Migatronic Equipement de Soudure S.A.R.L.s coverbillede
Migatronic Equipement de Soudure S.A.R.L.

Migatronic Equipement de Soudure S.A.R.L.

Produktion af maskiner

Nous simplifions le soudage depuis un demi-siècle.

Om os

L’entreprise Migatronic est née d’une idée toute simple : simplifier le soudage. Forts d’un savoir-faire de près de cinq décennies, nous fournissons des postes à souder de haute qualité qui apportent une valeur ajoutée aux clients en : augmentant le rendement ; économisant de l’énergie ; renforçant la compétitivité ; simplifiant le soudage. En bref, notre objectif est d’aider les clients à maximiser le retour sur investissement de leurs installations de soudage en termes de temps, d’efforts et de coûts.

Produktion af maskiner
2-10 medarbejdere
Soudage, Mig, Mag, Tig, Robot de soudage, Métal, Inox, Automatisation, Expertise, Qualité, Industriel, Fabricant, Conseil, Technologie, Energie, Logiciels, Collaboratif, Machines og Postes à souder


  • Primær

    313 Av. Marcel Mérieux Parc

    Avenir II

    Brignais, 69530 , FR

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  • Se organisationssiden for Migatronic Group

    5.926 følgere

    ESG is a pivotal focus for many companies, and at Migatronic, we are optimistic that our dedication will significantly contribute to bettering the areas crucial for both present and future generations. We are committed to contributing all that we can, and our latest efforts are evident in our new certifications in sustainability, social responsibility, and workplace safety. Building on our ISO 9001 certification, we've now proudly achieved ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications. ISO 14001 underscores our commitment to minimizing our environmental footprint. Through strategic planning and continuous improvement, we're ensuring that our operations not only comply with but exceed environmental performance standards. ISO 45001 reflects our dedication to creating a safer work environment. By proactively identifying potential hazards and implementing effective preventive measures, we safeguard our workforce and stakeholders. At Migatronic, these certifications are more than just accolades—they are foundational to our mission of meeting and exceeding the highest Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards. Join us in our journey towards a sustainable and safe future. Together, we can make a difference. #Migatronic #Sustainability #SafetyFirst #ISO14001 #ISO45001 #ESG #Innovation #QualityManagement

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  • Migatronic Equipement de Soudure S.A.R.L. genopslog dette

    Le soudage Laser est une technologie qui attise la curiosité et l'intérêt grâce à sa facilité apparente d'exécution. En tant que spécialiste, #Migatronic intègre cette solution dans son offre de soudage mais sans aucune concession sur la sécurité des utilisateurs et de leur environnement de travail. Un process maîtrisé, sécurisé sera gage de performance et c'est ce que nous souhaitons vous offrir ! #soudage #laser #inox #aluminium #métal #industrie #sécurité

    Se profil for kristoffer gaardahl

    Welding specialist hos Migatronic A/S

    When talking about safety and especially handheld laser welding, it is very important to understand the risk associated with this combination. To illustrate what is the potential risk, Migatronic did a simple test: Fillet weld in aluminum causes a reflection of the infrared (invisible) laser beam from the melt pool, and it has enough power to ignite a piece of paper. This test is done inside an approved laser welding cabin wearing all the required protection, but if it had been done outside or in an open space, this reflection could have caused a severe damage or fire to equipment or property or even worse other people unaware of any danger. This is why Migatronic are very aware of safety in our laser welding solutions, including the handheld IPG LightWeld,, which we sell including the safety package required for laser welding. Don’t get blind! Get there safely with Migatronic 😉

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