Frontier Energy | Africa genopslog dette
What I find fulfilling about my work is not only do i get to contribute to renewable energy development, I also get to see how the communities benefit from our investments. I recently had the opportunity to attend a tree planting engagement in Masvingo where Great Zimbabwe Hydro, an investment funded by Frontier Energy | Africa, Old Mutual ZW, Public Services Pension Fund, ZB Holdings Pension fund and MOL Power, is off-setting trees felled during construction by supporting indigenous fruit trees in the communities surrounding the project. We planted muhute, musumha, musawu, mushavhi, munyii, mupfuru, tsvubvu, mutohwe, muuyu, muchechete and musvanhi. Indigenous fruit trees with cultural significance that many young people and not so young people, including myself 😆, are no longer familiar with. Well done Pride Dube (MBA), Isheanesu and Sandra for continue to drive our community engagement!
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