Plus Pack

Plus Pack

Produktion af pakning og beholdere

Odense, Fionia 4.819 følgere


Om os

TRANSFORMING FOOD PACKAGING. FOR GOOD. At Plus Pack, we want to lead the food packaging industry forward — by driving the transition from linear to circular packaging. Since 1914, our dedication has been fueled by our founding motto: ‘The drive to make a difference’. Four generations later, our drive is both stronger and more important than ever before. We know that food packaging plays a defining role in building a more sustainable tomorrow. By continuously developing and providing truly circular food packaging, we enable our customers to protect and make food stand out, using ever less of our planet’s resources. For people. For planet. For profit. For good. Follow our journey here on LinkedIn.

Produktion af pakning og beholdere
51-200 medarbejdere
Odense, Fionia
Aluminum packaging for food products, Thermo-formed plastic packaging for food products, Bespoke/Customer-specific solutions, New Product Development og Pan-European market knowledge


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    Energivej 40

    Odense, Fionia 5260, DK

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Medarbejdere hos Plus Pack


  • Meet Bjarke and learn about his inspiring journey at Plus Pack! At Plus Pack, transforming the packaging industry requires dedicated individuals who drive our business forward. One of those people is our Warehouse Manager, Bjarke. In his decade-long tenure, Bjarke has risen through the ranks from an entry-level position to Warehouse Manager. His journey is a testament to how we nurture talent and encourage growth within Plus Pack. As Bjarke describes: “I started at Plus Pack in 2014 as a Warehouse Foreman. Over the years, I’ve held roles such as Warehouse Assistant, Operational Team Leader, and now Warehouse Manager. It’s been a rewarding journey where I’ve grown with each step and truly learned the business from the ground up.” Read the full story of Bjarke’s journey here: #career #talent #leadership #journey #thedrivetomakeadifference #forgood

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  • Say hello to Kevin and Yannick! We are thrilled to welcome two new colleagues to Plus Pack. Kevin has joined our IT department as our new IT Supporter, responsible for our Genk location, and Yannick has become our new Production Manager in Genk. Their onboarding journey is already underway! They will visit all departments for introductions, participate in a Packaging School session, and spend a full day immersed in our production facilities. A warm welcome to Plus Pack - we are excited to have you both on board! #newcolleagues #onboarding #employer #thedrivetomakeadifference #forgood

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  • Introducing New Clear Bistro™ 2-Compartment Trays   We are excited to introduce two new Bistro™ 2-compartment trays, designed to enhance supermarket deli counters offering fresh ready meals. These innovative trays combine practicality with premium presentation, meeting the needs of today’s busy consumers. Key Features: ●  Optimal Food Separation: The two compartments keep different meal components—such as vegetables, meats, and sauces—perfectly separated to preserve taste and texture. ●  Compatible with Existing Lids: Fits the Bistro™ Warm range (500 ml, 700 ml, and 900 ml) with vented and non-vented lid options.   ●  Microwave-Safe: Made from PP material, the trays are microwave-safe and allow for direct heating of ready meals in the packaging.   ●  Clear tray offers Sustainability benefits: The clear tray produced in recyclable PP, is easy-to-recycle, and it supports sustainable practices. Bistro™ 2-Compartment is the ideal packaging for fresh ready meals in the supermarket deli counters. Learn more and request samples here: #foodpackaging #rPET #multicompartment #thedrivetomakeadifference #forgood

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  • Sealing the Future of Food Packaging! 🔥♻️ We had an amazing time at the fair Sirha Lyon 2025, where we showcased our innovative food packaging solutions together with our partner SEALPAC France. One key takeaway? The growing interest in sealing technology for closing our circular Aluminium containers! More and more food producers are looking for sealed packaging to enhance food safety and reduce material consumption – a win-win for both sustainability and efficiency. At our stand, we saw a huge interest in how to seal our Ready2Cook® aluminium trays – as well as our plastic packaging. A big thank you to everyone who stopped by to discuss the future of food packaging with us. Are you also interested in learning more about sealed food packaging? Let’s talk!💬 #SirhaLyon #FoodPackaging #Sustainability #SealedPackaging #Ready2Cook #thedrivetomakeadifference #forgood

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  • Vi søger to nye Industry Sales Managers til hhv. Danmark og Sverige/Finland! Vi er netop nu på jagt efter to nye Sales Managers, som skal varetage vores eksisterende og nye industri kunder på hhv. det danske marked samt det svenske og finske marked. Vi søger kollegaer med solid erfaring inden for salg til industrisegmentet, og som vil spille en central rolle i udviklingen af disse markeder. Lyder det som noget for dig? Så er det måske netop dig, vi leder efter! Du kan læse mere om stillingerne her: ● Sales Manager, Denmark: ● Sales Manager, Sweden & Finland: Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig! #job #hiring #sales #thedrivetomakeadifference #forgood

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  • SAFETY FIRST! This was the key message from Anders and our Safety Committee at this year’s New Year’s reception. Every year at Plus Pack, we come together in Denmark and in Belgium, to celebrate the start of a new year. This year, the spotlight is once again on safety – a core value that remains at the forefront of everything we do. At Plus Pack, we strive to make safety an integral part of our daily routines, involving all departments, from the warehouse and production to administration, to ensure a secure and safe environment for everyone on our premises. Small workshops were arranged to highlight how each department work with safety – a great way to ensure all employees at Plus Pack know how we collectively work to maintain a safe workplace. #people #safety #community #thedrivetomakeadifference #forgood

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      + 1
  • Klimaministeren på besøg hos Plus Pack: Hvordan vi arbejder med cirkulær økonomi og bæredygtighed I går havde vi fornøjelsen af at byde Klima, Energi og Forsynings-minister Lars Aagaard velkommen hos Plus Pack til en spændende dialog om cirkulær økonomi og den grønne omstilling i industrien. Som en familievirksomhed gennem fire generationer har vi altid troet på, at "man skal gøre noget" – og det forpligter! 🌍♻️ Fra strategi til handling 💡 I Plus Pack har vi i mange år haft et strategisk fokus på bæredygtig omstilling – det er ikke bare ord, men en integreret del af vores forretning. Med strategien Circular investerer vi massivt i cirkulære produkter, energieffektivisering og low-carbon materialer. Vores nye DGNB-certificerede bygning og egen vedvarende energiproduktion er konkrete skridt på rejsen. Vi måler på scope 1, 2 og 3 og har siden 2021 frivilligt rapporteret om vores bæredygtighedsindsats på lige fod med vores finansielle resultater. For os handler det ikke kun om at reducere vores eget klimaaftryk – men også om at flytte hele værdikæden sammen med vores kunder og partnere. Cirkularitet kræver samarbejde 🌍 Med kunder i 54 lande ser vi store forskelle i efterspørgslen på cirkulære løsninger. Nogle markeder er langt fremme – mens andre stadig har et ensidigt fokus på pris. Vi arbejder tæt sammen med vores kunder for at sikre, at vores produkter er "fit for purpose" og "fit for future". Men vi kan ikke gøre det alene – cirkularitet som klimaværktøj kræver, at vi designer klogt og løfter i flok. Ministerens besøg viser, at dialogen mellem erhvervslivet og politikerne er vigtigere end nogensinde - også når det gælder Danmarks nationale initiativer for at fremme cirkulær økonomi og høste klimagevinsterne ved øget efterspørgsel på produkter og materialer, som kan bruges igen og igen. #CircularEconomy #GreenTransition #Sustainability #ClimateAction #CirkulærØkonomi #GrønOmstilling #Bæredygtighed #Thedrivetomakeadifference #forgood

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  • Happy 6th Anniversary to Det Kærlige Måltid – Congratulations! Today, we celebrate 6 incredible years of Det Kærlige Måltid (The Loving Meal). Your dedication to providing delicious and nutritious meals to people with life-threatening illnesses is truly inspiring. In these 6 years, they have prepared 125,000 meals for families in need. This is an incredible achievement that highlights the meaningful impact of your work and how many families you have helped in times of crisis. Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting Charlotte Thyberg and Simone Tommerup from Det Kærlige Måltid for an engaging conversation about our collaboration and new ideas for future projects, and the ongoing mission to make a difference for people in need. Thank you Charlotte and Simone for your visit. We are proud to support and collaborate with you and look forward to many more years of close collaboration. #inspire #engagement #community #charity #thedrivetomakeadifference #forgood

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  • Se organisationssiden for Plus Pack, grafik

    4.819 følgere

    Say hello to Kristoffer, Majken, and Rasmus! We are thrilled to welcome three new great colleagues to Plus Pack. Kristoffer has joined our IT department as our new IT Apprentice, Majken has joined us as Supply Chain Coordinator, and Rasmus is our new Head of Commercial Excellence. Their onboarding journey has started, and they will visit all departments for an introduction, they will join a Packaging School session, and they will spend an immersive day in our production facilities. A very warm welcome to Plus Pack we are happy to have you on board. #newcolleagues #onboarding #employer #thedrivetomakeadifference #forgood

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  • Sirha Lyon here we come! We are excited to announce that we will be attending the Sirha exhibition in Lyon on January 23rd  2025! At Plus Pack, we are passionate about designing innovative and recyclable food packaging solutions that make a difference. We look forward to connecting with existing and new customers and partners, sharing insights on recyclability, and showcasing how choosing recyclable alternatives doesn’t have to be as complex as it might seem. Find us at booth 4H18, and let’s talk about how we can create value together! #exhibition #connection #recyclability #foodpackaging #thedrivetomakeadifference #forgood

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