Når dansk design, innovation, genanvendelse, patientsikkerhed og hensynet til laboratorieansattes ergonomi går op i en højere enhed. Herhjemme transporterer laboratorieansatte DAGLIGT mere end 60.000 patientprøver rundt. Mange steder foregår det manuelt, håndbåret og i almindelige plastkasser, man finder i et byggemarked. Hver eneste patientprøve rummer svaret på om den pågældende patient er sund og rask eller har symptomer, der skal diagnosticeres, så den rette behandling kan sættes i gang hurtigst muligt. Derfor er det helt afgørende at patientprøver altid håndteres systematisk, forsvarligt, sikkert og korrekt. Her er projektleder Malik Kruse Gaardbo, LT Automation A/S i tæt dialog med Søren Hansen og Mathias Storgaard fra Idé-Pro Skive A/S med en prototype imellem sig. Årsagen er at Ide-Pro og LT Automation har indledt et innovationssamarbejde om en nyudviklet stabelbar og temperaturovervåget LabEntry Transportation Box. Den nye letvægtskasse støbes i genanvendt plast, og samtlige den robuste Transportation Box’s dele er skabt med ergonomi for øje. Den danskudviklede Transportation Box, der lanceres på verdenmarkedet i q2 i år sikrer ikke alene at det bliver mere sikkert at få vitale patientprøver hurtigere frem. Transportation Box vil samtidig lette arbejdsforholdene for de laboratorieansatte, der dagligt skal håndtere de +60.000 patientprøver. Vi glæder os til at præsentere resultatet. #labentry #patientsamples #transportation #flow #betterjobs #healthtech #laboratories
LT Automation A/S
Hospitaler og sundhedspleje
Modular LabEntry solution - improving flow and adding value to laboratories and hospitals
Om os
LT Automation A/S is a leading Danish engineering company specializing in the design, development, implementation, and servicing of automation solutions for the global health care sector. We focus on revolutionizing the handling and processing of patient samples through advanced automation, ensuring efficiency, full traceability, and superior sample quality in each step - from collection to analysis. Our flagship product, LabEntry®, optimize the pre-analytical phase with a fully automated, one-touch flow system. This solution includes everything from our top of the line LabEntry® Transport box, which ensure secure and traceable transport, to our modular LabEntry® Sorting Unit that automate sample sorting and processing. Our mission is to revolutionize sample management through automation and traceability, providing laboratories and hospitals with the tools to achieve faster, more accurate diagnostic results, ultimately enhancing patient care and outcomes. At LT Automation, we pride ourselves on creating modular, scalable solutions that seamlessly integrate into existing laboratory workflows. Our solutions are customized to meet the specific needs of each client, delivering optimal performance and reliability across all applications. Discover how LT Automation A/S help your hospital or laboratory to new heights of efficiency and excellence. Visit our website at www.lt-automation.dk or contact us directly to learn more.
- Websted
Eksternt link til LT Automation A/S
- Branche
- Hospitaler og sundhedspleje
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 11-50 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Aalborg Øst
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 2010
- Specialer
- Automatisering, Uvildig rådgivning, Robotteknologi, Automatiseringsprocesser, Preanalysis, Robotics, Flowimprovement, Patientsamples, Laboratories og Hospitals
Fåborgvej 15A
Aalborg Øst, 9220, DK
Medarbejdere hos LT Automation A/S
Ready. Set. Go. Today and tomorrow representatives from a wide range of Nordic laboratories and hospitals meet and greet at Labquality Days in Helsinki, Finland. www.labqualitydays.com Are you among the attendants and are you Interested in getting firsthand insight into how our modular, scalable and innovative LabEntry system improves every step of the vital flow of patient samples? Come join CEO Søren Andersen and Sales Manager Ditmer Kiis LT Automation A/S for a talk about the robust and traceable Transportation Box, The automated Sorting Module and the combined Mobile Industrial Robot & Universal Robot solution. See you in the Winter Garden. #labentry #flow #patientsamples #hospitals #laboratories #traceability
Her er en af LT Automation A/Ss projektledere, Malik Kruse Gaardbo, fotograferet foran et af vores innovative LabEntry-Sample Unit anlæg. Malik er flankeret af en mobil robot fra Mobile Industrial Robots, hvor vi har monteret en brugervenlig cobot fra Universal Robots ovenpå. Det letter hverdagen. Den samlede LabEntry automationsløsning er i disse dage ved at blive testet og indkørt på et svensk hospital, hvor den skal automatisere manuelle processer, samt sikre et smidigere og mere effektivt flow af 13.000 patientprøver - dagligt. Vi glæder os til at denne LabEntry-løsning også snart er up and running. Det vil bidrage til bedre anvendelse af sundhedsvæsenets knappe ressourcer. #labentry #automation #patientprøver #flow #laboratorier #hospitaler #healthtech
Get a first-hand dive into the benefits LabEntry brings to hospitals and laboratories. Next week LT Automation A/S will be participating at Labquality Days in Finland. We look forward to presenting how #LabEntry enables a significantly faster and more stable flow of a variety of patient samples. Due to LabEntry’s modularity we can provide hospitals and laboratories with: a unique and tailormade robotic solution effectively combatting the challenges of manual patient samples handling. Let LabEntry do the job! Let us show you how. See you at https://lnkd.in/d3sD54jC. #betterflow #patientsamples #traceability #automation
Experience LabEntry in Helsinki. Thursday the 6th & Friday the 7th of Feb. LT Automation A/S will be participating at Labquality Days - one of Northern Europe's largest annual international health tech-congresses. In the Nordic countries alone there are +150 hospitals daily handling an increasing number of patient samples manually. In order to efficiently combat the daily challenges within the preanalytical flow we have developed the scalable LabEntry robotics solution. LabEntry adds advanced and user-friendly automation to the process. Thereby we improve every handling step from GP to final destination. By implementing LabEntry labs and hospitals gain efficiency, better jobs and increased traceability. Wanna know more about LabEntry? Meet us in the Winther Garden at Labquality Days. https://lnkd.in/d3sD54jC #labentry #patientsamples #automation #flow
Experience LabEntry in Helsinki. Thursday the 6th & Friday the 7th of Feb. LT Automation A/S will be participating at Labquality Days - one of Northern Europe's largest annual international health tech-congresses. In the Nordic countries alone there are +150 hospitals daily handling an increasing number of patient samples manually. In order to efficiently combat the daily challenges within the preanalytical flow we have developed the scalable LabEntry robotics solution. LabEntry adds advanced and user-friendly automation to the process. Thereby we improve every handling step from GP to final destination. By implementing LabEntry labs and hospitals gain efficiency, better jobs and increased traceability. Wanna know more about LabEntry? Meet us in the Winther Garden at Labquality Days. https://lnkd.in/d3sD54jC #labentry #patientsamples #automation #flow
User-friendly and scalable LabEntry-technology = better flow. Yesterday LT Automation A/S's CEO Søren Andersen presented the benefits of LabEntry technology at Mobile Industrial Robots' global webinar, where nearly 400 people had signed up. We look forward to continuing the dialogue on how LabEntry is designed and developed to ensure better resource utilization, enhanced traceability, and a more efficient handling of patient samples. Feel free to contact us at info@lt-automation.dk to know more about LabEntry. #labentry #patientsamples #flow #automation
LT Automation A/S genopslog dette
Join us tomorrow at our exclusive webinar "The Future of Robotics in HealthCare"! Would you like to discover how automation can optimize workflows and enhance patient care? Join us to see a real-life example of robots in action at a healthcare center. Søren Udby and Esben Hansen will explore the role of MiR robots at Odense University Hospital (OUH) and how healthcare professionals interact with these autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). 🏥👩⚕️ Søren Andersen will also share insights on how to collaborate with hospitals from an industry partner's perspective, representing our partner LT Automation A/S When and where? 🌍📅 January 21st at 3:00 pm CET on Zoom Register today and save your spot here: https://lnkd.in/dzBTya-t #MobileIndustrialRobots #HealthCare #Automation #AMR #Hospitals
Unik robotløsning forbedrer arbejdsmiljøet på laboratoriemedicinsk enhed i Malmø. Medlemsbladet Vårdfokus har været på reportagebesøg i Malmø for at tale med nogle af de medarbejdere, der på første hånd oplever, hvordan LT Automations fuldautomatiske og innovative LabEntry-løsning aflaster og letter hverdagen. Som Bo Jensen, biomedicinsk analytiker siger ”Robotter får ikke ondt i hverken øjne eller hovedet”. Se filmen, der viser hvordan LabEntry optimerer flow og minimerer nedslidende, gentagende arbejdsfunktioner. #labentry #arbejdsmiljø #flow #automation #patientprøver
Bättre flöde och färre fel. Det är resultatet när sortering och leverans av prover sköts av robotar. ”Monotona och slitsamma arbetsuppgifter har rationaliserats bort”, konstaterar biomedicinska analytikerna Bo Jensen och Linus Börjesson på Laboratoriemedicin bas i Malmö. Länk till artikeln i kommentarsfältet!
Er du også blandt de +275 personer, der indtil videre har tilmeldt sig webinaret "The Future of Robotics in Healthcare" d. 21. januar, som Mobile Industrial Robots står bag? Du kan stadigvæk nå at tilmelde dig næste uges webinar. Dermed kan du også få indblik i, hvordan forbundet og skalerbar LabEntry-teknologi sikrer sporbar, stabil og effektiv håndtering af patientprøver. #labentry #patientsamples #stability #flexibility #scalability #healtcare #healttech Læs mere her: https://lnkd.in/dZC-sxJF