RAW belongs to the #portfolio under the EIC Pathfinder Challenge: AEC digitalisation for a new triad of #design, #fabrication, and #materials.
💾 New digital technologies advance the state-of-the-art in areas such computational design, algorithmic design, physics simulation, agent-based modelling, topology optimisation, or parametric design.
📀 They can open whole new disruptive pathways of design, with higher degrees of system integration, optimisation, and complexity, if they are coupled with the parallel development of advanced digital fabrication and workflow technologies.
🎮 Moreover, such digital fabrication technologies can in turn materialise such ever more complex designs, using or reusing known materials, and expectedly introducing more advanced innovative and engineered materials, including new classes of “meta-materials”.
⌨️ This Challenge seeks to develop research and early innovations with a breakthrough potential related to design, fabrication and materials for the AEC value chain enabled by novel algorithms and advanced digitalization. In such a digitalized AEC value chain design, fabrication and materials are symbiotic and mutually dependent and enabling.
👩💻 This combination can enable designers, architects, engineers, and fabricators to imagine, design, optimise and create complex and efficient structures within a digitalisation pathway, in response to ever more ambitious requirements for climate neutral, sustainable, inclusive, aesthetic, and inspiring buildings.
🏫 Each project has representatives which participates in work groups and meetings to identify synergies.
🌎 During the third day of the kickoff meeting we selected representatives and collected inputs for the first EIC portfolio meeting in Brussels next month.
🇪🇺 This portfolio of 10 projects is managed by Franc Mouwen.
The other projects in the #EUeic portfolio:
🪴 PANTAREI : digital based bio-waste derived meta-PANels Towards A REvolutionary building Identity
🪴 FlexiForm - Structurally and materially informed design and fabrication strategies for knitted textile formworks for concrete structures
🪴Archibiofoam Project : Digital design and robotic fabrication of biofoams for adaptive mono-material architecture
🪴Universal Timber Slab Project : Computational design, fabrication and engineering methods for unconstrained, highly resource efficient, point-supported timber slabs in multi-storey buildings
🪴 STACK: Stackable surface rationalization for freeform architectural design
🪴 AlgoLoam : Loam Walls with Algorithmically Generated 3D Natural Reinforcement
🪴CARBCOMN : CARBon-negative COMpression dominant structures for decarbonized and deconstructable CONcrete buildings
🪴 SCENE-B : Sustainable Concrete Freeforming for the New European Bauhaus