest innovations and newest possibilities, and you will become more knowledgeable on what options are already out there that can help you and your work be better, more efficient and smart.
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Medarbejdere hos BIM World Copenhagen
Can you believe it's almost been a month since BIM World Copenhagen 2024? Time flies when you're having fun—and we definitely did! A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came by, participated, and made this event such a success - here's a little recap from the event 🙌 What would you answer to these questions? Let us know in the comments 👇🏼
We are very happy, proud and touched by the great turnout at the debut of BIM World Copenhagen - and we would like to say a big thank you for the great support we have received 💚 BIM World Copenhagen 2024 was a great success, bringing together over 2,000 construction professionals for two days focused on digitalization and sustainability. You can read more about the event in this (Danish) article: https://lnkd.in/d7QFANhY
BIM World Copenhagen 2024 over and out! This team is completely overwhelmed and ecstatic over the amazing turnout and great days. A huge thanks to all the partners, exhibitors, speakers and participants. See you all next year 17-18 September 2025 same time and place - but even bigger 💚 Anders Cules Nielsen Helene Henriksen Sarah Elhauge Thomas Klindt Line Lykke Olsen Kristine Lykke Madsen Emma Møller Mikkelsen Rikke Skovhaug Maria Jarl Rasmus Jakobsen Maiken Rohde Persson Emma Dyrbye Nielsen Danielle Søndergaard Mie Christoffersen
The importance of digital tools and methods Dominga Garufi from Werner Sobek gave an interesting talk on Werner Sobek’s work with sustainability and BIM in relation to four interesting projects: - S21 - Stuttgart Central Station - P18 in Stuttgart - The Q in Nürnberg - Michailovsky Hotel in Tsbilisi in Georgia - White City pedestrian bridge in Baku in Azerbaijan Werner Sobek has established a BIM Task Force since 2017 that works together with other Task Forces in the company to align office-wide overarching standards and goals and align strategies for successful development of projects across various disciplines and stages. They e.g. use BIM as a key integral collaboration strategy from planning to execution.
3XN/GXN aims for a low-carbon future through the circular economy, transforming ‘waste’ into tomorrow’s buildings. Sam Sweeney just gave us a presentation on how 3XN/GXN works with different digital tools and emphasized that it is important to use the right program for the right task. He also talked about three inspiring projects, the QQT office building in Sydney where they saved 12000 tonnes of carbon by reusing a large portion of the existing building, and Euston Tower and Gracechurch in London.
Efficient LCA in renovation projects Digital tools like the Real-Time LCA free up time for in-depth sustainability analyses and can help identify areas for improvement. The impact we can make is huge and LCA can help with that. Giedre Skucaite from Lendager talked about a renovation project at Lersø Park Alle in Copenhagen where they have used digital tools to save emissions through e.g. material mapping. Martin Romby Hauge from Gaiup - Real-Time LCA then demonstrated the Real-Time LCA for us. It takes you from design to insights to reporting in very few steps.
BIM World Copenhagen genopslog dette
Byggebranchen virker mere klar end nogensinde før til at tage imod de mange nye værktøjer, der i disse dage bliver præsenteret på BIM World Copenhagen. Interessen for de ca. 50 udstillerstande er stor for anden dag i træk, lyder det bl.a. fra Nicklas Østergaard, product manager, NBS Nordic: - I 15 år har jeg oplevet, hvordan branchen har udviklet sig fra stor modvilje til BIM, der kun blev taget i brug på enkelte projekter, til i dag, hvor alle projekter nyder godt af fordelene. Emil Quick, key account manager, Next One Technology er enig. Han ser dog forskelle på tværs af branchen: - Arkitekter og ingeniør er rigtig godt med, mens entreprenørerne i nogen omgang mangler viden. De er mere praktiske og kommer fra ”pen og papir”, kan man sige, men på ledelsesplan ved man til vigtigheden af at følge med udviklingen, og man er meget opsat på at vide mere. Bianca Balzer Giorsetti, regionsdirektør i Catenda, der har kontorer i både Norge, Tyskland, Frankrig, USA og Holland, siger: - Der er store forskelle på, hvor digitaliseringsparate markederne i Europa er. F.eks. er Norge – ligesom Danmark – langt fremme, mens Frankrig stadig er meget analog. Men generelt er interessen for data stigende. BIM World Copenhagen slutter i dag. #BIM #byggeri #digitalisering #Copenhagen #København #BIMWorld
Fra pen og papir til fremtidens BIM: ”Tiden er med os”
Urban planning using data - the Gehl way We just heard how Gehl - Making Cities for People and Urban Partners use human-centric data to design thriving neighbourhoods Helle Søholt and Liselott Stenfeldt talked about how Gehl work with data and how they use a suite of methods and digital tools to gather thick data to understand people’s lived experiences in the city. They work with an app that they use in all of their projects across the cities they work in, so they can easily compare the data. In the app, they can track when people are moving and staying, and e.g. see if the space makes people feel safe, foster social activity, accommodate walking or biking etc. Jesse Shapins talked about SPOR10 in the Railway District in Copenhagen, where Gehl and Urban Partners have worked with inclusive community building and looked into the neighbourhoods and use of public space using data.