• Hvordan kan vi prioritere mellem forskellige behandlinger i sundhedsvæsenet? • Hvordan skaber vi de rette incitamenter for organisationer og medarbejdere i sundhedsvæsenet? • Hvad motiverer sundhedsprofessionelle i deres arbejde? • Hvordan træffer borgere sundhedsmæssige beslutninger? …Alle disse spørgsmål er i fokus i vores arbejde i DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics. Vi samarbejder gerne om analyser, forskningsprojekter eller kompetenceudvikling. Hvis du vil vide mere om vores forsknings- og analysecenter så se med her… www.dache.dk #sundpol #dksund
DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics
Højere uddannelse
Odense, Region Syddanmark 1.229 følgere
Vi leverer forskning, analyser og undervisning med stærk faglig forankring og af høj samfundsrelevans
Om os
Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi bygger på 25 års erfaring med at designe og udarbejde sundhedsøkonomiske forskningsprojekter og analyser med stærk faglig forankring og af høj samfundsrelevans. Centeret udgør et af de største sundhedsøkonomiske forskningsmiljøer i Norden og har høj international anerkendelse. DaCHE har desuden stor erfaring med at udføre analyser i samarbejde med eksterne parter, og indgår løbende i praksisnære forskningsprojekter med kliniske miljøer og sundhedspolitiske myndigheder. Ved Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi er vi ambitiøse med vores forskning. Vi har en stærk teoretisk ballast og anvender en bred vifte af værktøjer og metoder til at skabe evidens. Vi har stor indsigt i registerdata, spørgeskema- og evalueringsdesign, og vi mestrer adfærdsøkonomi og præferencemåling. --- ENGLISH Danish Centre for Health Economics builds on 25 years of experience with designing and conducting health economic research. We are a dedicated research team with great ambitions, and a high level of knowledge of economic theory and empirical methods. We have in-depth insight into the operations of healthcare sectors, including experience with Danish and Nordic healthcare systems. At Danish Centre for Health Economics we interpret and analyse Danish registry data as well as survey data, and apply various evaluation designs to generate policy relevant real world evidence. Behavioural economics is a key interest. We are curious to understand the behaviours, preferences and motivations of health professionals, citizens and patients.
- Websted
Eksternt link til DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics
- Branche
- Højere uddannelse
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 11-50 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Odense, Region Syddanmark
- Type
- Uddannelsesinstitution
Campusvej 55
Odense, Region Syddanmark 5230, DK
Medarbejdere hos DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics
Søren Rud Kristensen
Professor ved Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi (DaCHE), Syddansk Universitet
Anne Sophie Oxholm
PhD, Associate Professor at Danish Centre for Health Economics (DaCHE)
Marie Kruse
Associate professor at Danish Centre for Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark
Christian Skovsgaard
Data Analyst at the Danish Centre for Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark
DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics genopslog dette
Two weeks of training, testing and preparing for data collection in Uganda is coming to an end. It’s been an absolute pleasure working with this brilliant group of PhD students from Makerere University on our Danida-funded project, 'Cities of Youth'. Over the next four years, our research will explore the complex relationship between rural-urban migration and young people’s health in secondary cities. With rural living conditions becoming increasingly challenging due to climate change, more young people are expected to migrate to urban areas. Our findings will provide evidence-based insights to help policymakers manage this growing influx and create better opportunities for young migrants. If you're interested in learning more about the project, check it out here: https://lnkd.in/g3d_EPCU Makerere University, DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics, Danida Fellowship Centre #Research #Migration #Youth #Health #ClimateChange #Uganda #CitiesOfYouth.
DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics genopslog dette
Dorte Gyrd-Hansen og Mickael Bech får ansvaret for to nye ekspertråd, som skal rådgive Odense Kommune til bedre forebyggelse og understøtte arbejdet med at skabe flere gode leveår for odenseanerne. "Det er to store kapaciteter, der er blevet sat i spidsen for begge ekspertråd. Det er derfor med stor begejstring, jeg ser frem til det kommende samarbejde. Med de kommende anbefalinger fra rådene, skaber vi fundamentet til at kunne træffe de nødvendige beslutninger om at investere mere i forebyggelse og dermed sikre flere gode leveår og bedre livskvalitet for odenseanerne," siger sundhedsrådmand Tommy Hummelmose (K). #sundpol
DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics genopslog dette
🚀 Jeg har udgivet mit første PhD-paper! 🚀 Jeg er begejstret over at kunne dele min første videnskabelige artikel fra min PhD, som jeg har lavet sammen med Trine Kjær, Nicolai Damslund og Kim Rose Olsen - DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics 📄✨ I vores studie, "Optimising test intervals for individuals with type 2 diabetes: A machine learning approach", undersøger vi, hvordan maskinlæring kan bruges til at optimere testintervaller for HbA1c-målinger hos patienter med type 2-diabetes. I stedet for den traditionelle “one-size-fits-all”-tilgang viser vi, hvordan mere individuelle testintervaller kan frigøre sundhedsressourcer og samtidig sikre bedre pleje. 🔍 Nøglefund: ✅ Vores model viser, at testintervaller potentielt kan forlænges for patienter med stabilt blodsukker, hvilket kan frigøre ressourcer til dem, der har større behov. ✅ Vi testede tre maskinlæringsmodeller – XGBoost viste sig at være den mest præcise. ✅ Fairness var en vigtig overvejelse! Vi undersøgte, om modellen skaber ulighed baseret på socioøkonomiske faktorer, og fandt ingen væsentlig bias ift. indkomst eller uddannelse. 🤔 Diskussionspunkter: ⚠️ En udfordring er risikoen for “false negatives” – altså at nogle patienter får et længere testinterval end optimalt. Dette er et vigtigt hensyn ved implementering i praksis. ⚠️ Vi har brug for yderligere klinisk validering for at se, hvordan modellen præsterer i praksis. Tak til mine medforfattere og hele teamet for samarbejdet! 🙌 🔗 Læs artiklen her: https://lnkd.in/efUeeJMG #PhD #MachineLearning #Diabetes #Research
Optimising test intervals for individuals with type 2 diabetes: A machine learning approach
DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics genopslog dette
Reflecting on a great research visit with Lucy Poole and Line Bjørnskov Pedersen to the Center for Organization Research and Design (CORD) at Arizona State University as a part of the WELLCARE-project. Thank you so much to our collaborator Ulrich T Jensen for hosting us! During our visit, we among other things submitted joint work on physicians' motivation to a journal (stay tuned for more!), enjoyed an interesting seminar presentation by Lucy Poole, and had many stimulating research conversations. Outside of work, we made the most of our time in Arizona: 🏀⚾ Cheering on the Sun Devils at college basketball and baseball games 🚗 Experiencing self-driving cars firsthand 🌵 Taking in a million cacti views 🌮 Savoring a home-cooked Mexican feast 🏜️ Visiting the Grand Canyon Carlsberg Foundation DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics
DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics genopslog dette
🚀 Jeg har udgivet mit første PhD-paper! 🚀 Jeg er begejstret over at kunne dele min første videnskabelige artikel fra min PhD, som jeg har lavet sammen med Trine Kjær, Nicolai Damslund og Kim Rose Olsen - DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics 📄✨ I vores studie, "Optimising test intervals for individuals with type 2 diabetes: A machine learning approach", undersøger vi, hvordan maskinlæring kan bruges til at optimere testintervaller for HbA1c-målinger hos patienter med type 2-diabetes. I stedet for den traditionelle “one-size-fits-all”-tilgang viser vi, hvordan mere individuelle testintervaller kan frigøre sundhedsressourcer og samtidig sikre bedre pleje. 🔍 Nøglefund: ✅ Vores model viser, at testintervaller potentielt kan forlænges for patienter med stabilt blodsukker, hvilket kan frigøre ressourcer til dem, der har større behov. ✅ Vi testede tre maskinlæringsmodeller – XGBoost viste sig at være den mest præcise. ✅ Fairness var en vigtig overvejelse! Vi undersøgte, om modellen skaber ulighed baseret på socioøkonomiske faktorer, og fandt ingen væsentlig bias ift. indkomst eller uddannelse. 🤔 Diskussionspunkter: ⚠️ En udfordring er risikoen for “false negatives” – altså at nogle patienter får et længere testinterval end optimalt. Dette er et vigtigt hensyn ved implementering i praksis. ⚠️ Vi har brug for yderligere klinisk validering for at se, hvordan modellen præsterer i praksis. Tak til mine medforfattere og hele teamet for samarbejdet! 🙌 🔗 Læs artiklen her: https://lnkd.in/efUeeJMG #PhD #MachineLearning #Diabetes #Research
Optimising test intervals for individuals with type 2 diabetes: A machine learning approach
DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics genopslog dette
An amazing first week in Arizona capped off with a seminar presentation at the Center for Organization Research and Design (CORD) A big thank you to Ulrich T Jensen and everyone at CORD for such a warm welcome - I am so happy to be here at Arizona State University on a research stay for the next few weeks 🌵🌅 Carlsberg Foundation DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics Anne Sophie Oxholm Line Bjørnskov Pedersen
DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics genopslog dette
On this sunny Tuesday in February I can finally announce that my paper “Trajectory of quality of life among patients with cancer at the end of life:a longitudinal survey study” is out. Thank you to my co-authors Søren Rud Kristensen and Trine Kjær. DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics, Onkologisk Afdeling, OUH. https://lnkd.in/dZzB3HPE
Trajectory of quality of life among patients with cancer at the end of life: a longitudinal survey study - Quality of Life Research
DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics genopslog dette
Catch Lucy Poole in a talk about the dynamics of workers' motivations at ASU School of Public Affairs next week!
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DaCHE - Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi / Danish Centre for Health Economics genopslog dette
A great day learning about the NZ health economic scene, catching up with old connections - and making new ones at ISPOR NZ!
Managing Director & Health Economist - Adding Openness & Transparency to Decision-Making within the Healthcare System.
"Can't beat Wellington on a good day" - I had no idea what this meant...until yesterday! According to Thomas Wilkinson, there are about 30 of these a year so feeling truly blessed - thank you Wellington! Attending another year of ISPOR NZ was a privilege, with an AGM filled with familiar faces and a few new additions. This time, I had the chance to connect on a more personal level—thank you to those who shared stories, goals and ambitions. I'm excited for your upcoming chapters in life. One of the early highlights of 2025 (!!) was hearing Tracy Merlin speak about the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Review, which examined Australia’s current HTA system, its policies, and methodologies. I’ve been following her team’s work closely, and having the opportunity to hear her insights firsthand was invaluable. Thank you for your contributions to the ever-expanding field of health economics—I highly recommend checking out the review (https://lnkd.in/gdw2Yhm7)! A special shout-out to Liza Sopina for sharing her Danish research. I truly appreciated the balance you struck—being curious about data, and acknowledging limitations, yet still ensuring a systematic and rigorous approach where possible. On a personal note, I’m thrilled to be joining the ISPOR NZ planning team and look forward to contributing to an already incredible committee (Paula Lorgelly, Augusta Connor, Ross Wilson, Pasquale Gargiulo - apologies if I missed anyone). There’s so much momentum in the world of health economics (reporting bias), and Health Economics Consulting NZ has big plans that I can’t wait to share with you this year. Year 10 is shaping up to be the most exciting yet, and I’m ready to tackle the world! Vivienne Rijnberg Leo Shing Evan Hinds Shnece Duncan Richard Edlin Robin Blythe Tal Sharrock-Crimp Dylan Mordaunt Hui Yee Yeo Trudy Sullivan Paul Rouse Matthew Roskruge Win Thu