🌍 Exciting news! The Danish Ministery of the Environment - Environmental Protection Agnecy, in collaboration with their partners in Thailand, has teamed up with cBrain to bring digital solutions to extended producer responsibility (EPR) in Thailand’s packaging waste stream. ♻️ Drawing on our experience supporting EPR initiatives in Denmark and Kenya, we’ll focus on introducing a company registry and waste database—leveraging best practices from our F2 Climate Software. This project also highlights the power of our F2 COTS-for-government platform, which enables fast, secure, and scalable delivery for public-sector needs. We’re thrilled to support global waste management innovation and help governments tackle sustainability challenges worldwide! To read the full press release click here 👉 https://lnkd.in/egKa_6xC #Sustainability #WasteManagement #EPR
Om os
cBrain er noteret på NASDAQ OMX (CBRAIN.CO). cBrain tilbyder videnarbejderen en komplet og fuldt integreret digital arbejdsplads, der sikrer målbare effektiviseringsgevinster gennem "papirløs" understøttelse af forretnings- og vidensprocesser. For videnbaserede organisationer, som efterspørger øget effektivitet, gennemsigtighed, kvalitet i arbejdet samt øget medarbejdertilfredshed, tilbyder cBrain F2 digitaliseringsplatformen - et revolutionerende og yderst effektivt redskab til understøttelse af digital forvaltning og vidensproduktion. F2-produktet tilbyder organisationer en ny måde at arbejde på, kombineret med en gennemprøvet og hurtig implementeringsmetode, og F2 understøtter alle brugere fra yngste medarbejder til at topledelse, herunder departementschef, minister eller CEO. Samtidig er F2 mere end blot et automatiseringsværkøj. F2 understøtter en digital transformation til den papirløse og transparante organisation, og påvirker derved både organisationens kultur og den måde, som arbejdet bliver udført på. F2-konceptet understøttes af en række markante kundereferencer. cBrain F2 blev oprindeligt udviklet til at understøtte en fuld digitalisering af sagsgange i et ministerielt departement til erstatning for traditionelt ESDH, men er siden videreudviklet til en bredt produkt, som understøtter behovene i både styrelser, kommuner og en private vidensbaserede organisationer.
- Websted
Eksternt link til cBrain
- Branche
- It-ydelser og it-rådgivning
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 51-200 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Copenhagen Ø
- Type
- Aktieselskab
- Grundlagt
- 2002
- Specialer
- Process optimization, Knowledge worker productivity, Document management, Paperless Public Administration, Case Management for government, EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), IT Consolidation, Production platform for caseworkers in public sector, Collaboration platform for caseworkers in public sector, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Secure Corporate Communication, Workable even with Cloud, cBrain og F2
F2 - En hel ny vej til offentlig digitalisering
F2 er en banebrydende digital platform, designet og udviklet i samarbejde med danske myndigheder, fuldt integreret, klar til drift, og nem at konfigurere. F2 er standard software og kan derfor hurtigt sættes op til at understøtte alle typer af fagprocesser. Både de små sager og de større sagsområder som tilskud, tilsyn og afgørelser, der konfigureres til at understøtte alle trin i sagsforløbet fra selvbetjening til sagsbehandling, journalisering og ledelsesrapportering. Fra adskilte sagsgange, til én sammenhængende forvaltning F2 kan bruges som ESDH eller til digitalisering af enkeltstående sagsgange. Men F2 anvendes også som digital forvaltningsplatform af en hel myndighed. Gevinsten er en forvaltning med en helt unik sammenhæng og et flow, hvor det er nemmere at være sagsbehandler, nemmere at være borger og hvor den politiske time-to-action er blevet væsentligt kortere. Det handler frem for alt om god forvaltning og effektivisering.
Medarbejdere hos cBrain
📢 Invitation til F2 Best Practice-event: "Kundespecifikke AI-løsninger: Hør om use-cases" Vil I se, hvordan AI kan understøtte jeres fagprocesser? Så kom med til vores event, hvor vi deler indsigt i, hvordan AI kan skræddersys til netop jeres behov. Vi viser, hvordan I kan identificere, hvor AI skaber mest værdi i jeres processer, og hvad der skal til for at bygge en model, der virker i praksis. Med udgangspunkt i konkrete kundecases dykker vi ned i alt fra implementering og compliance til samarbejde med Datatilsynet – og vigtigst af alt, hvordan I sikrer værdiskabelse. 📅 Torsdag d.12. december ⏰ Kl. 14:00 – 16:30 Lyder det som noget for dig? Tilmeld dig nu og få inspiration til, hvordan AI kan blive en del af din organisation. Vi glæder os til at se dig! 😊 Tilmeld dig her 👉 https://lnkd.in/ecpgfgRe
Last Friday, we had the pleasure of welcoming 12 dedicated students from Italy, who are taking part in the EU-funded project: "Innovation, Technology, and Environmental Sustainability in Europe" 🌱🚀. These students, selected for their academic achievements, had the opportunity to explore cBrains approach to innovation and how we aim to drive a greener and more sustainable future with our IT-solutions. We are excited about the prospect of continued collaboration with students in future and look forward to sharing our perspectives on innovation and sustainability. 🌍✨ #Innovation #Sustainability #Education #cBrain
cBrain’s Key Moments at COP29 Azerbaijan 🌍🌱 At COP29 in Baku, cBrain proudly marked its fourth participation at the UN Climate Change Conference, showcasing our F2 platform’s transformative capabilities in AI for Government and AI-driven environmental permitting to accelerate green energy projects while ensuring environmental safeguards. Our contributions included pivotal discussions on Sustainable Procurement with UNOPS to promote greener public procurement practices and support to the Santiago Network in aiding vulnerable nations to address climate impacts. Additionally, we unveiled two new Innovation Sprints under Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate): Accelerating CSA through Digitalization in California and Digitalizing Agriculture for a Sustainable Future in Ghana, advancing sustainability-focused innovation worldwide. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all partners and attendees for joining us in driving meaningful climate action. 🌎💚 #COP29 #GovTech #ClimateSolutions #cBrain
We are very delighted to greet our new colleagues welcome to cBrain. We look forward to a great collaboration with all of you🤗 We're always hiring so if you're interested in a career at cBrain, follow us here on LinkedIn or keep an eye on our careers page to see our open positions here: https://cbrain.dk/karriere #karriere #itjobs #joincbrain #digitaltransformation #govtech
Do you want to be part of a company where you are met with curious colleagues who share your passion for software?💻 We imagine you have a drive for working with customer data and are the new team player we’re looking for! As our new consultant, you’ll join the Data & Migration team, consisting of five dedicated employees responsible for data migration projects, delivering F2 to Rigsarkivet, and managing all related tasks and services. You’ll be a key point of contact for cBrain’s customers and an essential professional sparring partner for other departments within cBrain. 🚀 Click here to apply 👉 https://lnkd.in/eArGiNup
🌏 cBrain at Bangalore Tech Summit: Driving Innovation and Sustainability through GovTech Collaboration Denmark's economic growth, traditionally anchored in mature export markets, is now exploring new horizons with India's dynamic and rapidly growing economy. With a projected GDP growth of 7% and ambitions to become the world's third-largest economy, India is positioning itself as a global tech powerhouse. The GovTech sector, in particular, offers immense potential for Danish companies, prompting cBrain to establish a strategic joint venture in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Our partner in India, Vijay K, recently represented cBrain India at the prestigious Bangalore Tech Summit. This platform provided a unique opportunity to showcase the transformative potential of standard software solutions and to deepen collaboration with government clients. Through this engagement, cBrain aims to foster innovation, drive mutual economic growth, and champion sustainability, strengthening ties between Denmark and India while advancing global GovTech leadership.
🌍 AIM for Climate COP29 - Accelerating CSA through Digitalization in California cBrain is proud to join AIM for Climate as one of 52 new Innovation Sprints, driving innovation in sustainable agriculture. This initiative focuses on rapidly identifying and implementing climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices, helping small farms overcome adoption barriers. By quantifying the benefits of these practices, we enable faster planning and execution, building resilience across working lands. Our Goals: ✅ Boost productivity through sustainable practices. ✅ Empower smallholder farmers and value chain actors. ✅ Support a decade-long transformation in agriculture. 🤝 Our Innovation Sprint Partners: - Upper Salinas-Las Tablas Resource Conservation District - Initiative for Climate Leadership and Resilience, Cal Poly University AIM for Climate’s Impact: 800+ partners | 129 projects | $29.2B mobilized! Let’s use digital tools to revolutionize agriculture, empower small farmers, and combat the climate crisis. Together, we can turn ambition into action. Contact: Michael Larcher, Solution Lead, cBrain (mil@cbrain.com) Learn more: AIM for Climate (https://lnkd.in/e9A3FhCY) #AIMforClimate #ClimateAction #InnovationSprint #Sustainability #DigitalTransformation #cBrain
Glæd dig til F2 AI Assistant – nu som en del af standardpakken i den nye F2 version 12! 🎉🎁 F2 AI Assistant er din sikre og effektive hjælper i sagsbehandlingen. Den kan lave resuméer, skrive udkast til godkendelsesdokumenter, oversætte og meget mere, så du kan betjene borgerne hurtigere og bedre – og få frigivet tid til andre vigtige kerneopgaver i forvaltningen. F2 AI Assistant er fuldt integreret i F2, on-premise og kontekstspecifik, så du får relevant hjælp og fuld datasikkerhed. Læs mere om F2 AI Assistant her 👉 https://lnkd.in/dzTuYwWV #cBrain #AI
🚀 AIM for Climate COP29 - Digitalizing Agriculture for a Sustainable Future in Ghana! 🌱 We’re excited to announce that cBrain is one of 52 new Innovation Sprints under AIM for Climate, working to transform agriculture through digital innovation. Our focus: Digitalizing the Tree Crop Development Authority (TCDA) in Ghana using our F2 platform to empower smallholder farmers and foster a sustainable, resilient agricultural ecosystem. Key Goals: 🌾 Increase productivity & sustainability 👩🌾 Empower farmers and value chain actors 🔄 Drive a decade-long transformation AIM for Climate is expanding: 🌍 Over 800 partners 💡 129 innovation projects 💰 $29.2B in funding Learn more about AIM for Climate and hear from cBrain's Niels Tanderup Kristensen, Director of New Markets: https://lnkd.in/eUPRAkw7 Or connect with him directly via email: nit@cbrain.com 📧 Together, we can revolutionize agriculture, tackle the climate crisis, and build a climate-smart future! 🌍🌿 #AIMforClimate #Sustainability #ClimateAction #Innovation #Agriculture #DigitalTransformation