Plesner acted as legal counsel on the sale of 40 wind turbines across five wind farms in Germany to European Energy. The transaction involved 54 sellers with varying ownership structures, and Plesner ensured a smooth and efficient process, leveraging their expertise in renewable energy and cross-border transactions. Plesner's core team on the transaction consisted of Esben Kjær, Sophie E. Haxthausen, Sarah Clement Nafti and Agnes Skovlund Jensen.
We are dedicated to unquestionably being the best law firm and the first choice for the most demanding clients.
Om os
Plesner is a leading law firm in Denmark. Our clients think globally, and so do we. We work as part of our clients' team, helping solve the toughest and most complex legal issues. No matter where they are. Through decades we have been working in teams with leading law firms in the Nordic region, U.S., U.K. and Germany. Furthermore, we are closely connected with other top tier law firms in almost 110 jurisdictions. Plesner is the only Danish law firm that Chambers Global ranks in the top tier in all categories. We rank as No 1 for Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate/M&A, Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property, Restructuring/Insolvency and Tax. This makes us the firm of choice among international corporations doing business in Denmark, and among leading international law firms looking for a local partner. Our ability to select the right teams and to integrate across the relevant legal disciplines in multiple jurisdictions is what sets us apart.
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- We are dedicated to unquestionably being the best law firm and the first choice for the most demanding clients with their most important business transactions, their most challenging legal issues and their most critical disputes.
Amerika Plads 37
Copenhagen, DK-2100, DK
Medarbejdere hos Plesner
The "Oslo model", a shared ownership initiative in Norway, enables first-time buyers to enter the real estate market by acquiring a partial stake in an owner-occupied home with an option to increase ownership over time. Inspired by this approach, the Danish government is considering a similar model to address high property prices in Copenhagen. A proposal is expected to be introduced within the coming year. At Plesner we will continue to follow the ongoing development of this matter, and we are available to advise clients on how the development might impact their property strategies.
The Oslo model - a potential pathway for first-time buyers in Denmark | Plesner
The Danish Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU) has launched the Danish SDG Investment Fund II, aiming to advance sustainable and green investments in developing countries. With a first closing of DKK 2.7 billion and a target of DKK 5 billion by 2025, IFU has secured strong backing from PenSam, P+, PKA, PFA in addition to IFU's own capital commitment. Plesner acted as legal counsel for IFU in all aspects of the fund formation. Plesner's core Private Funds team consisted of Jonatan Strenov, Christoffer Borreby-Riber, Benedicte Østergaard Hansen and Caroline Mellemgaard Jakobsen.
IFU launches Danish SDG Investment Fund II, securing DKK 2.7 billion in first closing | Plesner
NOBILIS GROUP GmbH, owned by the Gebr. Heinemann Group, is set to acquire a 65% stake in the Danish cosmetics distributor TMC Nordic, a leader in luxury and niche cosmetics across the Nordic region. Plesner acted as legal counsel for the Nobilis Group and Gebr. Heinemann Group. Plesner's core M&A team on the transaction consisted of Tina Kang, Christian Frank Madsen, Nina Charlotte Vestergaard, and Rógvi Jógvansson Magnussen.
Nobilis Group GmbH set to acquire TMC Nordic A/S | Plesner
Vi er glade for at byde Lars Loftager Jørgensen velkommen som Senior Advisor hos Plesner. Lars har i en imponerende karriere, der strækker sig over mere end 40 år, opbygget en enestående viden om moms og afgifter. I Plesner har vi allerede gennem årene haft stor glæde af Lars' erfaring, når vi har samarbejdet med ham på sager for vores fælles klienter, ikke mindst på vores retssager. Med Lars på holdet som Senior Advisor glæder vi os nu til et endnu tættere samarbejde i det daglige. Partner i Plesner, Tom Kari Kristjansson, siger om tilknytningen af Lars til firmaet: "Med Lars ombord får vi adgang til en enestående erfaring og viden på moms- og afgiftsområdet. Vi kender Lars gennem mange års samarbejde, ikke mindst på retssagerne, og vi ved, at hans indsigt, erfaring og integritet altid tilfører sagerne værdi." Lars ser frem til at træde ind i rollen som Senior Advisor hos Plesner. "Plesner repræsenterer ikke kun juridisk faglighed på højeste niveau. Det, der virkelig har gjort indtryk på mig gennem årene, er den integritet og respekt, som karakteriserer relationerne – både internt og over for klienter og samarbejdspartnere. Jeg ser frem til at blive en del af et miljø, hvor grundighed og ordentlighed er centrale værdier," siger Lars om samarbejdet.
CBRE Investment Management has sold 463 residential units in Copenhagen. Plesner advised CBRE Investment Management during the entire process, including structuring and negotiation of the contractual basis of the agreement with DIS, as well as on all tax and VAT aspects of the transaction. Plesner's core team included Mads Berg, Peter Barsøe Østergaard and Josephine Heger Søndergaard.
CBRE IM sells 463 residential units in Central Copenhagen | Plesner
Sønderborg Varme og Broager Fjernvarme sammenlægges ved at aktiviteterne i Broager Fjernvarme overføres til Sønderborg Varme, og andelshaverne i Broager Fjernvarme optages som andelshavere i Sønderborg Varme. Plesner har assisteret med de juridiske aspekter ved sammenlægningen, herunder aftalevilkår for sammenlægningen samt deltaget i de nyligt afholdte generalforsamlinger, hvor andelshaverne har godkendt forslaget om sammenlægning. Fra Plesners side var blandt andre Maria Holst Levin, Jakob Schmidt Jensen, Viktoria Manley og Johan Salling Kristoffersen involveret.
Sønderborg Varme og Broager Fjernvarme sammenlægges | Plesner
MidCap T ApS, the holding company of the Wellvita group backed by Capidea and the owners of Orifarm, has acquired Natupharma A/S, creating a market leader in the Nordic nutritional supplements sector. The acquisition strengthens the group's market position with over 200 products across 10+ brands. Plesner acted as sole legal counsel for the Wellvita Group and existing shareholders in the transaction. Plesner's core M&A team on the transaction consisted of Martin Anton Svarrer, Christian Ånerud and Rógvi Jógvansson Magnussen.
Wellvita Group acquires Natupharma A/S and becomes market leader in the Nordics | Plesner
Plesner has advised the majority sellers in Aarstiderne A/S on the sale to Dagrofa. Plesner's M&A team on the transaction was Hans Hedegaard, Thomas Pitzner-Jørgensen, Nina Charlotte Vestergaard and Anne Vorup.
Aarstiderne sold to Dagrofa | Plesner
Plesner advised the sellers of 7N A/S, a Danish IT consultancy firm known for its highly specialised portfolio of IT services and solutions, on the sale to Polaris Private Equity. Plesner's team consisted of Thomas Holst Laursen, Frederik Jastrup Brodersen, Caroline Eldrup, Martin Anton Svarrer, Morten Stig Ottesen, Jef Hounsgaard, Peter Barsøe Østergaard, Rasmus Mandøe Jensen, Jonathan Bell, Lise Høy Falsner, Jacob Falsner, Camilla Cuculiza, Lars Bunch, Nicolai Aagaard Dittmann, Michael Hur Bertelsen, Cecilie Troensegaard Kruse and Marianne Jensby Larsen.
7N sold to Polaris Private Equity | Plesner