Vil du prøve kræfter med forskning? 📚✨ Er du kandidatstuderende i statskundskab eller samfundsfag på KU? Nu har du muligheden for at blive forskningspraktikant på Institut for Statskundskab i efteråret 2025. 🔹 Få hands-on erfaring med forskningsproduktion 🔹 Deltag i seminarer, møder og akademiske diskussioner 🔹 Bliv en del af et dynamisk forskningsmiljø Som forskningspraktikant arbejder du tæt sammen med en vejleder om konkrete forskningsopgaver og får indblik i forskerens hverdag. Praktikken er 15 eller 30 ECTS som en del af Projektorienteret forløb. 📌 Se projekterne her: research_internship_projects_fall_2025.pdf 📌 Læs mere her: Kandidat i statskundskab - KUnet Gør en forskel – og styrk dine forskningskompetencer! 🎓💡 #Forskningspraktik #Statskundskab #KU #Forskning Curious about research? Here’s your chance! 📚✨ Are you a master’s student in political science or social science at UCPH? You can now apply for a research internship at the Department of Political Science in Fall 2025. 🔹 Gain hands-on experience in research production 🔹 Participate in seminars, meetings & academic discussions 🔹 Join a dynamic research environment As a research intern, you will work closely with a supervisor on concrete research tasks and gain insight into the daily life of a researcher. The internship is 15 or 30 ECTS as part of the Project-Oriented Course. 📌 Explore projects: research_internship_projects_fall_2025.pdf 📌 Learn more: Kandidat i statskundskab - KUnet Enhance your research skills – and make an impact! 🎓💡 #ResearchInternship #PoliticalScience #UCPH #Research
Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark 1.098 følgere
Our goal is to facilitate essential research and education at the highest international level.
Om os
The Department of Political Science is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. We are based in the heart of Copenhagen in the historical buildings of the old municipality hospital, now known as the Center for Health and Society. In an increasingly complex reality, we aim to identify, understand, explain and predict challenges and problems that affect our society – now and in the future. Our goal is to facilitate essential research and research-based education at the highest international level. We strive to explore the present and influence the future by educating students in analytical thinking, critical reflection, and interdisciplinary problem solving. Multiple research evaluations have concluded that the Department ranks among the best research environments in Europe within the Political Science discipline, facilitating innovative research of top international quality. The Department is recognized for its emphasis on theoretical and methodical pluralism which create space for both innovation and scientific, social impact. The Department is organized into four research groups that primarily follow the core disciplines of political science as well as three transverse research groups on strategic areas. The Department is also home to Centre for Military Studies (CMS) as well as an array of other specialized research centres. ➡️ For available positions visit: ➡️ Follow us on Facebook to stay updated on upcoming events: Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen ➡️ Follow us on X to stay updated on the Departments activities, latest research, public appearances, events and more: @PolsciCph NB: we reserve the right to collect data about followers
- Websted
Eksternt link til Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
- Branche
- Forskning
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 51-200 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark
- Type
- Uddannelsesinstitution
- Grundlagt
- 1965
- Specialer
- International Relations, Comparative Politics, Political Theory, European Politics, Public , Administration and Politics, Gender studies, Security politics og Climate politics
Øster Farimagsgade 5
Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark 1353, DK
Medarbejdere hos Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
[ARRANGEMENT] 🚨 📣Kalder alle KU studerende! På mandag kommer Danmarks udenrigsminister og formand for Moderaterne, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, til KU for at afholde debatmøde. ☝️🗣 Her kan alle KU studerende få muligheden for at høre hans tanker og dele egne tanker om verden lige nu - og spørge løs om alt fra Grønland til Gaza. 💬 Der er ingen tilmelding - det er først til mølle. Husk dog studiekort da det fungerer som adgangsbillet. 🕐 Tid: Mandag d 10 marts 2025, kl 10-11.30 📍 Sted: Chr. Hansen auditoriet, CSS Campus KU, Bartholinsgade 4A, 1356 København K Mere information kan findes her:
[ALUMNE]🎓 Det var en stor fornøjelse i tirsdags at kunne ønske de nyeste kandidater held og lykke i deres videre færd, da instituttet afholdte den halvårlige kandidatreception 🎉 Aftenens gæstetaler, Lea Korsgaard, stifter og chefredaktør på Zetland, gav de nye alumner motiverende og inspirerende ord med på vejen, mens Koret Concentus skød festlighederne i gang med stemningsfulde toner om den danske sommer, der er på vej 🎤🎼🥂 Endnu en gang stort tillykke til instituttets nye kandidater! 🎊
[RESEARCH GROUP] 🧐Are you familiar with the research groups at the Department of Political Science? We are excited to acquaint you with the important work of these groups through a series of introductions. This time, we would like to present the Political Theory (PT) research group. 💭Currently comprising of 7 researchers, two projects, and one research center, the PT research group addresses contemporary issues via theoretical and philosophical reflection. ⚖️The group covers a multitude of issues, including democratic innovation, climate issues, populism, tolerance, inequality, and secularism 🔗By conducting problem-driven research, thus linking abstract theorising with concrete political challenges, the group disseminates the study of political theory within social science generally. Read more:
[RESEARCH GROUP] 🧐Are you familiar with the research groups at the Department of Political Science? We are excited to acquaint you with the important work of these groups through a series of introductions. This time, we would like to present the International Relations (IR) research group. Currently comprising of 42 researchers, four projects, and two research centers, the IR research group conducts research on international relations in a dynamic and engaging environment, thereby enriching academic debates in the field. 🌎Group researchers address challenges that require international political action such as climate change, war and conflict and threats against vital infrastructure. 🇺🇳The main topics of research include global and regional governance, safety and conflict, geopolitics, disinformation and digitalisation, small states, diplomacy, and international organisations. 🧑💼Group members enjoy a global reputation for their pioneering research that contributes to international theories within, among others, post-structuralism, constructivism, discourse theory, practice theory, visual theory, design theory, science and technology theory, and sociology of knowledge. Read more about the research group here:
[New PhD Candidate] 👏 It is a pleasure to introduce our newest PhD-Candidate at the Department, Benedikte Grundtvig Huber 🎓Benedikte holds a BA & MA in Political Science from Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen ⏳Benedikte’s research focuses on historical institutions and political development, with an emphasis on how imperial legacies continue to shape contemporary political and economic structures. She will be affiliated with the project ANATEM - anatomy of empire.
[RESEARCH GROUP] 🧐Are you familiar with the research groups at the Department of Political Science? We are excited to acquaint you with the important work of these groups through a series of introductions. This time, we would like to present the Public Administration and Policy (PAP) research group. Currently comprising of 12 researchers, two projects, and one research center, the PAP research group addresses socially relevant issues in the field of public administration practice as well as the development, implementation, and effect of public policies. 👩🏫Group researchers strive to generate knowledge and insights capable of informing, developing, and qualifying the public sector, policy development and decision-making, as well as cross-level and interdisciplinary public administration and policies. 👥The research group unites several departmental researchers focusing on topics and issues in the field of public administration and public policies. 🌎Members of the Public Administration and Policy group actively participate in international conferences and networks, publish their research in recognized international journals and by academic publishers, and frequently engage in debates, lectures, consultation work, reviews, and evaluations to foster a vibrant interplay between research and society. Read more about the research group here:
[New PhD Candidate] 👏 It is a pleasure to introduce Esther Ejrnæs Bastholm as our new PhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science! 🎓 Esther holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Copenhagen and will be enrolled as a 4+4 Ph.D student. 🗳️ Esther’s topic of research is within the themes of electoral behavior, political socialization, voter turnout, and mobilization interventions. She will be affiliated with the project: Improving Democracy – Causal Effects on Turnout.
[RESEARCH GROUP] 🧐 Are you familiar with the research groups at Department of Political Science? We are excited to acquaint you with the important work of these groups through a series of introductions. This time we would like to introduce Danish and Comparative Politics (DAC). Currently consisting of 22 researchers, four projects and one research center, DAC research group is a hub for researchers of politics within and across national political systems. 🗨️ DAC group is the hub of the department’s research into Danish politics, and members of the group are frequently heard in the public debate. 💡 DAC group research addresses issues including voting behaviour and opinion formation, representation and recruitment, political communication, political economy, democratisation processes, and the behaviour of political elites in democratic and non-democratic systems. 📊 DAC group research is chiefly based on quantitative methods, including causal inference and computational methods but also qualitative methods. Read more:
Er du studerende på Institut for Statskundskab og har du netop afleveret dit speciale? 🎓 Instituttet afholder traditionen tro den halvårlige kandidatreception, hvor vi vil fejre de nye dimittender! Sæt derfor kryds i kalenderen tirsdag den 25. februar 2025, tag dine medstuderende, venner og familie under armen – og deltag i en festlig aften med taler og musikalske indslag. Se mere og tilmeld dig og dine gæster ved at følge linket nedenfor. Det vil glæde os at se dig!