At the Danish effie awards we took home 5 awards together with Food Folk Danmark ApS (McDonald's i Danmark) and OMD Danmark. We're proud that together we've created work that is highly effective across 3 different projects. McCafé was awarded for a great launch last year and this year it was awarded again because it keeps growing. McDelivery was awarded for a succesful national introduction. The employer branding campaign "Everything Changes" led to even more Danes acknowledging what a great place to work McDonald's is. Once again we've proven that creativity is the most powerful force in business. A big thank you to the jury!
Om os
DDB Copenhagen er et full-service bureau beliggende midt i København og vi er en del af det internationale bureaunetværk DDB Communications Group, med mere end 200 bureauer i 90 lande. Vi er ca. 40 medarbejdere, der alle sammen brænder for at udvikle kreative løsninger for vores kunder baseret på vores tro på, at kreativitet er det mest effektive middel til at løse forretningsudfordringer. Den passion leder til integrerede kampagner på alle slags medieplatforme, men ofte også til nye produkter, services og markedsmuligheder. Opskriften er ganske enkelt at sætte den gode idé i centrum og bringe den til live gennem samarbejde. Vi mener, at vores fornemmeste opgave er at samle det bedste team til de enkelte opgaver. Det handler om de rigtige kompetencer, men også meget om menneskelig indstilling, mod og kreativ ild, både hos vores egne DDB’ere, men også hos de foretrukne partnere, som vi omgiver os med. Vi har revet alle siloer ned i Bredgade, men vi dyrker nogle specialområder, der kræver deres egen introduktion. Nedenfor kan du kigge nærmere på DDB Nordic, DDB Design, DDB Brand & Business, DDB Health, Spoiled Productions og Flavors, hvis du vil vide mere om, hvad vi har at byde på.
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- 11-50 medarbejdere
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- København K
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- Grundlagt
- 1949
- Specialer
- Branding, Communication, Strategy, Digital og Ubange
Møntergade 1, 2. sal
København K, 1116, DK
Medarbejdere hos NORD DDB CPH
A big warm thank you to the the TRUE award jury for granting the McDonald's miniseries "ALT ÆNDRER SIG" 2xGold. And a big varm congrats to all our partners Food Folk Danmark ApS (McDonald's i Danmark), Spoiled Productions, Holy Ravioli and OMD Danmark
"Nogle gange ser man bare noget, der er så vildt og overraskende, at man ikke kan lade være med at spørge ind til det". Og ja, det er selvfølgelig at Homestyle Bearnaise er tilbage på menuen. Vi har med vores fantastiske partner Food Folk Danmark ApS (McDonald's i Danmark) skabt en ny kampagne, der gør opmærksom på, at der igen er bearnaise på menuen. Se den ene film nedenfor og læs mere om kampagnen i Markedsføring Som altid er OMD Danmark mediebureau og filmene er produceret af klub moderne med hjælp fra Spoiled Productions.
Homestyle Bearnaise stjæler opmærksomheden
Amazing to see McDonald's come out on top at Rambukken. Thank you to all the jury members and congrats to all the other winners. Food Folk Danmark ApS (McDonald's i Danmark) OMD Danmark NORD DDB Spoiled Productions
Tak for snakken Dansk Markedsføring (Danish Marketing Association)
”Vi talte meget om, at det var et kæmpe sats." Sådan lyder det fra Camilla Gregers Bour-Hil. Hun var sammen med sit team hovedansvarlig for den fiktionsserie fra McDonald's, der torsdag aften blev præmieret med fire priser ved Rambukken 2024. Sådan lyder det fra Camilla Gregers Bour-Hil. Hun var sammen med sit team hovedansvarlig for den fiktionsserie fra McDonald's, der torsdag aften blev præmieret med fire priser ved Rambukken 2024. Og de var især stolte over hæderen, fordi kampagnen var et nybrud for brugerkæden. Den var målrettet specifikt til YouTube. Den var skrevet i samarbejde med McDonald's egne medarbejdere, influencere og unge. Og den var flere minutter lang. "Vi kunne alle mærke, at det ikke var en svær beslutning at gå med ideen. Men vi skulle lige diskutere internt, om det var det rigtige," siger hun. Kort sagt var den alt det, McDonald's kommunikation normalt aldrig er, forklarer Tim Fremmich Andresen fra Nord DDB, der var kreativ idémager på kampagnen. ”Vi turde give slip og droppede lidt at være reklamefolk,” siger han. Du kan læse hele interviewet med Camilla Gregers og Tim Fremmich om kampagnen her:
Super stoked to see yet another round of shortlists for McDonald's youth employer campaign. This time around from the TRUE award. Big congrats to our partners at Food Folk Danmark ApS (McDonald's i Danmark) and OMD Danmark - and especially the production crew at Spoiled Productions and Holy Ravioli.
We are so very proud that our partner McDonald’s has gotten 5 effie shortlists across three different cases. Cases that are all quite different. We helped introduce a new service (McDelivery), we helped maintain growth for an existing product (McCafé), and we helped strengthen their position as a youth employer. Whatever the task it's nice to see that creativity truly is the most powerful force in business. It’s a joy to keep growing the brand and business with McDonald’s, and we send a big congratulations to the many amazing people at Food Folk Danmark ApS (McDonald's i Danmark) and OMD Danmark , and of course our very own NORD DDB team.
En lille weekend nyhed.
Rounding out the week with some great news! Indikat has ranked NORD DDB the most creative agency in the Nordics again. 🥇✌️ #NORDDDB
New people, who dis? A lot of new stuff going on at the office, so we got some new creatives to make the new stuff. Mia is straight outta school, but we know her well as she was an intern at NORD DDB in the spring and afterwards had a parttime position at the agency. Mia is very awesome and will be teaming up with Simone, who she won a New Blood award with. Simone (yes Mia’s partner) is also straight outta school. She interned at other places (totally fine), but luckily, she chose to come work for us, which is great as she is very awesome. Plus, she won that nice New Blood Award with Mia. Sabrina has had gigs as a freelancer, worked at Danish agencies and most recently at Marcel in Paris (fancy!). She is very awesome and has been teaming up with Tonja for a couple of months now. Guess what… Sabrina also won a New Blood Award. Karl is a senior creative, who has been freelancing for a couple of years, and before that worked at Accenture Song Nordic and Robert Boisen. While he has sadly not won a New Blood Award, he is still very awesome (and won like a bunch of other awards). Karl has been teaming up with Anders Kure for a couple of months. Give them high fives if you meet them in the office and let us know if you want them to make some awesome work for you.