Coming to you from Brussels! We talk a lot about the power of network, collaboration and growing together, which is why we try to walk the walk. For this reason, we are grateful to have been invited by the EU-office of Southern Denmark - It will be essential in our effort of trying to discover new partners internationally. Yesterday we were busy traveling and walking and having meetings and eating Belgian food, but we stood still for the 7 seconds it took to take this picture in front of the monument built in honor of the Belgian national anthem. This was after dinner and an espresso, which is why we look so happy. We are grateful to the wonderful Yann Froger as well for being translator when necessary. For example by translating the Belgian national anthem on the base of the statue behind us. Sorry for blocking it. Stay tuned for updates on the wonderous new world that is Brussels! #International #Collaboration #EU #DigitalEurope
Odense, Danmark 193 følgere
Innopixel skaber innovation med brug af ny teknologi og skaber bro mellem viden og mennesker.
Om os
Hvad er Innopixel? Innopixel er en digitaliseringsvirksomhed, der samarbejder med en klynge af Hvad er Innopixel? Innopixel er en digitaliseringsvirksomhed, der samarbejder som en klynge af innovative samarbejdspartnere med hvert sit speciale, værende inden for animation og grafik, app-udvikling, virtual reality, augmented reality og AI teknologi. Alle virksomheder i klyngen er højtprofilerede virksomheder. For at sikre, at vi har den nyeste viden om teknologier og anvendelse - har vi skabt et stærkt internationalt netværk af førende virksomheder, der bidrager med viden om software, produktion og hardware. Innopixel engagerer sig i at hjælpe startups og sikrer inddragelse af studerende i den daglige produktion. Dette sikre at vi modner fremtidige medarbejdere og tilfører ny viden til fremtidens opgave.
- Websted
Eksternt link til Innopixel
- Branche
- Softwareudvikling
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 2-10 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Odense, Danmark
- Type
- Aktieselskab
- Grundlagt
- 2017
- Specialer
- XR, VR, AR, Digitization, Animation, Deep Fake Animation, App, Games, Motion Tracking, MR, Software Development, Interactive displays og Edutech
Bækkelunds Have 8
Odense, Danmark 5210, DK
Medarbejdere hos Innopixel
Our Autumn Art-adventure 22nd of October was a day of virtual art and digital sculptures during an exciting day at Viden Djurs 3D College. We hosted a workshop for some of their digital media students, giving us all a few hours of art, 3D-models and learning about software that can aid in the process of scanning and digitising sculptures or artworks, ultimately showing the sculptures in AR. It’s a way of playing with reality and exploring different skills in multiple fields – and at the same time giving students incentives to really engage with tangible art and make it cross the borders of reality versus virtuality. We’d like to thank all the students for joining us. 👏 Hopefully, we have inspired future 3D-artists to engage with art and digital technology, and we love connecting with students who have the same interests as us! Furthermore, we thank Spar Nord Fonden; without them, this workshop could not have happened. And most importantly, we thank artist Frank Fenriz Jensen for his skills, his passion and his collaboration. We’d love to explore the intersection of 3D-scanning in art, augmented reality and education more, so if you know someone who knows someone who has a bright idea – let’s talk!
The weather was on our side when we set up our experience for Kulturnatten 2024. The tent was hardly even necessary. Until it got cold, that is. Seeing so many people interested in culture warms our hearts and we were lucky to be presenting our newest work alongside Dansk Erhverv and author of a new book about Børsen through 400 years, Anders Ravn Sørensen. We’ve been working hard to get ready for this; putting a sliver of Børsen, fully modelled in 3D and high detail, into VR-glasses so we can show the building from the inside – for those who’ve never seen it and of course for those who have seen it a hundred times but can’t access it anymore since the fire in April. We’re hoping to begin our work towards researching the need for digitisation in construction and renovation and how we can be of service in that regard – and seeing the amount of interest shown at Kulturnatten fuels us! It’s hard to express enough gratitude and pride - thank you to everyone who came by and had a look in our glasses or had a chat. Let's stay in touch!
We’re (almost) here! Though usually found in Odense, Innopixel is about to charge up our VR-glasses, pack up and take a day trip. We’re to be found at #Kulturnatten in Copenhagen tomorrow at the tent belonging to Dansk Erhverv at Slotsholmsgade 1, 1216 København K, from 6 to 11 pm. We’re excited and honoured to be included and, as this is a special occasion, we’ve brought VR-secrets that we’re happy to exclusively share! Please come say hi. 😊
Vores forslag til en udflugt for tiden ville være Frøslevlejrens Museum i Padborg, især nu, hvor deres nye udstilling er åbnet. Vi er stolte af vores bidrag til at fortælle museets historie sammen med kunstner Lakstein Fernandes. Tusind tak for samarbejdet! Vi er mere end klar til et lignende projekt; måske du har en god idé? 😊
Hvad ville du have gjort? Spørgsmålet bliver fra i dag stillet direkte til gæsterne i Frøslevlejrens Museum, når de ser sidste scene i vores nye formidlingsrum. På syv minutter fortæller vi gennem illustrationer og originale filmoptagelser fra en deportation, fortællingen om deportationerne fra Frøslevlejren i 1944-45. Deportationer til det tyske KZ-helvede, der kostede mange danskere livet. I dag var en særlig dag i lejren. Vi markerede 80-årsdagen for den første deportation. Det skete med taler og indvielse af vores nye formidling, der kommer tæt på livet i lejren og den uvished, der herskede. Det er svært ikke at blive berørt... Tak til Frihedsmuseets Venner's Fond, G.J. Schmidt Fonden Lakstein Fernandes Innopixel og hele holdet i Frøslevlejren
The working hybrid Due to the flexibility it provides us, we all work remotely a lot. We’ll meet up online instead, especially since some of our employees live further away. Benefits of remote work: ✅ No/fewer distractions ✅ One’s own fridge is → right there ✅ The chaos of notes, coffee cups, near-empty cans of energy drinks or whatever is crucial to your work process can be messy if you feel like it. Plus, some of us have pets who are big fans of working remotely. (Note the last picture 🐈) But, occasionally, we’ll meet in office, and it’s special. We wouldn’t be without it, even if there is transport or sometimes it’s cramped or too warm or too cold compared to the goldilock-conditions of one’s own home. Lots of companies offer more remote work since COVID and it turns out it works perfectly fine for most people – some even prefer it for its flexibility and lack of a commute. But we all agree that something special happens when we’re all together on a regular day. There’s more energy; it’s easier to ask someone’s opinion or explore options. Ideas generate faster, critical thinking comes more effortlessly. It feels like being a team. Therefore – we fully acknowledge, support and appreciate the option to work from home, but it’s the combination between in-office and remote that is truly important to us! (But, given how our jobs are very different, our approach to the task "hey, can I have a picture of something at your home-office space?" were very different as well. 😅) 💡 How does your team navigate the blend of remote and office work? Do you have any tips for maintaining that sense of teamwork and energy? Other than sending each other memes during lunch, obviously. #Hybridwork #TeamCulture #Futureofwork
+ 1
Remote service - the future of XR in industry When exploring the market and the markets of those around us, one key benefit of XR (Extended Reality) across industries such as manufacturing, data centers and maintenance, is remote service. It’s our clear impression that one of the ways XR has been utilised in industries is the ability to remotely assist or service machinery; through VR or AR-based glasses or lenses, it is far easier now to assist across borders with something practical and mechanical – rather than exclusively using manuals, testing several solutions unsuccessfully or waiting for maintenance-assistance. Moreover, remote service offers a way into hard-to access-environments – for example, performing maintenance on a Wind Turbine can be done through remote service. This is why we're so excited to announce our part in SENSIBLE, a project collaboration between Southern University of Denmark, Aarhus University and Clobotics, funded by Innovationsfonden Denmark. The aim of the project itself is to develop a robot that enables technicians to maintain wind turbines without having to climb up into them and rappel down along the wings. As the world transitions to greener energy, the need for sustainable and efficient maintenance solutions is more critical and need to be done efficiently and safely. As partners in this project, we are focused on developing an extended reality (XR) system to enhance the teleoperation and particularly training experiences. We’re honoured to be a part of this project and work with so many passionate people. We believe innovation is one of the ways that will help us develop new methods of sustainable industry, but also that remote service is one of the elements we’ll bring with us when exploring new opportunities. All in all, that’s what we wish from our digital tools - to help us bring others closer, to help us solve a problem, to keep us safer if we can. We’d love to hear from you if you have experience with digital remote service! #RemoteService #industry #Sustainability #Innovation
Do you know the feeling of complete immersion in projects with your colleagues? Suddenly, you have your own language, inside-jokes and concentration comes more easily. You’re in it together. At Innopixel, development- and 3D-team work closely together these days trying to create a VR-environment that makes the user feel a sense of safety and calm. Some of it is going to be indoors, some of it is underwater. 💧 During this, we’ve asked each other the strangest questions (a list will follow below) but all in all, we’re excited to work together and fully dive into a truly meaningful project. List of random questions and comments overheard in the office, when creating a baseline environment to start off the VR-experience: Question: “Did you light the lamp in this scene?” Answer: “Oh. My bad. I thought it was just for decoration … 😅” Question: “How is the quality, compared to reality?” Answer: “... What even is reality? 😶” And later on, when we ventured out into the development of underwater milieus: “After our Lillebælt-project last year I had actually promised myself to never animate a fish again … 🐟” And eventually: Question (directed at the communications team now, not amongst themselves): “What are you taking notes for?” Answer: “Nothing! 😇” Anyway. Please enjoy some of the preliminary visuals. To be continued! #tech #VR #development #3D #teamwork